Dale Robertson

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Le fils de Sinbad

Le fils de Sinbad

Jun 02, 1955
Sinbad et son ami Omar vont être exécutés pour avoir pénétré dans le harem du calife et Sinbad doit sauver Bagdad des griffes du cruel Tameriane. C'est à ce moment que Tamerlan menace la ville de destruction. Sinbad, aide des filles des quarante voleurs, met l'ennemi en déroute. Il sera pour cela gracié et lui et Omar pourront épouser les filles de leurs rêves.
Boulevard des passions
Lane Bellamy, une danseuse de fête foraine, échoue dans une ville du Sud sous la coupe du tout-puissant Titus Semple, qui voit d'un mauvais œil sa liaison avec son adjoint Carlisle. Il le jette dans les bras d'une jeune fille de la bonne société et compromet Lane dans un coup monté. Sortie de prison, Lane revient en ville, bien décidée à se venger.
Les Bannis de la Sierra
Pour se venger des malfrats qui ont attaqué leur banque, les habitants les bannissent aux portes de leur petite ville, dans le désert aride. La marche est leur unique salut mais en chemin, alors qu'ils se situent au niveau de la dangereuse chaîne de montagne Rocheuses, une tempête les surprend et les précipite dans un refuge abandonné sans la moindre vivre...
Dakota Incident

Dakota Incident

Jul 23, 1956
Indians attack a stagecoach, and a disparate band of passengers must band together to fight them off.
Sitting Bull

Sitting Bull

Oct 06, 1954
Sitting Bull, Chef des Sioux, est en conflit avec le Général Custer de l'Armée Américaine. Celui-ci ne supporte pas les Indiens. Un différend va naître et va les mener à la dernière bataille de Little Bighorn. Sitting Bull tentera d'intervenir auprès du Président Grant...


Apr 03, 1965
En 1869, Justin Eagle vit dans son ranch appelé «The Eagle’s Nest», près de la ville de Button Willow, en Californie. En plus d'être éleveur, Justin est un agent secret du gouvernement américain. Il agit pour contrecarrer les voyous qui commencent à pulluler dans l'Ouest. Il est envoyé à San Francisco pour retrouver le sénateur Freeman, qui a disparu alors qu'il combattait Montgomery Blaine et ses hommes de main. Ceux-ci forcent les colons à leur vendre leurs terres à bas prix, en sachant que ces terres sont de grande valeur, car elles doivent être traversées par des chemins de fer...
Legends of the West

Legends of the West

Sep 08, 1992
Host Jack Palance explores how Hollywood has depicted Western legends like George Armstrong Custer, Billy the Kid, Crazy Horse and the O.K. Corral
The Farmer Takes a Wife
Erie Canal, N.Y., 1850: Molly Larkins, cook on Jotham Klore's canal boat, has a love-hate relationship with her boss. She hires handsome new haul-horse driver Dan Harrow and the inevitable triangle develops (complicated by Dan's desire to farm and Molly's to boat) against a background of the canalmen's fight against the encroaching railroad.
Coast of Skeletons

Coast of Skeletons

Mar 19, 1965
A former district officer is assigned to work on a team of diamond prospectors, who are busy double crossing each other until they are blown up having found bullion.
24 heures de terreur

24 heures de terreur

May 02, 1956
Tiraillé entre son devoir de shérif et sa dette envers un inconnu qui lui a sauvé la vie, Burnett ne sait plus comment réagir quand les agissements de ce dernier se font de plus en plus violents.
Devil's Canyon

Devil's Canyon

Aug 13, 1953
An outlaw woman helps one Arizona convict stop another with a Gatling gun.
Top of the World

Top of the World

May 01, 1955
A team of Air Force servicemen become stranded after setting up a weather station on an island of ice in Alaska.
Golden Girl

