Paul Lynde

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Ne m'envoyez pas de fleurs
Hudson est hilarant dans ce rôle d'hypocondriaque qui entend par erreur son docteur parlant de la mort imminente d'un patient.Se croyant être la pauvre victime, Hudson demande l'aide de son voisin et ami, Tony Randall, afin de trouver un nouveau mari pour sa femme qui sera bientôt veuve. Randall, malheureusement, n'est pas d'une grande aide car il se noie dans l'alcool pour oublier son échec financier. Alarmée par le comportement de plus en plus étrange de son mari, Doris Day devient encore plus frustrée, quand un vieil amant réapparaît dans sa vie et que son mari la pousse dans ses bras...
Bye Bye Birdie

Bye Bye Birdie

Apr 04, 1963
Conrad Birdie et un chanteur de rock à succès dans l'appel sous les drapeaux, tel autrefois celui d'Elvis Presley, provoque des remous aux U.S.A. Désespoir des adolescentes privées de leur idole, d'une part; désespoir du sympathique Albert Peterson, qui composait des chansons pour lui (bien que sa vocation fût la biochimie) et dont le mariage avec sa secrétaire, Rosie, est encore remis aux calendes grecques...
Beach Blanket Bingo

Beach Blanket Bingo

Apr 14, 1965
Dans le quatrième des films à succès de Frankie et Annette sur la plage, un gang de motards dirigé par Eric Von Zipper kidnappe la star de la chanson Sugar Kane dirigée par Bullets, qui engage les surfeurs de parachutisme Steve et Bonnie de Big Drop pour un coup publicitaire. Avec le gang habituel d'enfants et une sirène nommée Lorelei.
La blonde défie le FBI
Jennifer Nelson et Bruce Templeton se rencontrent fortuitement lorsque Bruce remonte à la ligne son maillot de sirène la laissant nue dans les eaux de Catalina Island. Elle va découvrir que Bruce est le grand patron du laboratoire de recherche où elle travaille. Bruce engage Jennifer pour être sa biographe avec le seul désir de s'attirer ses faveurs. Or le général Wallace Bleeker, ami de Bruce, est persuadé que Jennifer est une espionne russe. Il la fait surveiller. Lorsque Jennifer s'en rend compte... il va y avoir du sport !
Le Petit Monde de Charlotte
Un fermier décide de tuer un cochon qu'il trouve trop petit, dès sa naissance. Face à l'insistance de sa fille, il décide finalement de l'épargner. Toutefois, le cochon est pris par l'oncle de la ferme Homer Zuckerman quelque temps plus tard, et apprend qu'il sera tué. Dans sa panique, il entend la voix de Charlotte, une araignée grise, qui promet de le sauver. Le cochon, Wilbur, se doute que l'attendent alors de grandes aventures.
Oui ou non avant le mariage
Hogan, fortuné et bizarre propriétaire américain de la pension de famille Le Centaure, loue ses chambres seulement aux femmes. Dès qu'il en voit une, il est bouleversé. Il essaie de s'immiscer dans leur vie privée. Mais l'arrivée d'une jeune personne va lui faire découvrir quelque chose qui va énormément le surprendre !
Say Hey, Willie Mays!

Say Hey, Willie Mays!

Oct 27, 2022
Follow Willie Mays’ life both on and off the field over five decades as he navigated the American sports landscape and the country’s ever-evolving cultural backdrop, all while helping to define what it means to be one of America’s first Black sports superstars. He left an indelible mark in New York City and San Francisco, building a love affair with both cities’ fans.
Rabbit Test

Rabbit Test

Apr 09, 1978
Lionel's life turns around after a one-night stand on top of a pinball table... he becomes the world's first pregnant man!
Cactus Jack

Cactus Jack

Jul 26, 1979
Le Bel Inconnu escorte miss Charming Jones qui transporte une très grosse somme d'argent. Avery Jones veut s'emparer de cet argent et engage Cactus Jack pour le leur dérober. Mais celui-ci n'est pas vraiment doué...
The Paul Lynde Halloween Special
A Halloween-themed television special starring Paul Lynde which aired only once on October 29, 1976 on ABC. It features guest stars including Margaret Hamilton (who reprises her role as the Wicked Witch of the West), Billie Hayes (as Witchiepoo from H.R. Pufnstuf), Tim Conway, Roz Kelly, Florence Henderson, rock band KISS, Billy Barty, Betty White and, in an unbilled surprise appearance, Donny and Marie Osmond.
Gidget Grows Up

