Billy Wirth

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Génération Perdue

Génération Perdue

Jul 31, 1987
Lucy, qui vient de divorcer, arrive chez son père à Santa Carla avec ses jeunes fils, Michael et Sam. En pleine crise d'adolescence, les deux garçons passent leur temps entre les concerts, les stands de tirs et les jolies filles. Ainsi, Michael s'éprend-il de Star, qui appartient à la bande des Lost Boys. David, leur chef, ne tarde pas à le provoquer. Un peu plus tard, le jeune homme est accepté dans le groupe. En guise d'initiation, on lui donne à boire un étrange breuvage couleur sang. Lorsque Michael est de retour à la maison, Sam s'aperçoit de l'étrange transformation de son frère, dont le reflet dans les miroirs disparaît peu à peu...
Body Snatchers

Body Snatchers

Jun 09, 1993
Deuxième remake du célèbre film de Don Siegel,L'Invasion des profanateurs de sépultures. Dans cette version, les héros unissent leurs efforts pour lutter contre les extraterrestres mais aussi pour se battre contre une société déshumanisée.
Red Shoe Diaries

Red Shoe Diaries

May 16, 1992
A man grieving the loss of his fiancée discovers a diary she kept that details a side of her he never knew. In an effort to understand, he reaches out in an unusual way by placing an ad asking for women’s diaries and hearing their stories.
Les 7 Momies

Les 7 Momies

Jul 18, 2006
Un groupe de chercheurs découvre un trésor qui le maudit à jamais.
Avec ou sans hommes

Avec ou sans hommes

Feb 03, 1995
Trois femmes que rien ne semble reunir vont se rencontrer, se soutenir mutuellement et finiront par former une vraie famille. Insatisfaite de sa carrière a New York, Robin décide d'aller s'installer a San Diego. Pour minimiser les frais de son voyage, elle part avec Jane, une jeune femme cynique tout juste licenciée du club ou elle chantait. Chemin faisant, l'extravagant duo s'arrête a Pittsburgh pour saluer Holly, une copine de Jane quelque peu excentrique.
Last Lives

Last Lives

Oct 18, 1997
A telepathic terrorist from a parallel universe kidnaps a woman on her wedding day. The groom tracks them down after receiving assistance from the inventor of a life restoring bracelet. The bride was considered the terrorists telepathic life partner.
Science Fiction
Me and Will

Me and Will

Jul 10, 1999
Jane et Will, deux jeunes femmes partageant une passion pour les deux roues, partent ensemble sur les routes, à la recherche de la moto mythique de Capitaine America dans Easy rider.
Seven minutes in Heaven
Natalie accepte d'héberger Jeffrey Moran, un ami d'enfance qui a des ennuis avec son beau-père, Jeremy, pendant que son père est en voyage. A partir de ce moment là, les problèmes commencent à s'accumuler dans la vie de l'adolescente. Sa meilleure amie Polly qui essaye de sortir avec Zoo Knudson, un joueur professionnel de baseball, se montre très intrusive et n'hésite pas à tirer des conclusions hâtives sur la situation dans laquelle se trouve son amie.
Points de rupture

Points de rupture

May 08, 2009
Une mosaïque des personnes recherchent désespérément le rachat, le raccordement humain, et la foi reconstituée dans le bas ventre de Los Angeles. La veille du Noël, les quatre vies croiseront la culpabilité du passé, la chance, la coïncidence, et l'intervention divine. Et le matin, leurs vies auront été tissées ensemble par un miracle où la mort est l'espoir inévitable et l'amour est pourquoi nous choisissons de vivre.