Golden Girl

Nov 01, 1951
Against the background of the Civil War, sixteen-year-old song-and-dance artiste Lotta Crabtree works her way across America, becoming ever more popular.
Condamné à être pendu
Bill Stone est un notable d'une petite ville du Kansas, sur laquelle il exerce un pouvoir sans limites. Ses affaires prospèrent, jusqu'au jour où Peter, son fils, abat au cours d'un duel un homme dont il convoitait l'épouse. Le juge Rogers, par ailleurs ami de Bill, est désigné pour présider le tribunal chargé de prononcer la sentence. Mais alors que Stone est persuadé que l'affaire va pouvoir se régler grâce aux différents moyens de corruption dont il n'hésite pas à faire usage, il se heurte à un mur d'intégrité. En effet, Rogers n'est pas homme à se laisser acheter, et il est impitoyable vis-à-vis des duellistes...
The Kansas City Massacre
Gangsters free one of their colleagues being escorted to prison and kill several FBI agents and local police officers in the attempt. FBI agent Melvin Purvis puts together a special squad to track down and capture the men responsible.
TV Movie


Apr 10, 1966
This Western is a pilot for the series "The Iron Horse," in which a dapper frontier gambler wins a railroad line in a poker game and has his hands full holding it from the clutches of various conniving bad guys.


Aug 04, 1954
Un capitaine libéré de l'armée rentre chez lui à la Nouvelle-Orléans pour se venger des hommes qui ont assassiné son père.
La Cité des Tueurs

La Cité des Tueurs

Sep 11, 1953
Quand Brett Stanton et sa bande arrivent à Carson City dans l'espoir de cambrioler la banque de la ville, ils ne s'attendent pas à tomber en pleine préparation d'un combat de boxe. Et pour corser le tout, ils ne sont pas les seuls à convoiter l'argent...
Melvin Purvis G-Man

Melvin Purvis G-Man

Feb 28, 1975
Agent Melvin Purvis is placed in charge of running down notorious killer Machine Gun Kelly, and sets out to do just that.
TV Movie
Return of the Texan

Return of the Texan

Feb 13, 1952
A young widower named Sam Crockett returns from Kansas City to his small hometown in rural Texas, bringing with him his feisty grandfather and two young sons, Steve and Yoyo. He tries to make a go of the old family homestead but faces financial problems and pressures from his well-to-do neighbor, Rod Marshall. He also begins an on-again-off-again romance with Rod's sister-in-law, even though she's engaged to wed the town's doctor. Events come to head when Sam's grandfather suffers a stroke.
Lydia Bailey

Lydia Bailey

May 30, 1952
A young Boston lawyer, Albron Hamlin, goes to Haiti in 1802 to find Lydia Bailey, whose estate he must settle. The island is war-torn in the strife between Toussaing L'Overture, the black president, and the French who are trying to retake possession of the country. Hamlin finds Lydia and, against the background of war and rebellion, they fall in love while helping the Haitians against the French.
Le Fouet d'argent

Le Fouet d'argent

Feb 04, 1953
Jess Harker est un jeune homme qui rêve de conduire la diligence de sa ville. Il est encouragé par Race Crim, son mentor et ami. Crim réussit à convaincre son patron qu'il est désormais capable de mener à bien un voyage. Pour sa première mission, Jess doit escorter la somme de 27 000 dollars mais rien ne se passe comme prévu. La diligence est attaquée, le vieil homme qui accompagnait Jess et Race meurt ainsi que les deux passagers, dont Waco, la femme dont Race était amoureux. Ce dernier décide de venger sa bien-aimée et part à la poursuite des bandits. Pendant ce temps, le shérif Tom Davisson, qui est un ami de Race et Jess, ramène le jeune homme à la ville. Ayant commis l'erreur de ne pas mettre en sûreté la diligence, il culpabilise pour sa faute. Tom l'engage comme adjoint pour lui redonner une seconde chance ...
Hell Canyon Outlaws

Hell Canyon Outlaws

Oct 05, 1957
Quatre bandits arrivent dans une petite ville du Texas et pillent tout ce qu'ils peuvent. Ils décident de piller la banque mais le shérif Caleb décide de s'occuper seul de ces bandits sans foi ni loi.
Anna de Brooklyn

