Seo Suk-kyu

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Cold Eyes

Cold Eyes

Jul 03, 2013
Les policiers de l'équipe de surveillance d'une unité de crime spéciale travaillent ensemble pour démonter une organisation de vol de banque.
Défense d'atterrir

Défense d'atterrir

Aug 03, 2022
Une attaque terroriste menée en plein vol. Des passagers touchés l’un après l’autre. Un flic chargé de l’enquête, dont l’épouse est dans l’avion. Une compagnie aérienne dépassée. Une seule consigne adressée aux pilotes : Défense d’atterrir.
Miss and Mrs. Cops

Miss and Mrs. Cops

May 09, 2019
Une policière travaillait auparavant au sein d'une équipe de police mais elle est mutée dans la fonction publique après s'être mariée. Elle fait équipe avec sa belle-sœur pour résoudre une affaire dans laquelle une victime de chantage sexuel se suicide.
Destruction Finale

Destruction Finale

Dec 19, 2019
Un jour, un volcan de la montagne Baekdu entre en éruption et crée la panique en Corée. Une représentante du gouvernement, Jeon Yu Gyeong, va à la rencontre du professeur Kang Bong Rae qui étudie la montagne Baekdu et alerte depuis trois ans déjà des possibles éruptions sans jamais être écouté. Une mission du nom de EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) est alors mise en place avec à sa tête Jo In Chang pour se rendre en Corée du Nord et maîtriser les évènements.
해야 할 일

해야 할 일

Sep 25, 2024
Joon-hee, a fourth-year assistant manager at Hanyang Heavy Industries gets assigned to the human resources department. As the shipyard suffers a dearth of orders, the creditors instruct the HR to restructure the company. Although reluctant to do so, the team supposes that it is inevitable for keeping the company afloat. The HR proceeds to make the restructuring as smooth and efficient as possible. In an attempt to set the criteria for dismissal in company’s favor, the team first tries to elect employee's representatives who will cater for the demands of management. Some of the so-called blacklisted employees who are well aware of the conventional procedure start to put on a brake…
Projet Wolf Hunting

Projet Wolf Hunting

Sep 21, 2022
Alors qu'ils sont transférés depuis les Philippines vers la Corée du Sud par un navire cargo, plusieurs dangereux criminels provoquent une violente émeute jusqu'à ce qu'un monstre non identifié sorte de son sommeil...
길위에 김대중

길위에 김대중

Jan 10, 2024
Kim Dae Jung, who stands next to people in the middle of caotic history! A young businessman Kim Dae Jung recognized the victims of ideology. He decided to be a politician to make his country where people's politic and democracy are rooted. The price of being leave from a guaranteed future and take the first step on a bumby road was kidnapping, death threats, imprisonment, and a death sentence that shook him to the core, but even in his final moments, when he was sentenced to death, Kim never wavered. "Democracy will be recovered. I believe in it." The life of President Kim Dae-jung, a death row inmate who survived from the throes of death, four parliamentary elections, and three unsuccessful presidential campaigns, is etched into the modern history of South Korea.
식물카페, 온정

식물카페, 온정

Jun 24, 2021
Hyeonjae was a war correspondent who quit due to his trauma of war. Thinking of the special communication he had with plants as a kid, he returns to his grandfather's arboretum. At that very place, he gains the courage to live on and decides to run a plant café in the city. To his customers who seek him out with their stories and plants, Hyeonjae provides a remedy for not only their plants but also their hearts.
딸에 대하여

딸에 대하여

Sep 04, 2024
Green is a professor in a long-term relationship with her lesbian partner. Failing at preparing the deposit for the house and Green being laid off for helping her homosexual colleague, the only option they can choose is to move in with Green’s mother. As their awkward stay prolongs, the mother drives all her energy into her job as a caregiver.


Oct 06, 2024
Jihun is a 19-year-old trainee working at a small factory, where he is paired with Wooseok, his indifferent and careless supervisor. When a problem arises with a client, Jihun, who doesn’t have a driver’s license, happens to take the wheel.
럭키, 아파트

럭키, 아파트

Oct 30, 2024
Lesbian couple Sun-woo and Hee-suh buy a small apartment, which they’ve put everything for. But when Sun-woo loses her job and injures her leg, their relationship begins to sour while Hee-suh is sorely responsible for paying the mortgage and interest. Their stress level reaches a fever pitch when a foul odor starts to emanate from downstairs.
Hospital Playlist

Hospital Playlist

Sep 16, 2021
Chaque jour est extraordinaire pour cinq médecins et leurs patients à l'intérieur d'un hôpital, où cohabitent naissance, mort et tout le reste.
True to Love

True to Love

May 24, 2023
L'entraîneur de rencontres Bo-ra, dont la relation est un échec, et l'épineux éditeur Su-hyeok s'associent pour sauver la vie amoureuse de Bo-ra pour le bien de son prochain livre sur les rencontres. La collaboration aboutit au jeu mental de la romance.
Les Pouvoirs de l'Ombre
Trois adolescents essaient de dissimuler leurs super-pouvoirs, tandis que leurs parents luttent pour les empêcher d’être utilisés par d’autres personnes.