Al Corley

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Les Enfants de la Pop 80's
Entre tubes filmés sur les plateaux des grandes émissions de télévision ("Champs Elysées", "Platine 45", "Top of the Pop"), et vidéo clips emblématiques de ces années-là, ce coffret propose pas moins que le meilleur d'une décennie légendaire.
Alpha City

Alpha City

Aug 22, 1985
Dans une ville aussi belle que dangereuse, dans une jungle étincelante et meurtrière, Frank et Raphaella vont se rencontrer et s'aimer comme tant d'autres. Mais Frank va enfreindre les lois du plaisir rapide et éphémère qui régissent ce monde impitoyable. Il s'attache à Raphaella, la suit quand elle se livre à des jeux interdits, et attaque quand un homme s'approche trop près d'elle. C'est alors qu'entre en scène un autre homme, qui a également déclaré la guerre aux plaisirs faciles, et est fasciné par Raphaella. Le trio amoureux va alors entrer progressivement dans une irrésistible spirale de violence...
Incident at Channel Q

Incident at Channel Q

Jan 01, 1986
A quiet suburban neighborhood declares war on a heavy metal music DJ and his radio station, triggering an all-out war between the "metal heads" and the "straights."
Campus en folie

Campus en folie

Sep 24, 1979
Dans une petite ville du New-Jersey, d'apparence très calme, la révolte des femmes gronde. Les jeunes ne pensent qu'à jouer au base-ball et oublient le sexe féminin. Les filles de la ville profondément vexées par cette attitude préparent leur riposte. Elles ont formé une équipe de base-ball féminine pour défier les "MACHOS" de la ville, mais avant d'affronter les mâles sur leur terrain, les filles de la ville vont d'abord changer d'attitude dans la vie de tous les jours. Elles vont se transformer en dragueuses.
Hamburger Gift

Hamburger Gift

Dec 02, 1992
A docu-drama about tetrachloro-dibenzo dioxin, later known as 'Sevesogift', sprayed on thousands of tons of vapor in Vietnam 'Agent Orange', and the involvement of the later Federal President, Richard Karl Weizsäcker, who was hiring manager when production was moved to another plant because of massive health problems of the workers, but claims to be unable to remember anything, in these crimes.
You Kill Me

You Kill Me

Feb 09, 2007
Tueur professionnel au service de Roman, le chef de la pègre locale de Buffalo, Frank a de plus en plus de mal à concilier son métier et son alcoolisme. Alors qu'il est envoyé pour tuer le chef d'un gang adverse, Frank connaît son premier échec : à moitié ivre, il plante l'opération.Roman l'envoie se faire oublier à San Francisco et charge une de ses relations, Dave, de faire en sorte qu'il arrête de boire. Entre les réunions d'alcooliques anonymes et son travail aux pompes funèbres, Frank découvre un nouveau monde et fait des rencontres étonnantes, dont la charmante Laurel. Frank va s'apercevoir qu'il n'est peut-être pas trop tard pour changer de vie...


Feb 01, 1985
A happy marriage turns sour when the husband becomes addicted to cocaine.
Ice Road

Ice Road

Jun 24, 2021
Une mine de diamants s’effondre dans le Grand Nord canadien et piège près de trente mineurs. Pour mener une mission de sauvetage périlleuse, Jim Goldenrod engage Mike McCann, un conducteur de camion expérimenté. Ils vont mener un convoi qui va emprunter la « route de glace », un océan gelé et instable qui couvre les presque 500 km du lac Winnipeg. Aux intempéries et avaries mécaniques, s’ajoute une série d’attaques mystérieuses, qui prouvent que quelqu’un n’a pas intérêt à ce que ce sauvetage ait lieu…
Le Casse

Le Casse

May 17, 2003
Trois employés d'une même banque ont un objectif commun, celui de dévaliser leur société et de s'enfuir avec le magot sans laisser de traces. Seul problème : les trois employés agissent de manière indépendante et aucun ne connaît le plan de l'autre. Pendant ce temps, une serveuse dans un magasin de vêtements projette de se venger contre un millionnaire local. Tout ce beau monde va bientôt se rencontrer.
Otto - Der Liebesfilm

Otto - Der Liebesfilm

Jul 30, 1992
Cupid, the God of love, gets the order to unite two people. On Earth, Otto fails as a street musician because his guitar breaks. While buying a new string, his hand gets stuck in the purse of Tina, who works at the Dr. Bayerle beauty farm. When she enters the subway, the purse is teared off and Otto is hit by Cupid's arrow. Now he wants to give back her purse at the doctor's conference.
Attirance Fatale

