Christian Skibinski

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Get Up

Get Up

Jun 29, 2023
Although sisters Alex and Juli are twins, they couldn't be more different. While Alex failed her A-levels, Juli not only passed with flying colors, but also has clear plans for the future. But after graduation, they have a cool summer ahead of them at the skate park. Together with the daredevil Ewa and the complete skate newbie Nia, the four girls found the skate crew GetUp and want to win a contest together. The prize is a joint Interrail trip and new boards for all of them! They win the pre-selection, but now the problems really start: the first great love, the common past of the twins, quarrels in the crew and last but not least Nia gets cold feet shortly before the skate contest...
Ma douce et odieuse amie
Pour tromper son ennui, la fille du diable conclut un pacte avec son père : si elle parvient à rendre méchante une personne gentille, elle pourra rester sur Terre.
Ils ne pensent vraiment qu'à ça
Charly et Paula ont bien du mal à trouver leur place dans la hiérarchie du lycée, mais au moins ils sont amis et se soutiennent. Mais quand le pénis de Charly et le vagin de Paula commencent à communiquer leurs besoins urgents, les adolescents doivent défendre non seulement leur statut au lycée, mais aussi leur amitié, car leurs organes génitaux ont d'autres plans pour eux. Entre les douloureuses intrigues scolaires et les fêtes qui dégénèrent, Charly et Paula découvrent leurs désirs naturels. Ils réalisent alors que leurs corps sont plus beaux, et leur relation plus torride, qu'ils ne le pensaient.
À contre-courant

À contre-courant

Jul 11, 2019
Obsédée par une héroïne de fiction, la jeune Mia perd pied... Entre fantaisie et folie, un film entre-coupé de séquences d’animation.


Sep 09, 2016
In the middle of her wedding reception, the doubtful bride Unn Tove finds a newborn baby girl abandoned in the hotel restroom. She turns her over to Child Services. 16 years later, a young and energetic girl shows up at her door step. It's Rosemari, the baby from the wedding. Together, they start investigating the circumstances leading to Rosemari's birth. They unravel a story about a young couple's unrestrained love, an eccentric ex-boxer with a taste for erotics, and a mother covering up her life's biggest secret. "Framing Mom" is a touching and funny story about how sex, lies and biology created a beautiful flower, Rosemari.
Lauras Stern

Lauras Stern

Dec 09, 2021
A new chapter begins for Laura: Together with her parents and her brother Tommy, she moves to a new home. But at first the girl can't really get used to the new city and has difficulties making friends and socializing. One evening she watches a star fall from the sky. Laura rushes to the injured star's aid and takes care of him. The two become friends and the star takes Laura on many exciting adventures.


Aug 20, 2020
Un ingénieur d'origine kosovare installé en Allemagne avec sa famille devient la cible de harcèlement et de discrimination dans son entreprise.
Sechs Richtige und ich
Geriatric nurse Carolin finds a lottery ticket with six correct numbers. Her family would think it would be great to use the money for their own needs, but Carolin cannot reconcile that with her conscience. So she sets out to find the rightful owner of the lottery ticket. As if that wasn't exhausting enough, lawyer Felix is ​​breathing down her neck, who wants the best possible care for his mother Elinor...
La Syndicaliste

La Syndicaliste

Mar 01, 2023
Un jour, la lanceuse d’alerte Maureen Kearney est retrouvée chez elle, attachée à une chaise, la lettre « A » gravée sur son abdomen et un manche de couteau inséré dans son vagin. Traumatisée, elle n'a aucun souvenir de l'agression. L'enquête est menée sous pression : le sujet est sensible. Soudain, de nouveaux éléments viennent semer le doute dans l'esprit des enquêteurs. D'abord victime, Maureen devient suspecte.
La Belle affaire

La Belle affaire

Jul 25, 2024
1990, en pleine réunification complexe des deux Allemagne, les ouvriers d’un même quartier d’ex-RDA se retrouvent sans emploi. Ils découvrent un jour l’emplacement de milliers de billets est-allemands voués à être détruits. Ils ont trois jours pour s’en emparer et convertir l’argent en Deutsche Mark, en montant l’affaire qui changera leur vie.


Oct 26, 2023
In the face of the bucket wheel excavators in the brown coal mining area eating their way through the muddy Rhineland soil, the Lange family is at a crossroads: what do we do when the old has to go and the new is so uncertain? The young entrepreneur Marcel Lange, hungry for success, wants to build a new high-end village and achieve social advancement. To this end, he has already had the prototype Villa Verena built on the edge of the open-cast mine, where the largest renaturalized lake in the world is to be created in just a few years. But his sister Franca is against it. In the old village, which is about to be demolished, she is holding the fort and tinkering in the basement on an electricity storage unit that will supply all the houses with green energy in the future and make them self-sufficient. In the midst of this chaos, widow and mother Angelika Lange has other plans. She wants to finally take a vacation with the relocation bonus and doesn't always want to worry about others.


Dec 15, 2023
The past returns to Felix's life, in the guise of his old friend Olaf. Mafia leader Ivan wants his cocaine back and Felix must fight for his new life and escape his criminal past.
Le parfum

Le parfum

Nov 28, 2018
Lorsqu'une chanteuse est retrouvée assassinée, les glandes olfactives excisées, les enquêteurs interrogent un groupe d'amis qui fréquentaient la même école.
Le parfum

Le parfum

Nov 28, 2018
Lorsqu'une chanteuse est retrouvée assassinée, les glandes olfactives excisées, les enquêteurs interrogent un groupe d'amis qui fréquentaient la même école.
Zeit Verbrechen

Zeit Verbrechen

Nov 06, 2024
An anthology miniseries based on the criminal investigations of Sabine Rückert and Andreas Sentker.