A surreal comedy set in NYC. Michael has just moved to the city and has to traverse the world of love and work while juggling all the surreal encounters he makes along the way.
Darla owes the IRS $349,000.22. Her burgeoning business Kitty Kasket will never generate that kind of revenue in one month. Enter Mother; your typical sentient yeast mass who grants mind-blowing orgasms. Will she be willing to help?
When Jaime, a self-described "guy's girl," and her boyfriend break up, all of her guy friends simultaneously profess their secret, undying love for her.
Frances, une mère de famille new-yorkaise dans la force de l'âge, décide de "recommencer" sa vie avec l'aide de ses amies Dallas et Diane, et songe même au divorce. Mais son mari ne l'entend pas de cette façon...