Attirance Fatale

Jun 01, 1994
Nathalie n'est pas satisfaite de la vie qu'elle mène car son petit ami, Michael, la néglige. Un soir, elle rencontre un brillant avocat, Kurt Pierson, qui devient son amant. Leur passion n'a plus de frein, le désir les consume. Michael, de son côté, réalise qu'il va perdre celle qu'il aime et demande à Nathalie de lui accorder une deuxième chance.
And Baby Makes Six

And Baby Makes Six

Oct 22, 1979
A middle-aged couple with three grown children discovers that they soon will be parents once more and faces a variety of emotional responses from friends and family.
Stolen Lives

Stolen Lives

Oct 10, 2009
Un détective, venant de perdre son fils enquête sur l'identité d'un garçon dont le corps a été retrouvé momifié dans une boîte.
Women at West Point

Women at West Point

Feb 27, 1979
A fictionalized drama about the first women to enter the U.S. Military Academy in 1976 and the reactions they faced.
The Women's Room

The Women's Room

Sep 14, 1980
A wife is sick and tired of her husband's infidelities, so she leaves home and goes back to grad-school. There she meets many self-confident women who help her find her own voice.


Nov 12, 2004
Cowboy Up

Cowboy Up

Sep 03, 2002
"Cowboy Up" is a celebration of the risk-taking, daredevil personalities of modern rodeo. In the world of professional bull riding, newcomer Ely Braxton (Marcus Thomas) is the craziest guy around; his brother Hank (Kiefer Sutherland) is a rodeo clown, and the two use each other to play up their acts. But love may be one thing that tears the brothers apart. When Ely falls for the rodeo's sweetheart (Daryl Hannah), Hank is filled with jealousy and hatred. The brothers try to come to grips with their differences, but the competition gets as fierce as the bulls in the ring.
L’Affaire Monet

L’Affaire Monet

Sep 10, 2014
"Cowboy Up" is a celebration of the risk-taking, daredevil personalities of modern rodeo. In the world of professional bull riding, newcomer Ely Braxton (Marcus Thomas) is the craziest guy around; his brother Hank (Kiefer Sutherland) is a rodeo clown, and the two use each other to play up their acts. But love may be one thing that tears the brothers apart. When Ely falls for the rodeo's sweetheart (Daryl Hannah), Hank is filled with jealousy and hatred. The brothers try to come to grips with their differences, but the competition gets as fierce as the bulls in the ring.


Nov 18, 2006
"Cowboy Up" is a celebration of the risk-taking, daredevil personalities of modern rodeo. In the world of professional bull riding, newcomer Ely Braxton (Marcus Thomas) is the craziest guy around; his brother Hank (Kiefer Sutherland) is a rodeo clown, and the two use each other to play up their acts. But love may be one thing that tears the brothers apart. When Ely falls for the rodeo's sweetheart (Daryl Hannah), Hank is filled with jealousy and hatred. The brothers try to come to grips with their differences, but the competition gets as fierce as the bulls in the ring.
The Ice Road 2: Road to the Sky
Mike goes to Nepal to sprinkle his brother ashes on Mount Everest. When Mike and his mountain guide come upon a bunch of mercenaries while traveling on a tour bus they are forced to fight to save themselves, the passengers and the country.
Im Sog des Bösen

Im Sog des Bösen

Jan 01, 1995
A German woman travels to America with her baby to take up an au pair position with a rich couple. She has no idea that the childless couple are only interested in her child and want to kill her. In Mexico, she escapes the hired killers and survives further dangers together with a local.


Nov 18, 2006
A German woman travels to America with her baby to take up an au pair position with a rich couple. She has no idea that the childless couple are only interested in her child and want to kill her. In Mexico, she escapes the hired killers and survives further dangers together with a local.


Jul 26, 2019
A German woman travels to America with her baby to take up an au pair position with a rich couple. She has no idea that the childless couple are only interested in her child and want to kill her. In Mexico, she escapes the hired killers and survives further dangers together with a local.
Ice Road

Ice Road

Jun 24, 2021
A German woman travels to America with her baby to take up an au pair position with a rich couple. She has no idea that the childless couple are only interested in her child and want to kill her. In Mexico, she escapes the hired killers and survives further dangers together with a local.