Gidget Grows Up

Dec 30, 1969
After spending the last two years in Europe as an exchange student, Gidget returns home to California only to discover that things have changed. The letters she had been writing to her beloved "Moondoggie" to try to make him jealous have had the wrong effect. Disillusioned with love, and after hearing a speech on television, she decides to make a real difference in the world by going to New York to become a youth worker at the United Nations. While there she has a proposal of marriage from an extremely wealthy Arabian sheik, but instead she falls for a handsome but older Australian diplomat.
How Sweet It Is!

How Sweet It Is!

Aug 21, 1968
All-American couple who try to bridge the generation gap with their free-spirited son on a trip, frisky business and misunderstandings galore ensue, all funny, vibrant and charming.
Après lui, le déluge
La suite des aventures du professeur Ned Brainard qui a inventé le Plaxmol (Flubber). La découverte du Plaxmol par le professeur Ned Brainard n'a pas apporté la richesse qu'il escomptait pour lui ou son lycée. Le Pentagone a déclaré que sa découverte est d'un niveau secret très élevé et le fisc l'a abasourdi avec une énorme feuille d'impôts bien qu'il n'ait encore pas touchés un centime. De plus l'homme d'affaires Alonzo P. Hawk cherche à acheter le Medfield College. Il pense avoir trouvé la solution avec le Flubbergas (le fils de Flubber) qui peut changer le temps. Il aide aussi l'équipe de football de l'université Medfield à gagner un match, mais il provoque un malheureux effet secondaire : il brise le verre, forçant Brainard à fuir. À la maison, sa femme Betsy est jalouse de l'attention que lui porte une ancienne petite amie du lycée.
Hugó, a víziló

Hugó, a víziló

Dec 25, 1975
The Sultan of Zanzibar has a harbor infested with sharks, which makes it impossible for ships to trade with him. In an attempt to fix the problem, he brings twelve hippos into the harbor to keep the sharks away. His idea works well enough, but once the hippos are no longer a novelty and the people no longer feed them, they begin to starve. After the hungry hippos rampage through the city looking for food, Aban-Khan, the king's adviser, slaughters all the hippos except one, a little hippo named Hugo.
New Faces

New Faces

Feb 19, 1954
New Faces was a musical revue with songs and comedy skits tied together by a quirky plot. It ran on Broadway for nearly a year in 1952 and was then made into a motion picture in 1954. It helped jump start the careers of several young performers including Paul Lynde, Alice Ghostley, Eartha Kitt, Carol Lawrence, performer/writer Mel Brooks (as Melvin Brooks), and lyricist Sheldon Harnick. The film was basically a reproduction of the stage revue with a thin plot added. The plot involved a producer and performer (Ronny Graham) in financial trouble and is trying to stave off an angry creditor long enough to open his show. A wealthy Texan offers to help out, on the condition that his daughter be in the show.
The Sandy Duncan Special
This program features then-newcomer Sandy Duncan in her first network television special. Only a few years after being passed over by Gene Kelly for a role in Hello Dolly, Duncan's star had ascended so far so fast that he was now her special guest star. Paul Lynde is also featured in a campy version of "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown".
Broadway's Lost Treasures
The golden age of the annual Tony Awards ceremony lasted from 1967 to 1986 — the period during which Alexander H. Cohen and his wife, Hildy Parks, were the producers of the show. This film offers a compilation of performances from Tony Award broadcasts during those years. They are presented with color-corrected footage and digitally re-mastered sound.
Journey Back to Oz

Journey Back to Oz

Dec 14, 1972
Revisitez le pays enchanteur d'Oz alors que Dorothy et Toto reviennent pour trouver l'épouvantail en tant que dirigeant de la ville d'émeraude. Malheureusement pour le nouveau maire, la méchante Mombi conspire pour s'emparer de la ville. Avec l'aide du Tin Woodsman, du Cowardly Lion et d'autres amis familiers, la courageuse jeune fille du Kansas entreprend de sauver Oz. Ce film musical d'animation présente une distribution vocale impressionnante, dont Liza Minnelli et Ethel.
Elizabeth Montgomery: A Bewitched Life
"Bewitched" remains beloved nearly 60 years after its debut. The series lead, Elizabeth Montgomery, was a complex, strong-willed woman whose life and career became an ongoing quest for love and recognition she never received from her movie star father. "Bewitched" became one of television's biggest hits during the turbulent 1960s, a time that was symbolic of the series' behind-the-scenes turmoil.
New Faces

