Nut Pasuth Pongpasuth

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Biker Korn unexpectedly inherits his family's Somtam restaurant after his grandmother Dawn's death. He would've liked to sell the business and make a bit of money, but Dawn's spirit has stuck around.
Les lois de l'attraction
Tinn est un professeur de taekwondo qui vient de perdre sa nièce dans un accident de voiture impliquant le fils d'un politicien. C'est Charn, un avocat doué friand d'affaires médiatisées lui apportant richesse et gloire, qui s'occupe de la défense de la partie adverse. Mais en voulant en savoir plus, il se fait congédier brutalement. Charn est convaincu que cette affaire est plus complexe qu'un simple accident routier. Ainsi pour découvrir la vérité et se venger, il décide de se rallier à Tinn. Mais plus les deux hommes enquêtent plus ils sont en danger et plus leur attirance l'un pour l'autre grandit...
When the young man was honest I had to leave to take care of my grandmother. But he inherited a dormitory from his grandfather. So he had to turn to take care of business. Ready to be a drunkard With an arrogant young woman Stories of tenant chaos occur every day. The same goes for all the plans of evil relatives who want to seize this land. So he had to use Dhamma and have her help him solve the problem. Until love gradually builds up in the end.


Nov 21, 2024
Ambition, love and betrayal intertwine when a royal concubine secretly plots to claim the throne for her family in the old Thai kingdom.