Feb 20, 1998
A German woman travels to America with her baby to take up an au pair position with a rich couple. She has no idea that the childless couple are only interested in her child and want to kill her. In Mexico, she escapes the hired killers and survives further dangers together with a local.
Qui a Tué Mona ?

Qui a Tué Mona ?

Mar 03, 2000
A German woman travels to America with her baby to take up an au pair position with a rich couple. She has no idea that the childless couple are only interested in her child and want to kill her. In Mexico, she escapes the hired killers and survives further dangers together with a local.
The Mongoose

The Mongoose

Jan 01, 1970
A war hero is accused of a crime he didn’t commit and, with nothing to lose, leads police on an epic televised cross-country car chase.
Solid Gold

Solid Gold

Aug 29, 2002
Solid Gold was an American syndicated music television series that debuted on September 13, 1980. Like many other shows of its genre, such as American Bandstand, Solid Gold featured musical performances and various other elements such as music videos. What set Solid Gold apart was a group of dancers in revealing costumes who at various points in the program performed various dances to the top ten hits of the week. Many other specials aired in which the dancers would dance to older pop hits as well. Reviews of the show were not always positive, with The New York Times referring to it as "the pop music show that is its own parody...[enacting] mini-dramas...of covetousness, lust and aerobic toning--routines that typically have a minimal connection with the songs that back them up." The series ran until July 23, 1988, and it was usually transmitted on Saturdays in the early evening. In 1986, Solid Gold added the current year to its title, so in the seventh season the show was known as Solid Gold '86/'87. For the eighth and last season the program became known as Solid Gold In Concert, reflecting the addition of more live performances than had previously been featured on the program in the past.
Bare Essence

Bare Essence

Jun 13, 1983
Bare Essence is an American television soap opera which aired on the NBC network during the 1982-1983 season. The series revolved around Tyger Hayes' efforts to succeed in the business world. In the first episode, her new husband Chase Marshall is killed in a racing car accident. Chase's father Hadden opposes Tyger's efforts to join the family business, Kellico, but she is encouraged by Hadden's sister Margaret to try her hand with a new line of perfumes. Ava, the widow of Hadden's other son, is concerned that any success Tyger might have will undermine her son Marcus' position in the company. Both Ava and Marcus' wife Muffin plotted to undermine Tyger's success. To this end, Ava eventually seduces and marries Hadden. Tyger's mother, Lady Bobbi Rowan, falls in love with a Greek millionaire, Niko Theopolous, who wants to exact revenge on the Marshalls.
ABC Afterschool Special
Dramatically presented situations, often controversial, of interest to children and teenagers. Several episodes were either in animated form or presented as documentaries. Topics included illiteracy, substance abuse and teenage pregnancy.


May 10, 1989
La saga d'une riche famille de Denver dans le secteur pétrolier : Blake Carrington, le patriarche ; Krystle, son ancienne secrétaire et épouse ; ses enfants : Adam, perdu dans son enfance après un enlèvement ; Fallon, choyé et gâté ; Steven, ouvertement gay ; et Amanda, cachée de lui par son ex-femme, la complice Alexis. La majeure partie de l'émission présente le conflit entre 2 grandes entreprises, Denver Carrington de Blake et ColbyCo d'Alexis.
La croisière s'amuse

La croisière s'amuse

Feb 27, 1987
Le capitaine Stubing et son équipage, le barman Isaac, le docteur Adam, la directrice de croisière Julie et Gopher, accueillent chaque semaine sur leur paquebot, le Pacific Princess, des passagers pour une croisière exceptionnelle.


May 11, 2013
Champs-Élysées est une émission de variétés de la télévision française présentée par Michel Drucker puis par Laurent Ruquier et diffusée en direct à partir du 16 janvier 1982 à juin 1985 et de janvier 1986 jusqu'au 29 juin 1990 tous les samedis soir sur Antenne 2 et de façon irrégulière sur France 2 du 13 novembre 2010 au 11 mai 2013. L'émission doit son nom au fait qu'elle est réalisée en direct du Pavillon Gabriel, situé avenue Gabriel, le long de l'avenue des Champs-Élysées à Paris. L'indicatif musical du générique de l'émission a été composée par Jean-Pierre Bourtayre et Jean-Claude Petit. La chorégraphie du générique a été composée par Redha.
Dynastie: La Réunion

Dynastie: La Réunion

Oct 22, 1991
Après neuf saisons, le feuilleton s'achève officiellement avec la mini-série « Dynastie : La Réunion », diffusée entre le 20 octobre et le 22 octobre 1991 sur ABC