Тимур Юнусов

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Velvet Revolution

Velvet Revolution

Sep 15, 2005
La Russie, de nos jours. Les mafias ont pris le pouvoir. Deux enquêteurs vont devoir s'unir contre le plus redoutable cartel. Le premier, Vershinin, est un franc-tireur. Le second, Suvorotsev, est un incorruptible, à cheval sur le règlement. Leur adversaire : Sors, trafiquant, protégé par l'immunité diplomatique. Au fil de leur enquête, les deux policiers découvrent une gigantesque organisation, aux ramifications mondiales. De Russie en Allemagne, du Kenya en Californie, ils vont affronter des chefs d'États, des membres des services secrets et des barons de la drogue...
BEEF: Русский хип-хоп
The complete history of hip-hop in Russia, from its underground stage to hitting huge stadiums, is seen through the eyes of the brightest and most iconic representatives of the profession. This film looks behind the scenes of Russian rap, exposing all the conflicts and clashes, showing the genre’s true colors and answering the question of how it managed to capture this generation’s attention and become their anthem.
Hitler est kaput

Hitler est kaput

Sep 18, 2008
Pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, l'espion Choura Ossetchkine a réussi à s'infiltrer dans le quartier général de Hitler, sous le nom de «Schurenberg». La ravissante Zina est là pour l'aider et crée des ravages dans les coeurs de l'armée allemande déjà bien désorganisée. Fous d'amour l'un pour l'autre, ils pourraient bien oublier leur mission, mais Zina est arrêtée par la Gestapo. Pour lui porter secours, Choura sera aidé de façon inattendue par Borman, lui aussi éperdument amoureux... de lui !


Sep 05, 2019
Russian pop stars are flying to Baku for the "Heat" festival. Among them is Dasha Steklova, a talented debutante whose fame began with a victory in a popular musical TV show. Dasha doesn't want to play by the rules and craves creative freedom. In Baku, having quarreled with her producer (and also a young man), the girl runs away. In a fabulous city breathing music and sunshine, she is waiting for a lot of adventures and romantic encounters that will help Dasha fulfill her dream and become truly happy.
Что было дальше?
A black comedy show in which four comedians listen to a story from the life of a celebrity and try to guess its ending, while using all sorts of jokes and obscene language, sometimes bordering on insults to the guest.


Jul 01, 2023
Reincarnating in various characters, Mikhail Galustyan and his guests show that Russians have a boundless soul and a wonderful sense of humor.
Песни на ТНТ. Реалити.
The best participants of the project moved into the Mercury tower in Moscow City, where they are under constant surveillance by cameras. TNT viewers in reality mode will see how young performers cope with the difficulties of adult star life, evolve under the guidance of leading specialists from music labels and prepare for weekly large-scale concerts.


Dec 14, 2024
Garik Kharlamov, Azamat Musagaliyev and Denis Dorokhov discuss current events every Saturday evening, joke and communicate with the guests of the show.
Топ-модель по-русски
Top Model po-russki is a Russian reality television show and the second Russian adaptation of Tyra Banks' America's Next Top Model, after You are a Supermodel, which aired from 2004 to 2007. The show places a group of young contestants from Russia against each other in a variety of challenges to determine who will win title of the next Russian Top Model along with a lucrative modelling contract, and other prizes in the hope of a successful future in the modeling industry.


Jun 04, 2022
The most enviable suitors of the country: young and successful actors, singers, businessmen, sports stars - choose a life partner in front of a million spectators. 25 beautiful girls are fighting for the heart of one bachelor who will get to know them better during a fabulous journey around the world. Every day the Cinderella rivalry becomes more and more dramatic, and the choice of a hero becomes more and more difficult.
Collection of satirical sketches, telling about the decent inhabitants of the Patriarchal Ponds and their obscene stories. The series includes touching, outrageous and full of love intimate stories that are not accepted to speak out loud.