Tomas Erbrėderis

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Moterys meluoja geriau
Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.
Laisvės kaina. Partizanai
The series tells about the three occupations and mass exterminations that took place in the middle of the last century, the Holocaust, the terror, the attempt to physically and spiritually crush Lithuania.
War & Politics
Meilė gydo

Meilė gydo

Sep 04, 2017
Pagrindiniai serialo herojai – medikai ir kiti ligoninės darbuotojai bei jų artimieji, kasdien kovojantys ne tik su mirtimi, bet ir su savo pačių problemomis, praeitimi, dėl savo meilės