Travis Good

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Carmine Street Guitars
Autrefois le centre de la New York bohême, Greenwich Village abrite désormais des restaurants haut de gamme et des magasins de vêtements à la mode pour les nouveaux riches. Toutefois, un magasin situé au cœur du village résiste à l’embourgeoisement : Carmine Street Guitars. Le fabricant de guitares personnalisées Rick Kelly et sa jeune apprentie Cindy Hulej y construisent des guitares artisanales à partir de bois récupéré à partir d’anciens hôtels, bars, églises et autres bâtiments locaux. Rien ne ressemble ou ne ressemble vraiment à une guitare Rick Kelly, ce qui explique pourquoi Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, Patti Smith, Jim Jarmusch, pour n'en citer que quelques-uns.
The Sadies Stop and Start
The Sadies Stop and Start captures a moment in time. That time was uncertain and dark. Still reeling from losing Dallas, we found out that Mike needed to have emergency wrist surgery. We needed to play these songs, not knowing if we would ever have the opportunity again. With one day's notice, documentary filmmaker Ron Mann and a stellar crew pulled together to help us capture these songs. Friends and family gathered to help out and show their support. James McKenty engineered in his mobile recording trailer, In Record Time Studio. The resulting film looked and sounded better than we could have hoped. We are thankful to share that Mike's surgery was successful and we are back out on the road and coming to a city near you.
The Sadies Stop and Start
The Sadies Stop and Start captures a moment in time. That time was uncertain and dark. Still reeling from losing Dallas, we found out that Mike needed to have emergency wrist surgery. We needed to play these songs, not knowing if we would ever have the opportunity again. With one day's notice, documentary filmmaker Ron Mann and a stellar crew pulled together to help us capture these songs. Friends and family gathered to help out and show their support. James McKenty engineered in his mobile recording trailer, In Record Time Studio. The resulting film looked and sounded better than we could have hoped. We are thankful to share that Mike's surgery was successful and we are back out on the road and coming to a city near you.