Bayan Layla

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Nov 23, 2023
Elaha, une jeune femme d’origine kurde de 22 ans, cherche par tous les moyens à faire reconstruire son hymen pensant ainsi rétablir son innocence avant son mariage. Malgré sa détermination, des doutes s'immiscent en elle. Pourquoi doit-elle paraître vierge, et pour qui ? Alors qu’un dilemme semble inévitable, Elaha est tiraillée entre le respect de ses traditions et son désir d’indépendance.
Vor dem Anfang

Vor dem Anfang

Jan 01, 1970
While handing out food at a charity organization, Laura, Evîn and Julia unexpectedly cross paths. Laura, a released prisoner, defends Evîn, a Kurdish woman, when she is racially insulted by a man waiting in line. Eventually the situation gets out of hand.
Im Rosengarten

Im Rosengarten

Jun 29, 2024
Yak, a troubled pop musician, receives shocking news. His father, who’d rushed back to his home country of Syria decades ago, and whom Yak had nearly forgotten about, is in a coma in a Cologne hospital. There’s another surprise: Yak has a 15-year-old half-sister named Latifa, who speaks only Arabic. Circumstances compel him to travel across Germany with her.