Rafi Pitts

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Feb 11, 2022
Pierre, pêcheur en deuil, rencontre Laura, une femme éprise d’idéal. Commence entre eux une histoire d’amour passionnée où planent les ombres du passé...
The Hunter

The Hunter

Apr 08, 2010
Ali travaille comme gardien de nuit dans une usine d'assemblage à Téhéran. Récemment sorti de prison, il vit avec Sara, sa femme, et leur fille, Saba. Ses horaires ne lui permettent pas de voir assez sa famille et Ali souffre de cette situation. Malheureusement, ses employeurs refusent de changer ses horaires. Un jour, alors qu'il rentre chez lui, Ali trouve un appartement vide. Paniqué, il prévient la police. Au commissariat, personne ne semble capable de l'aider. Après une insupportable attente, on apprend à Ali que Sara a été tuée d'une balle au cours d'une bagarre entre les forces de police et des manifestants. Saba, elle, reste introuvable...
La Chambre des merveilles
La vie toute tracée de Thelma prend un détour tragique lorsqu’un accident plonge son fils Louis, 12 ans, dans le coma. Déterminée à le réveiller par tous les moyens, elle va faire le pari fou d’accomplir une par une les « 10 choses à faire avant la fin du monde » qu’il avait inscrites dans son journal intime, pour lui montrer tout ce que la vie a de magnifique à lui offrir. Mais ce voyage dans les rêves de son adolescent l’emmènera bien plus loin que ce qu’elle imaginait... jusqu’à raviver son propre goût à la vie.
Un Hiver en été

Un Hiver en été

Jul 26, 2023
En France. Vague de froid exceptionnelle. La température n'est jamais descendue aussi bas. Le froid et l'inquiétude gagnent le pays, du Nord au Sud, d'Est en Ouest. Par une nuit glaciale, dix inconnus se rencontrent. Et puis la tempête arrive. À l'aube, ils ne sont plus les mêmes.
Abel Ferrara: Not Guilty
Nicole Brenez part sur les traces du cinéma d’Abel Ferrara, figure emblématique du cinéma indépendant américain, violent et torturé. Il nous présente le cinéaste, son œuvre, ses influences et de manière plus large : sa vision du cinéma. Son analyse est mise en relief par les entretiens avec André S. Labarthe, critique de cinéma, ainsi qu’avec Raffi Pitts, réalisateur du documentaire .


Feb 16, 2024
Alaina est accablée par son travail d’officier de police dans la Réserve de Pine Ridge. Elle décide de ne plus répondre à sa radio. Sa nièce, Sadie, attend son retour pendant une longue nuit, en vain. Sadie, triste, décide d’entamer son voyage avec l’aide de son grand-père. Elle s’envole dans le temps et l’espace vers l’Amérique du Sud. Elle ne regardera plus de western en noir et blanc, qui ne la représentent pas. Tout lui semble différent quand elle commence à percevoir les rêves d’autres indiens qui habitent dans la forêt. Ses conclusions sont incertaines… Les oiseaux ne parlent pas aux humains, mais si seulement nous pouvions les comprendre, ils auraient sans doute quelques vérités à nous transmettre.


Oct 11, 2012
Le 4 novembre 1979, au summum de la révolution iranienne, des militants envahissent l’ambassade américaine de Téhéran, et prennent cinquante-deux Américains en otage. Mais au milieu du chaos, six Américains réussissent à s’échapper et à se réfugier au domicile de l’ambassadeur canadien. Sachant qu’ils seront inévitablement découverts et probablement tués, un spécialiste de "l’exfiltration" de la CIA du nom de Tony Mendez monte un plan risqué visant à les faire sortir du pays. Un plan si incroyable qu’il ne pourrait exister qu’au cinéma.


Feb 14, 2006
Unemotional, restrained cinematographic poem, situated in a wintry and poor suburb of Tehran. A man is dismissed and his lack of prospects for the future make him decide to seek his happiness abroad. He leaves his wife and child behind and for a long time nothing is heard of him. Then a stranger turns up, a car mechanic looking for a job. The attractive single mother can’t resist his attentions. Very subtly, a struggle ensues that reflects that of a whole generation of young doubting Iranians who may want to leave the country, but hardly know how to start.


Feb 14, 2006
Unemotional, restrained cinematographic poem, situated in a wintry and poor suburb of Tehran. A man is dismissed and his lack of prospects for the future make him decide to seek his happiness abroad. He leaves his wife and child behind and for a long time nothing is heard of him. Then a stranger turns up, a car mechanic looking for a job. The attractive single mother can’t resist his attentions. Very subtly, a struggle ensues that reflects that of a whole generation of young doubting Iranians who may want to leave the country, but hardly know how to start.