New Faces

Feb 19, 1954
New Faces was a musical revue with songs and comedy skits tied together by a quirky plot. It ran on Broadway for nearly a year in 1952 and was then made into a motion picture in 1954. It helped jump start the careers of several young performers including Paul Lynde, Alice Ghostley, Eartha Kitt, Carol Lawrence, performer/writer Mel Brooks (as Melvin Brooks), and lyricist Sheldon Harnick. The film was basically a reproduction of the stage revue with a thin plot added. The plot involved a producer and performer (Ronny Graham) in financial trouble and is trying to stave off an angry creditor long enough to open his show. A wealthy Texan offers to help out, on the condition that his daughter be in the show.
L'Homme à la Rolls

L'Homme à la Rolls

Jan 12, 1966
Cette série met en scène Amos Burke, capitaine de la brigade criminelle de Los Angeles et élégant milliardaire se déplaçant uniquement, avec chauffeur et secrétaire, dans sa Rolls-Royce Phantom V.
F Troop

F Troop

Apr 06, 1967
Devenu un héros en menant accidentellement une charge de cavalerie dans le mauvais sens et sans le vouloir, le capitaine Wilton Parmenter reçoit le commandement de Fort Courage. Sous ses ordres, le sergent rusé O'Rourke a un accord avec les Indiens Hekawe locaux pour vendre leurs marchandises aux touristes. Il va alors faire croire au capitaine un peu simplet qu'ils sont toujours en guerre contre les Indiens voisins afin de faire perdurer son arrangement avec eux.


Apr 21, 1966
Gidget is an American sitcom about a surfing, boy-crazy teenager called "Gidget" and her widowed father Russ Lawrence, a UCLA professor. Sally Field stars as Gidget with Don Porter as father Russell Lawrence. The series was first broadcast on ABC from September 15, 1965 to April 21, 1966. Gidget was among the first regularly scheduled color programs on ABC, but did poorly in the Nielsen ratings and was cancelled at the end of its first season.
Love, American Style

Love, American Style

Jan 11, 1974
An anthology comedy series featuring a line up of different celebrity guest stars appearing in anywhere from one, two, three, and four short stories or vignettes within an hour about versions of love and romance.
Jinny de mes rêves

Jinny de mes rêves

May 26, 1970
L'astronaute Anthony Nelson découvre une bouteille au fond de laquelle vit un génie qui n'est autre qu'une authentique princesse des mille-et-une nuits, Jinny, âgée de 2000 ans. Aussitôt libérée, elle tombe amoureuse de l'astronaute qui l'emmène chez lui. Cela va rapidement être une source d'ennuis pour l'astronaute car il lui faut cacher à tous l’existence de Jinny .....
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Les Monstres

Les Monstres

May 12, 1966
Les aventures loufoques d'une famille de monstres tirés de grands classiques de la littérature et du cinéma d'épouvante. Vivant dans une maison hantée et se déplaçant en corbillard, la famille Monstre se compose d'Herman, le père, sosie du monstre de Frankenstein, employé d'une entreprise de pompes funèbres ; de Lily, la mère, goule aux dents acérées, spécialiste de la soupe aux corbeaux ; d'Eddie, le fils, jeune loup-garou ; du Grand-Père, vampire ayant la faculté de se transformer en chauve-souris et en loup, et enfin de Marilyn, la nièce, seule personne normale de la famille.
La Sœur Volante

La Sœur Volante

Apr 03, 1970
La très grande cornette de la petite sœur Bertrille (Sally Field), du couvent San Tanco à Porto Rico, et son poids très léger, lui donnent le pouvoir de voler grâce au vent. Ce don lui permet d'apporter son aide à ceux qui en ont besoin.
Les Aventures de Pénélope Jolicœur
La jeune orpheline Pénélope est l'héritière d'une grande fortune. Ce que la naïve Pénélope ignore, c'est que, si elle venait à mourir, sa fortune irait à son tuteur légal, Sylvestre Tapinoès, surnommé « le Chaperon noir » car il masque son identité derrière un masque, une longue cape et un large chapeau noir. Avec l'aide de ses acolytes, le vil tuteur va tendre des pièges pour éliminer la jeune femme. Mais Pénélope est aidée et protégée par les Zozos zélés, une bande de farfelus tombés sous son charme. Grâce à eux, les machinations du Chaperon noir se retournent toujours contre leur auteur.
That Girl

