A rookie FBI agent is sent to infiltrate local mafia gang the Platypi Mob and take them down from the inside. But how far will he go to prove his loyalty?
A group of friends reuniting at a winter retreat are snowed in by the most heinous blizzard in history. But as the night goes on and a terrifying secret is uncovered in the nearby woods, it becomes clear that one of them is not what he seems...and not everyone will make it out alive.
Two teens bear witness to a monstrous discovery, and cross paths with a secret government organization determined to study the creatures. But with the military’s plan to destroy them using nuclear weapons, the fate of the world rests in their hands.
Tensions between two racial gangs in 1957 New York reach a boiling point when two star-crossed lovers meet by chance at a community dance. And a rumble is brewing between the Jets and Sharks that will end in tragedy.
A group of friends reuniting at a winter retreat are snowed in by the most heinous blizzard in history. But as the night goes on and a terrifying secret is uncovered in the nearby woods, it becomes clear that one of them is not what he seems...and not everyone will make it out alive.