Apr 06, 2001
A bittersweet and heartfelt story about going back. In the twenty-four hours before their 20th high school reunion, five friends, a younger brother and a mysterious photojournalist are reunited by determined Mayor Margaret to remember the good times of 1981
Space Marines

Space Marines

Jan 01, 1996
Space pirates, led by diabolical Colonel Fraser, take over a cargo ship carrying anti-matter explosive and an important official. Space marines, led by Captain Gray, must stop their evil plans.
Relax... It's Just Sex
A tight-knit group of thirty-somethings -- gay, lesbian and straight -- struggle to live, love and stay friends in modern-day Los Angeles as circumstances conspire to tear them apart.
Final Mission

Final Mission

Sep 21, 1994
Captain Tom "Outlaw" Waters is one of four Air Force pilots taking part in a "black" Defense project involving virtual reality. The project is managed by a secretive Colonel Anderson and overseen by General Breslaw. When two of his colleagues die during test runs after some erratic behaviour in the flight simulator, Waters begins to believe that there is a conspiracy among his superiors. He even begins to suspect his new lover, Caitlin Cole. Written by D.W. Prosser
Judicial Consent

Judicial Consent

Oct 21, 1994
Judge Gwen Warwick becomes involved in the murder trial she has been assigned. Her marriage is on the rocks and the murder victim is an old friend, who rumour has it, had an affair with her.
Venus Rising

Venus Rising

Nov 30, 1995
A couple escapes an island prison and are chased through the real world where drugs and artificial reality are used to create emotions.
The Talent Given Us

The Talent Given Us

Jun 11, 2004
A retired New York City couple drive across country to reconnect with their reclusive son, joined by their two unmarried daughters.
War Party

War Party

Sep 15, 1988
One hundred years after the Battle of Milk River, both sides agree to reenact it. The cavalry are supposed to shoot blanks & the Indians weren't supposed to fight back....


Jan 01, 1999
Stephanie is a young woman who just turned thirty, and has everything a girl wants in life -- beauty, intelligence, and a handsome, successful fiance who seems to be madly in love with her. Frank pushes her to set a date for the wedding after a long engagement, but Stephanie is not sure about making a commitment to marriage; something is holding her back. Does another man just exist in her imagination or is he out there somewhere? When Frank finally announces the wedding date in front of her family and friends, Stephanie has to face reality. In the moment of truth, Stephanie has to decide whether to follow her head or her heart.


Jun 18, 1996
Adrianna (Chong) is a beautiful alien woman who has come to Earth in search of a half alien man (Wirth). She needs him to help her defeat the evil alien Pallas, who himself is out to kill her.
Science Fiction
Cats Dancing on Jupiter
Two 20-something club hopping women in LA are at first glance living the good life of partying and casual sex, until they are revealed to be scarred by a childhood abduction and driven to take revenge on every man who crosses their path.
The Fence

The Fence

Jan 01, 1994
Having served 12 years in prison for assaulting a corrections officer, Terry Griff is let out of prison early and embarks on a downward spiral.
The Change-Up Kid

The Change-Up Kid

Jan 01, 1970
Baseball pitching phenom Dean Fosh has a dream - he wants to play the game like no one's ever played it before. Who says some wishes don't come true?
The Fifth Horseman

The Fifth Horseman

Jan 01, 1970
It's a beautiful modern-day for rancher and family patriarch Roy Standing, who takes pride in the land that he owns for as far as you can see. Then it starts to rain.
The Ghost Trap

The Ghost Trap

Apr 19, 2024
The story of Jamie Eugley, a young lobsterman struggling with the grinding responsibilities of a head-injured fiancée and a mounting trap war with a rival lobstering family.


Aug 20, 2009
Haunted with nightmares of his wife's recent suicide and struggling to mend the relationship with his only daughter, Richard is caught as a witness to the violence of Abner Solvie. He finds himself at the mercy of a charismatic killer and plagued by his involvement in the city's recent murders. As Abner's new found protégé, Richard is forced to adopt the mind of his sociopathic mentor in order to protect the one he loves. Richard must decide if he's willing to kill in order to keep his daughter alive.