That Girl

Mar 19, 1971
That Girl is an American sitcom that ran on ABC from 1966 to 1971. It stars Marlo Thomas as the title character Ann Marie, an aspiring actress, who moves from her hometown of Brewster, New York to try to make it big in New York City. Ann has to take a number of offbeat "temp" jobs to support herself in between her various auditions and bit parts. Ted Bessell played her boyfriend Donald Hollinger, a writer for Newsview Magazine; Lew Parker and Rosemary DeCamp played Lew Marie and Helen Marie, her concerned parents. Bernie Kopell, Ruth Buzzi and Reva Rose played Ann and Donald's friends. That Girl was developed by writers Bill Persky and Sam Denoff, who had served as head writers on The Dick Van Dyke Show earlier in the 1960s.
Donny & Marie

Donny & Marie

Jan 19, 1979
Donny & Marie is an American variety show which aired on ABC from January 1976 to January 1979. The show stars brother and sister pop duo Donny Osmond and Marie Osmond. Donny had first become popular singing in a music group with his brothers, The Osmonds, and Marie was one of the youngest singers to reach #1 on the Billboard Country Music charts. The siblings were offered a weekly show by ABC-TV President Fred Silverman after he saw the duo co-host a week on The Mike Douglas Show which followed their series of popular remakes of oldies, such as "I'm Leaving It Up To You", "Morning Side Of The Mountain", "Deep Purple" and "Make The World Go Away". Donny and Marie were the youngest entertainers in TV history to host their own variety show. A year later, The Keane Brothers would break this record.
Ma Sorcière Bien-Aimée
Quand la sorcière Samantha épouse l'humain Jean-Pierre, la vie quotidienne se transforme vite en une suite d'aventures loufoques et de quiproquos magiques.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
The Ed Sullivan Show

The Ed Sullivan Show

May 30, 1971
The Ed Sullivan Show is an American TV variety show that originally ran on CBS from Sunday June 20, 1948 to Sunday June 6, 1971, and was hosted by New York entertainment columnist Ed Sullivan. It was replaced in September 1971 by the CBS Sunday Night Movie, which ran only one season and was eventually replaced by other shows. In 2002, The Ed Sullivan Show was ranked #15 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time.
Temperatures Rising

Temperatures Rising

Aug 29, 1974
Temperatures Rising is an American television sitcom that ran from September 12, 1972 to August 29, 1974 on the ABC network. The network had a good deal of faith in the low-rated series, which went through three cast changes, two different formats, and two time slots during its run.
The Hollywood Palace

The Hollywood Palace

Feb 07, 1970
The Hollywood Palace is an hour-long American television variety show that was broadcast weekly on ABC from January 4, 1964 to February 7, 1970. Originally titled The Saturday Night Hollywood Palace, it began as a mid-season replacement for The Jerry Lewis Show, another variety show which had lasted only three months. It was staged in Hollywood at the former Hollywood Playhouse on Vine Street, which was renamed The Hollywood Palace during the show's duration and is today known as Avalon Hollywood. A little-known starlet named Raquel Welch was cast during the first season as the "Billboard Girl", who placed the names of the acts on a placard.
Where's Huddles?

Where's Huddles?

Sep 02, 1970
Where's Huddles? is a Hanna-Barbera animated television program which premiered on CBS on July 1, 1970 and ran for ten episodes as a summer replacement show until September 2. It was similar in style to the studio's considerably more successful The Flintstones, and it used several of the same essential plots and voice actors. Also, like The Flintstones, and unlike many other animated series, Where's Huddles? aired in the evening during prime time, had a laugh track, and had somewhat adult themes. All ten episodes were produced and directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. The show's premise involved a professional football quarterback named Ed Huddles and his neighbor, the team's center Bubba McCoy. They played for a team called The Rhinos. Other characters included Ed's wife Marge Huddles, their rather jovial if acerbic neighbor Claude Pertwee who tended to refer to Ed and Bubba as "savages" {Pertwee's only friend is a spoiled cat named "Beverley"}; their teammate Freight Train, and their daughter Pom-Pom. Bubba's wife Penny McCoy was played by comedic actress Marie Wilson in her final role before her death from cancer in 1972.
The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour
The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour is an American network television music and comedy variety show hosted by singer Glen Campbell from January 1969 through June 1972 on CBS. He was offered the show after he hosted a 1968 summer replacement for The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. Campbell used "Gentle on My Mind" as the theme song of the show. The show was one of the few rural-oriented shows to survive CBS's rural purge of 1971.
Kraft Music Hall