Anna de Brooklyn

Apr 18, 1958
Anna vient de revenir des États-Unis dans le petit village des Abruzzes où elle est née et elle aimerait bien y trouver un mari. Tout de suite la nouvelle circule et trois prétendants se manifestent : Ciccone, un riche éleveur qui fut son premier amour d’enfance, un baron sans le sou en quête d’argent et le maire, Peppino, mais seulement parce que sa sœur, la pharmacienne Camillina l’y a poussé. En réalité, Anna sait déjà qui pourrait être le meilleur mari : Raffaele, le mécanicien ; mais celui-ci, cependant, ne semble pas céder tout de suite à ses avances
Call Me Mister

Call Me Mister

Feb 01, 1951
A G.I. in occupied Japan tries to re-woo his old love, who's putting on a show for the troops.
Blood on the Arrow

Blood on the Arrow

Oct 11, 1964
In this western, the sole survivor of an Apache ambush rides out to save a young boy who has been captured. The hero was a captured outlaw en route to his trial.
The One Eyed Soldiers

The One Eyed Soldiers

Jan 01, 1966
Action - The body of Dr. Charles Berens, Chief of the United Nations Medical Relief Organization, is seen hurtling from the lofty parapet of an ancient church. He has chosen death rather than capitulate to his murderous pursuers. Police chief Colonel Ferrer (Andrew Faulds) arrives in time to hear the dying Berens last words: "July the 18th! The One Eyed Soldiers." - Dale Robertson, Luciana Paluzzi, Guy Deghy
The Last Ride of the Dalton Gang
A light-hearted view of the Dalton Gang's legendary raid on Coffeyville, Kansas and the years leading up to it as the brothers form themselves into a gang of horse thieves and train and bank robbers with their arch enemy, Detective Will Smith, constantly on their heels.
L'Énigme du lac noir

L'Énigme du lac noir

Jul 29, 1951
En 1871, un groupe de bagnards s'échappe de la prison de Carson City dans le Nevada et tente de rejoindre la Californie à travers les montagnes enneigées. Piégés dans le blizzard, ils finissent par atteindre le village isolé de Monte Diablo. Là, ils s'aperçoivent que tous les hommes sont partis et que le village n'est plus occupé que par des femmes. Les fuyards demandent à celles-ci de quoi manger et dormir. Bien que méfiantes, elles finissent par accepter de les loger pour une nuit.
The High Terrace

The High Terrace

Oct 01, 1956
A British theater actress unable to get out of her contract is assisted by an American playwright when a pair of her scissors is discovered lodged in her producer's back.


Jun 06, 1970
U.S. Army Captain Clark Allen gains attention by walking back and forth, the length of Japan, gambling with U.S. servicemen in order to raise funds to rebuild an orphanage. Suspicious of Allen's motives, a Japanese newsman, Hiroshi Kitabayashi, traces the American's background until he discovers the motive behind Allen's long walk.


May 19, 1996
Veuve de Franck Fletcher, Jessica Beatrice Fletcher, ancienne professeur d'anglais devenue auteur de romans policiers, utilise ses dons d'observation et son sens inné de la logique pour jouer les détectives amateurs et résoudre des affaires criminelles. Elle officie surtout dans la petite ville de Cabot Cove, dans le Maine, où elle réside, même si elle se prête au jeu dans différents états des États-Unis. Il lui arrive également d'enquêter en dehors du territoire américain, ce qui lui vaut d'être fichée non seulement au FBI, mais aussi à la CIA et au KGB, pour s'être mêlée à plusieurs reprises de certaines de leurs affaires qu'elle a pourtant aidé à résoudre, que ce soit à l'occasion de la promotion de ses livres, ou de voyages personnels : si elle n'a pas d'enfants, Jessica n'en a pas moins une immense famille, qui compte un nombre incalculable de neveux et de nièces...