Feb 14, 2006
Unemotional, restrained cinematographic poem, situated in a wintry and poor suburb of Tehran. A man is dismissed and his lack of prospects for the future make him decide to seek his happiness abroad. He leaves his wife and child behind and for a long time nothing is heard of him. Then a stranger turns up, a car mechanic looking for a job. The attractive single mother can’t resist his attentions. Very subtly, a struggle ensues that reflects that of a whole generation of young doubting Iranians who may want to leave the country, but hardly know how to start.
The Hunter

The Hunter

Apr 08, 2010
Unemotional, restrained cinematographic poem, situated in a wintry and poor suburb of Tehran. A man is dismissed and his lack of prospects for the future make him decide to seek his happiness abroad. He leaves his wife and child behind and for a long time nothing is heard of him. Then a stranger turns up, a car mechanic looking for a job. The attractive single mother can’t resist his attentions. Very subtly, a struggle ensues that reflects that of a whole generation of young doubting Iranians who may want to leave the country, but hardly know how to start.
Abel Ferrara: Not Guilty
Unemotional, restrained cinematographic poem, situated in a wintry and poor suburb of Tehran. A man is dismissed and his lack of prospects for the future make him decide to seek his happiness abroad. He leaves his wife and child behind and for a long time nothing is heard of him. Then a stranger turns up, a car mechanic looking for a job. The attractive single mother can’t resist his attentions. Very subtly, a struggle ensues that reflects that of a whole generation of young doubting Iranians who may want to leave the country, but hardly know how to start.


May 02, 2001
In a small valley, riders pursue and kill a man. A horse thief, so his assassins claim. But for his ten year old son Issa, the disappearance of his father causes an avalanche of problems. With the family name stigmatized, Issa is bullied by the other children in the village. While his mother fights to clear her husbands name, Issa is left to his own devices. But unexpectedly, his solitude gives birth to his freedom, his real passion, horses.


May 02, 2001
In a small valley, riders pursue and kill a man. A horse thief, so his assassins claim. But for his ten year old son Issa, the disappearance of his father causes an avalanche of problems. With the family name stigmatized, Issa is bullied by the other children in the village. While his mother fights to clear her husbands name, Issa is left to his own devices. But unexpectedly, his solitude gives birth to his freedom, his real passion, horses.
The Hunter

The Hunter

Apr 08, 2010
In a small valley, riders pursue and kill a man. A horse thief, so his assassins claim. But for his ten year old son Issa, the disappearance of his father causes an avalanche of problems. With the family name stigmatized, Issa is bullied by the other children in the village. While his mother fights to clear her husbands name, Issa is left to his own devices. But unexpectedly, his solitude gives birth to his freedom, his real passion, horses.
60 Sekundit Üksindust Aastal Null
An anthology of one-minute films created by 60 international filmmakers on the theme of the death of cinema. Intended as an ode to 35mm, the film was screened one time only on a purpose-built 20x12 meter public cinema screen in the Port of Tallinn, Estonia, on 22 December 2011. A special projector was constructed for the event which allowed the actual filmstrip to be burnt at the same time as the film was shown.
Soy Nero

Soy Nero

Apr 18, 2016
An anthology of one-minute films created by 60 international filmmakers on the theme of the death of cinema. Intended as an ode to 35mm, the film was screened one time only on a purpose-built 20x12 meter public cinema screen in the Port of Tallinn, Estonia, on 22 December 2011. A special projector was constructed for the event which allowed the actual filmstrip to be burnt at the same time as the film was shown.
Abel Ferrara: Not Guilty
An anthology of one-minute films created by 60 international filmmakers on the theme of the death of cinema. Intended as an ode to 35mm, the film was screened one time only on a purpose-built 20x12 meter public cinema screen in the Port of Tallinn, Estonia, on 22 December 2011. A special projector was constructed for the event which allowed the actual filmstrip to be burnt at the same time as the film was shown.
Soy Nero

Soy Nero

Apr 18, 2016
An anthology of one-minute films created by 60 international filmmakers on the theme of the death of cinema. Intended as an ode to 35mm, the film was screened one time only on a purpose-built 20x12 meter public cinema screen in the Port of Tallinn, Estonia, on 22 December 2011. A special projector was constructed for the event which allowed the actual filmstrip to be burnt at the same time as the film was shown.
Fasl-e panjom

Fasl-e panjom

Sep 02, 1997
The fight for power in an isolated village. Two families have been enemies for so long they cannot even remember why. The only hope for peace between the feuding families is lost when an arranged marriage agreement is broken. Some days later, the groom, Karamat, returns with a brand new minibus. But a fierce competition for passengers break out when the bride, Mehrbanou, decides to do the same.
60 Sekundit Üksindust Aastal Null
An anthology of one-minute films created by 60 international filmmakers on the theme of the death of cinema. Intended as an ode to 35mm, the film was screened one time only on a purpose-built 20x12 meter public cinema screen in the Port of Tallinn, Estonia, on 22 December 2011. A special projector was constructed for the event which allowed the actual filmstrip to be burnt at the same time as the film was shown.