Kraft Music Hall

Sep 01, 1971
Kraft Music Hall is an umbrella title for several television series aired by NBC in the United States from the 1950s to the 1970s in the musical variety genre, sponsored by Kraft Foods, the producers of a well-known line of cheeses and related dairy products. Their commercials were usually announced by "The Voice of Kraft", Ed Herlihy.
The Patty Duke Show

The Patty Duke Show

May 04, 1966
The Patty Duke Show is an American sitcom which ran on ABC from September 18, 1963 to April 27, 1966, with reruns airing through August 31, 1966. The show was created as a vehicle for rising star Patty Duke. A total of 104 episodes were produced, most written by Sidney Sheldon.
Cattanooga Cats

Cattanooga Cats

Jan 24, 1970
Follow the adventures of the Cattanooga Cats, an anthropomorphic band of cats.
The Paul Lynde Show

The Paul Lynde Show

Mar 14, 1973
The Paul Lynde Show is an American sitcom that aired on ABC. The series stars Paul Lynde and aired from September 13, 1972 to September 8, 1973.
The Cara Williams Show
The Cara Williams Show is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from September 18,1964 to April 15, 1965. The series centers on a married couple who has to keep their relationship secret because the company for which they work prohibit staff couples.
The Mike Douglas Show

The Mike Douglas Show

Nov 30, 1981
The Mike Douglas Show is an American daytime television talk show hosted by Mike Douglas that originally aired only in the Cleveland area during much of its first two years on the air. It then went into syndication in 1963 and remained on television until 1982. It was distributed by Westinghouse Broadcasting and for much of its run, originated from studios of two of the company's TV stations in Cleveland and Philadelphia.
That's Life

That's Life

May 20, 1969
That's Life is a musical comedy series that appeared on the ABC television network in 1968–69, starring Robert Morse and E. J. Peaker as Bobby and Gloria Dickson. The series focused on the lives of Bobby and Gloria, from their first meeting through their marriage, as their lives progressed, through Gloria's pregnancy and childbirth, as well as Bobby's work experiences at the Miller Chalk Company. Characters often broke into song, in the manner of musical plays and movies. Songs included well-known numbers and original tunes written for the program itself. Well-known stars often guest-starred in one-time roles. Kay Medford had a recurring role as Gloria's mother, Mrs. Quigley, who was often antagonistic to Bobby.
Hollywood Squares

Hollywood Squares

Jan 20, 1967
Hollywood Squares is an American panel game show, in which two contestants play tic-tac-toe to win cash and prizes. The "board" for the game is a 3 × 3 vertical stack of open-faced cubes, each occupied by a celebrity seated at a desk and facing the contestants. The stars are asked questions by the host, or "Square-Master", and the contestants judge the veracity of their answers in order to win the game. Although Hollywood Squares was a legitimate game show, the game largely acted as the background for the show's comedy in the form of joke answers, often given by the stars prior to their "real" answer. The show's writers usually supplied the jokes. In addition, the stars were given question subjects and plausible incorrect answers prior to the show. The show was scripted in this sense, but the gameplay was not. In any case, as host Peter Marshall, the best-known "Square-Master" and the man in whose honor the show's first announcer, Kenny Williams, actually "coined" the term, would explain at the beginning of the Secret Square game, the celebrities were briefed prior to show to help them with bluff answers, but they otherwise heard the actual questions for the first time as they were asked on air.
Tonight Starring Jack Paar
Tonight Starring Jack Paar is an American talk show hosted by Jack Paar under The Tonight Show franchise from 1957 to 1962. It originally aired during late-night. During most of its run it was broadcast from Studio 6B inside the RCA Building. The same studio would also host early episodes of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, and Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Its theme song was an instrumental version of "Everything's Coming Up Roses", and the closing theme was "So Until I See You" by Al Lerner.
The Mike Douglas Show