Jan 01, 2013
An alcoholic salesman finds himself at the crossroads of his life.
The Drone Virus

The Drone Virus

Oct 10, 2004
The unthinkable strikes when the advanced MRI scanner within a hospital forces Dr. Colleen O'Brian to choose between her superiors and a desperate father who has lost a child to the scanner before the it claims its next victim.
Science Fiction


Jul 05, 2014
Aux prises avec d'horribles visions induites par la paralysie du sommeil, une jeune écrivaine se retire avec son petit ami dans une maison isolée du désert. Alors que les visions s'intensifient, elle se retrouve sur le point de perdre la tête... ou de découvrir un secret qui met sa vie en danger.
Five Thirteen

Five Thirteen

Jun 11, 2013
Mike et Tre, deux frères, tentent de rentrer dans le droit chemin. Le premier sort de prison et va tout faire pour protéger sa fille de la violence des rues. Le dernier accepte un dernier contrat avant de raccrocher...


Oct 02, 2018
In an effort to control the city the Mayor opens the doors to the Russian Mob. It is not long until he realizes they aren't going to follow his rules. To fix the problem he accepts an offer to set up the Russians and open the door for the Cartel. When the Russians find out they take the Mayors Daughter and then the real games begin.
Eternal Code

Eternal Code

Sep 06, 2019
A researcher's family is kidnapped after she leads efforts to withdraw her company from a collaboration. With everything on the line, only her teenage daughter can save the family with help from a suicidal veteran and a prostitute.
Looking for Jimmy

Looking for Jimmy

Oct 02, 2002
Al has invited a few friends over for a barbecue to celebrate V’s birthday. The party atmosphere changes when Al realizes that her boyfriend Jimmy, who is also V’s best friend, has disappeared. Al and V set out across Los Angeles to look for Jimmy.


Aug 01, 2015
Frankie is head strong and passionate about her rock band and her Italian-American heritage. She is engaged to a good Italian man, and everything in her life is in order until she discovers a murder victim in the trunk of her rental car. Heather, her sister, convinces Frankie to attend the funeral where they meet Nicolette, the daughter of the new Brooklyn mafia don. When Nicolette shows up at a gig, it triggers a cascade of events that take Frankie towards an unexpected romance.
Monsieur Flynn

Monsieur Flynn

Mar 02, 2012
Alors qu'il travaille dans un centre pour les sans-abris de Boston, Nick Flynn tombe sur son père, un escroc, poète à ses heures perdues. Alors qu'il est lui-même perdu dans sa vie, Nick doit lutter contre l'envie de renouer une fois de plus les liens avec son père.
Parker Kane

Parker Kane

Aug 05, 1990
Parker Kane is a former Police Detective turned Private Investigator. When close friend Joey is murdered, leaving behind a briefcase full of money, Kane sets out to find out who was responsible. The trail of clues leads to a major scam involving illegal dumping of toxic waste.
MacArthur Park

MacArthur Park

Jan 21, 2001
A portrait of a homeless park community bonded by crack cocaine addiction. In the park's drug-fixated shantytown, Cody is a kind of crackhead father figure who helps his friends when they are in trouble or in desperate need of a "blast." His girlfriend, Alicia, is a romantic who's losing her soul to the drug, and E-Max is a street hustling pimp who is trying to scoop young Linda into his motley legion of harlots. Hoover Blue, earth mother to all the addicts, attempts to pound some knowledge into the starry-eyed Linda while Cody tries to help young P-Air get his hustle on to record a hip hop track and make it big. But when Cody's real son, Terry, tracks him down to tell him his wife has passed away, Cody doesn't even recognize him at first and then can't help him with postmortem affairs. After five years of crack addiction, Cody wants to get straight and do right by Terry, but the harder he struggles to escape the park, the more it closes in on him.