May 10, 1989
La saga d'une riche famille de Denver dans le secteur pétrolier : Blake Carrington, le patriarche ; Krystle, son ancienne secrétaire et épouse ; ses enfants : Adam, perdu dans son enfance après un enlèvement ; Fallon, choyé et gâté ; Steven, ouvertement gay ; et Amanda, cachée de lui par son ex-femme, la complice Alexis. La majeure partie de l'émission présente le conflit entre 2 grandes entreprises, Denver Carrington de Blake et ColbyCo d'Alexis.


May 03, 1991
Les joies et les peines de la famille Ewing, richissime dynastie du Texas. Menées d'une main de fer par l'affreux JR, les affaires florissent au gré des amours et des haines, des intrigues et des manipulations.
The Hollywood Palace

The Hollywood Palace

Feb 07, 1970
The Hollywood Palace is an hour-long American television variety show that was broadcast weekly on ABC from January 4, 1964 to February 7, 1970. Originally titled The Saturday Night Hollywood Palace, it began as a mid-season replacement for The Jerry Lewis Show, another variety show which had lasted only three months. It was staged in Hollywood at the former Hollywood Playhouse on Vine Street, which was renamed The Hollywood Palace during the show's duration and is today known as Avalon Hollywood. A little-known starlet named Raquel Welch was cast during the first season as the "Billboard Girl", who placed the names of the acts on a placard.
The Johnny Cash Show

The Johnny Cash Show

Mar 31, 1971
The Johnny Cash Show was an American television music variety show hosted by Johnny Cash. The Screen Gems 58-episode series ran from June 7, 1969 to March 31, 1971 on ABC; it was taped at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee. The show reached No. 17 in the Nielsen ratings in 1970. Cash opened each show, and its regulars included members of his touring troupe, June Carter Cash and the Carter Family, The Statler Brothers, Carl Perkins, and The Tennessee Three, with Australian-born musical director-arranger-conductor Bill Walker. The Statler Brothers performed brief comic interludes. It featured many folk-country musicians, such as Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Linda Ronstadt, Kris Kristofferson, Mickey Newbury, Neil Young, Gordon Lightfoot, Merle Haggard, James Taylor and Tammy Wynette. It also featured other musicians such as jazz great Louis Armstrong, who died eight months after appearing on the show.
Schlitz Playhouse of Stars
Schlitz Playhouse of Stars is an anthology series that was telecast from 1951 until 1959 on CBS. Offering both comedies and drama, the series was sponsored by the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company. The title was shortened to Schlitz Playhouse, beginning with the fall 1957 season.
This Is Your Life

This Is Your Life

Apr 30, 1961
This Is Your Life is an American television documentary series broadcast on NBC, originally hosted by its producer, Ralph Edwards from 1952 to 1961. In the show, the host surprises a guest, and proceeds to take them through their life in front of an audience, including special guest appearances by colleagues, friends and family. Edwards revived the show in 1971-72, while Joseph Campanella hosted a version in 1983. Edwards returned for some specials in the late 1980s, before his death in 2005. The show originated as a radio show on NBC Radio airing from 1948 to 1952.


Jun 26, 1958
Climax! is an American anthology series that aired on CBS from 1954 to 1958. The series was hosted by William Lundigan and later co-hosted by Mary Costa. It was one of the few CBS programs of that era to be broadcast in color. Many of the episodes were performed and broadcast live.
The 20th Century Fox Hour
The 20th Century Fox Hour is an American drama anthology series televised in the United States on CBS from 1955 to 1957. Some of the shows in this series were restored, remastered and shown on the Fox Movie Channel in 2002 under the title Hour of Stars. The season one episode Overnight Haul, starring Richard Conte and Lizabeth Scott, was released in Australia as a feature film.
The Dinah Shore Chevy Show
The Dinah Shore Chevy Show is an American variety series hosted by Dinah Shore, and broadcast on NBC from October 1956 to June 1963. The series was sponsored by the Chevrolet Motor Division of General Motors and its theme song, sung by Shore, was "See the U.S.A. in Your Chevrolet", which continued to be used in Chevrolet advertising for several more years after the cancellation of the show.
Harts of the West