The Mike Douglas Show

Nov 30, 1981
The Mike Douglas Show is an American daytime television talk show hosted by Mike Douglas that originally aired only in the Cleveland area during much of its first two years on the air. It then went into syndication in 1963 and remained on television until 1982. It was distributed by Westinghouse Broadcasting and for much of its run, originated from studios of two of the company's TV stations in Cleveland and Philadelphia.
L'Homme à la Rolls

L'Homme à la Rolls

Jan 12, 1966
Cette série met en scène Amos Burke, capitaine de la brigade criminelle de Los Angeles et élégant milliardaire se déplaçant uniquement, avec chauffeur et secrétaire, dans sa Rolls-Royce Phantom V.
L'Homme à la Rolls

L'Homme à la Rolls

Jan 12, 1966
Cette série met en scène Amos Burke, capitaine de la brigade criminelle de Los Angeles et élégant milliardaire se déplaçant uniquement, avec chauffeur et secrétaire, dans sa Rolls-Royce Phantom V.
The Mike Douglas Show

The Mike Douglas Show

Nov 30, 1981
The Mike Douglas Show is an American daytime television talk show hosted by Mike Douglas that originally aired only in the Cleveland area during much of its first two years on the air. It then went into syndication in 1963 and remained on television until 1982. It was distributed by Westinghouse Broadcasting and for much of its run, originated from studios of two of the company's TV stations in Cleveland and Philadelphia.
The Bob Hope Show

The Bob Hope Show

May 28, 1984
The Bob Hope Show hosted by Bob Hope, debuted on April 9, 1950. During the 1952-1953 season, NBC rotated with other variety shows in a Sunday night block known as "The Colgate Comedy Hour" (Sept. 1950 to Dec. 1955). Also known as, "The Chevy Show with Bob Hope." When the first special debuted in October of 1950 it was the most expensive television program made up to that point - costing an astronomical $1,500 a minute to produce. Bob Hope had his own television show and radio show at the same time. For the next three seasons, The Bob Hope Show was broadcast once a month on Tuesday nights, giving Milton Berle a week off. Bob ended his radio show in April, 1956. Bob Hope also had another show by a similar name, "The Bob Hope Show (All Star Revue)". In addition, he performed in "Specials" for many years. It is the longest running variety program in television's history with a record of 45 years of televised entertainment.
The Tonight Show avec Johnny Carson
Le 1er octobre 1962, Groucho Marx accueillit Johnny Carson comme le nouveau présentateur du The Tonight Show. L’émission a été filmée à New York pendant pratiquement les dix premières années, avec Johnny Carson en tant que présentateur. Puis à partir de mai 1972, le plateau déménagea au Studio One à Burbank en Californie pour le reste de son « mandat » .


Oct 29, 1956
Stanley is an American situation comedy starring Buddy Hackett, Carol Burnett, and the voice of Paul Lynde. It aired on NBC during the 1956–1957 television season, produced by Max Liebman, who had previously produced Sid Caesar's Your Show of Shows, co-sponsored by American Tobacco and The Toni Company. Stanley revolved around the adventures of the namesake character as the operator of a newsstand in a posh New York City hotel. Burnett played his girlfriend, Celia, and Lynde voiced the unseen hotel owner, Mr. Fenton, who never appeared on camera but could frequently be heard giving orders to his staff. As was the case with several such programs, Stanley was aired live. Several episodes of the series, preserved on kinescope film, are known to exist. In the show's introduction, the following line was recited: "You think you've got troubles. Stanley, he's got troubles!"
The Carol Burnett Show
The Carol Burnett Show is an American variety/sketch comedy television show starring Carol Burnett, Harvey Korman, Vicki Lawrence, Lyle Waggoner, and Tim Conway. It originally ran on CBS from September 11, 1967, to March 29, 1978, for 278 episodes and originated from CBS Television City's Studio 33. The series won 25 prime time Emmy Awards, was ranked No. 16 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time in 2002 and in 2007 was listed as one of Time magazine's "100 Best TV Shows of All Time."
Le Monde Merveilleux De Disney En Couleurs
Walt Disney Productions has produced an anthology television series under several different titles since 1954. The original version of the series premiered on ABC, Wednesday night, October 27, 1954. The show, which was hosted by Walt Disney until his death and then from 1996 to 2002 by then-CEO Michael Eisner (with one-off hosts or no hosts during other periods) has since aired continually as either a weekly program or an irregular series of specials on several networks and streaming services, most recently on ABC and Disney+. The show is the second longest showing prime-time program on American television, behind its rival, Hallmark Hall of Fame. However, Hallmark Hall of Fame was a weekly program only during its first five seasons, while Disney remained a weekly program for more than forty years.
Action & Adventure
The Carol Burnett Show
The Carol Burnett Show is an American variety/sketch comedy television show starring Carol Burnett, Harvey Korman, Vicki Lawrence, Lyle Waggoner, and Tim Conway. It originally ran on CBS from September 11, 1967, to March 29, 1978, for 278 episodes and originated from CBS Television City's Studio 33. The series won 25 prime time Emmy Awards, was ranked No. 16 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time in 2002 and in 2007 was listed as one of Time magazine's "100 Best TV Shows of All Time."
Tony Awards

