Mickey and Thomas, stars on the rise, and their friends and crew find themselves trapped in a deadly game by a killer who has dubbed himself 'The Auteur'.
Five students embark on a school team-building exercise deep in a secluded forest - a fatal accident ensues leading to mass hysteria among the group, as one by one they disappear, who will be left to face the Korruption?
Five students embark on a school team-building exercise deep in a secluded forest - a fatal accident ensues leading to mass hysteria among the group, as one by one they disappear, who will be left to face the Korruption?
Mickey and Thomas, stars on the rise, and their friends and crew find themselves trapped in a deadly game by a killer who has dubbed himself 'The Auteur'.
Mickey and Thomas, stars on the rise, and their friends and crew find themselves trapped in a deadly game by a killer who has dubbed himself 'The Auteur'.