Jan 01, 1999
Stephanie is a young woman who just turned thirty, and has everything a girl wants in life -- beauty, intelligence, and a handsome, successful fiance who seems to be madly in love with her. Frank pushes her to set a date for the wedding after a long engagement, but Stephanie is not sure about making a commitment to marriage; something is holding her back. Does another man just exist in her imagination or is he out there somewhere? When Frank finally announces the wedding date in front of her family and friends, Stephanie has to face reality. In the moment of truth, Stephanie has to decide whether to follow her head or her heart.
Man Down

Man Down

Sep 12, 2015
Stephanie is a young woman who just turned thirty, and has everything a girl wants in life -- beauty, intelligence, and a handsome, successful fiance who seems to be madly in love with her. Frank pushes her to set a date for the wedding after a long engagement, but Stephanie is not sure about making a commitment to marriage; something is holding her back. Does another man just exist in her imagination or is he out there somewhere? When Frank finally announces the wedding date in front of her family and friends, Stephanie has to face reality. In the moment of truth, Stephanie has to decide whether to follow her head or her heart.
Les Contes de la crypte
Cette comédie horrifique est basée sur les comics des années 50 de Williams M. Gaines. Chaque épisode est une histoire indépendante, avec de prestigieuses guest-stars régulièrement devant ou derrière la caméra.
Les Experts

Les Experts

Feb 15, 2015
À Las Vegas, un groupe d'experts scientifiques de la police recueille des indices sur les scènes de crime pour résoudre des enquêtes complexes. Un temps conduite par Gil Grissom, un entomologiste qui garde toujours son sang-froid, l'équipe enchaîne les affaires délicates : meurtres sanglants, viols, disparitions, leur taux d'efficacité est impressionnant. D.B. Russell, qui prend la suite des opérations après le départ de Gil Grissom et l'intérim de Raymond Langston, tente de maintenir la réputation d'excellence du service.
Un flic dans la mafia

Un flic dans la mafia

Dec 22, 1990
Vincent Terranova (dit Vinnie) est un agent de l'OCB (Organized Crime Bureau) qui, pour peaufiner sa couverture, a passé 18 mois en prison dans le New Jersey, histoire de se faire quelques connaissances du milieu et un CV pour sa sortie, au point que même sa mère le croit appartenir à la pègre. Cela lui permet d'infiltrer la mafia locale, et de se rapprocher de pontes, puis de rédiger des rapports pour son supérieur, Frank McPike. Une seule chose les intéresse : le flagrant délit, seul cas qui peut faire couler la mafia.
Chicago Police Department
Des officiers en uniforme qui patrouillent et combattent le crime dans la rue, aux membres de l'unité des renseignements affectés à des affaires majeures (crime organisé, trafic de drogue, homicides...), toutes les recrues du poste de police du district 21 de Chicago risquent quotidiennement leurs vies. Ces énormes responsabilités dépassent souvent le simple cadre professionnel et entâchent la sphère privée de ces hommes et de ces femmes d'exception. Spin-off de Chicago Fire centré sur une brigade de police de la ville.
Godfather of Harlem

Godfather of Harlem

Mar 26, 2023
A Harlem, dans les années 60 : la collision entre la vie criminelle de Bumpy Johnson et le combat pour les droits civiques. Un prequel au film American Gangster.


Apr 16, 2018
Le ministère de l'Intérieur engage un génie et son équipe hétéroclite de prodiges pour protéger la nation d'une nouvelle génération sophistiquée de terroristes.
Action & Adventure
Sex and the City

Sex and the City

Feb 22, 2004
Célibataire new-yorkaise, Carrie s'inspire de sa propre expérience, et de celle de ses amies, pour écrire des articles sur des thèmes touchant le sexe et les relations amoureuses.
La croisée des destins
Gypsy Smith est un chasseur de primes renommé. Un jour, il mène un groupe de militaires américains dans un camp Cheyenne où a lieu une révolte d'indiens. Malheureusement, la bataille tourne vite au massacre. Gypsy Smith recueille alors le seul survivant de la tribu: Loup Blanc...


May 21, 2006
Les trois sœurs Halliwell découvrent qu'elles descendent d'une famille de sorcières et doivent apprendre à se servir de leurs pouvoirs magiques afin de lutter contre le mal et les démons qui veulent les détruire afin de s'approprier leurs pouvoirs.


Aug 24, 1989
Robert McCall, agent des services secrets américains à la retraite, tente de racheter ses actions passées en offrant (presque) gratuitement ses services aux plus démunis face aux criminels de toutes sortes.
Action & Adventure