Tony Awards

Jun 16, 2024
The Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Theatre, more commonly known as a Tony Award, recognizes achievement in live Broadway theatre. The awards are presented by the American Theatre Wing and The Broadway League at an annual ceremony in New York City. The awards are given for Broadway productions and performances, and an award is given for regional theatre.
The Mothers-in-Law

The Mothers-in-Law

Apr 13, 1969
The Mothers-in-Law is an American sitcom starring Eve Arden and Kaye Ballard as two matriarchs who were friends and next-door neighbors whose children's elopement rendered them in-laws. The show aired on NBC from September 1967 to April 1969. Produced by Desi Arnaz, the series was created by Bob Carroll, Jr., and Madelyn Davis.
The Pet Set

The Pet Set

Jan 17, 1972
Each episode of this part talk show, part docuseries begins with animal-loving celebrities showcasing their pets. The showcase transitions into a documentary segment on the species previously showcased, followed by a discussion with an animal expert, and concluding with host Betty White and sometimes her guest stars outside with a wild animal.
Jinny de mes rêves

Jinny de mes rêves

May 26, 1970
L'astronaute Anthony Nelson découvre une bouteille au fond de laquelle vit un génie qui n'est autre qu'une authentique princesse des mille-et-une nuits, Jinny, âgée de 2000 ans. Aussitôt libérée, elle tombe amoureuse de l'astronaute qui l'emmène chez lui. Cela va rapidement être une source d'ennuis pour l'astronaute car il lui faut cacher à tous l’existence de Jinny .....
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Jinny de mes rêves

Jinny de mes rêves

May 26, 1970
L'astronaute Anthony Nelson découvre une bouteille au fond de laquelle vit un génie qui n'est autre qu'une authentique princesse des mille-et-une nuits, Jinny, âgée de 2000 ans. Aussitôt libérée, elle tombe amoureuse de l'astronaute qui l'emmène chez lui. Cela va rapidement être une source d'ennuis pour l'astronaute car il lui faut cacher à tous l’existence de Jinny .....
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Kraft Music Hall

Kraft Music Hall

Sep 01, 1971
Kraft Music Hall is an umbrella title for several television series aired by NBC in the United States from the 1950s to the 1970s in the musical variety genre, sponsored by Kraft Foods, the producers of a well-known line of cheeses and related dairy products. Their commercials were usually announced by "The Voice of Kraft", Ed Herlihy.
Love, American Style

Love, American Style

Jan 11, 1974
An anthology comedy series featuring a line up of different celebrity guest stars appearing in anywhere from one, two, three, and four short stories or vignettes within an hour about versions of love and romance.
Best of The Dean Martin Variety Show
Dean Martin at his best, each episodes is a combination of extracted performances compiled by the Dean Martin Show's director, Greg Garrison for a multi-DVD set. The performances from the 60s and 70s feature comedians and famous actors such as Jimmy Stewart, Don Rickles ,Tony Bennett, Marty Feldman; Jonathan Winters; Andy Griffith, Bill Cosby; Woody Allen; Frank Sinatra, Orson Wells, Zero Mostel. Flip Wilson, Gene Kelly, Peter Falk, Paul Lynde; Jack Benny; Mills Brothers; Phil Silvers, Fess Parker; Eddie Albert; Gladys Knight & Pips, and Jimmy Durante.