Harts of the West

Jun 18, 1994
Harts of the West is an American Western/comedy–drama series starring Beau Bridges and his father, Lloyd Bridges, set on a dude ranch in Nevada. The series aired on CBS from September 1993, to June 1994.
J.J. Starbuck

J.J. Starbuck

Jun 28, 1988
J.J. Starbuck is an American crime drama series that aired on NBC from September 1987 to June 1988. The series follows cornpone-spouting Jerome Jeremiah "J.J." Starbuck, a billionaire Texan who wears ten-gallon hats, cowboy boots and fancy western shirts. He drives a flashy limousine with steer horns on the hood and a horn that plays "The Eyes of Texas," and spouts a steady stream of folksy homilies.
The Mike Douglas Show

The Mike Douglas Show

Nov 30, 1981
The Mike Douglas Show is an American daytime television talk show hosted by Mike Douglas that originally aired only in the Cleveland area during much of its first two years on the air. It then went into syndication in 1963 and remained on television until 1982. It was distributed by Westinghouse Broadcasting and for much of its run, originated from studios of two of the company's TV stations in Cleveland and Philadelphia.
The Tonight Show avec Johnny Carson
Le 1er octobre 1962, Groucho Marx accueillit Johnny Carson comme le nouveau présentateur du The Tonight Show. L’émission a été filmée à New York pendant pratiquement les dix premières années, avec Johnny Carson en tant que présentateur. Puis à partir de mai 1972, le plateau déménagea au Studio One à Burbank en Californie pour le reste de son « mandat » .
The Mike Douglas Show

The Mike Douglas Show

Nov 30, 1981
The Mike Douglas Show is an American daytime television talk show hosted by Mike Douglas that originally aired only in the Cleveland area during much of its first two years on the air. It then went into syndication in 1963 and remained on television until 1982. It was distributed by Westinghouse Broadcasting and for much of its run, originated from studios of two of the company's TV stations in Cleveland and Philadelphia.
The Red Skelton Show

The Red Skelton Show

Mar 15, 1971
The Red Skelton Show is an American variety show that was a television staple for two decades, from 1951 to 1971. It was second to Gunsmoke and third to The Ed Sullivan Show in the ratings during that time. Skelton, who had previously been a radio star, had appeared in several motion pictures as well. Although his television series is largely associated with CBS, where it appeared for more than fifteen years, it actually began and ended on NBC. During its run, the program received three Emmy Awards, for Skelton as best comedian and the program as best comedy show during its initial season, and an award for comedy writing in 1961.
Schlitz Playhouse of Stars
Schlitz Playhouse of Stars is an anthology series that was telecast from 1951 until 1959 on CBS. Offering both comedies and drama, the series was sponsored by the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company. The title was shortened to Schlitz Playhouse, beginning with the fall 1957 season.


Jun 26, 1958
Climax! is an American anthology series that aired on CBS from 1954 to 1958. The series was hosted by William Lundigan and later co-hosted by Mary Costa. It was one of the few CBS programs of that era to be broadcast in color. Many of the episodes were performed and broadcast live.
Le cheval de fer

Le cheval de fer

Jan 06, 1968
Le jeune Davy Brandon assiste à la mort de son père, tué par un indien à la main mutilée qui est en réalité un renégat blanc. Les années passent. Alors que la construction du chemin de fer bat son plein, Davy Brandon est engagé comme ingénieur par la compagnie Union Pacific, et retrouve à cette occasion Miriam, une amie d'enfance dont il tombe amoureux. Mais il continue inlassablement de retrouver la trace du meurtrier du son père...
La croisière s'amuse

La croisière s'amuse

Feb 27, 1987
Le capitaine Stubing et son équipage, le barman Isaac, le docteur Adam, la directrice de croisière Julie et Gopher, accueillent chaque semaine sur leur paquebot, le Pacific Princess, des passagers pour une croisière exceptionnelle.
Studio 57

Studio 57

Mar 22, 1958
Studio 57 is an American anthology series that was broadcast on the now-defunct DuMont Television Network from September 1954 to September 1955, and in syndication from 1955 to 1956.