Nicolas de Pruyssenaere

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Nov 02, 2004
Deux voyageurs temporels, avec des avis divergents, sont renvoyés dans le présent, en Antarctique, à bord d'un vaisseau scientifique pour empêcher une catastrophe biologique mondiale.
The Point Men

The Point Men

Sep 07, 2001
A la tête d'une unité d'élite de la police américaine, Tony Eckhardt est chargé de neutraliser un terroriste. Mais l'opération tourne mal, l'un des hommes de Tony est abattu et le criminel prend la fuite. Le flic de choc se lance alors à sa poursuite. Le temps presse, les équipiers de Tony tombent les uns après les autres sous les balles du terroriste.
Matrix Resurrections

Matrix Resurrections

Dec 16, 2021
Dix-huit ans après les événements de Matrix Revolutions, Thomas A. Anderson (alias Neo) ne se souvient plus de rien et mène une vie d'apparence normale à San Francisco. Il se rend régulièrement chez un psychiatre à qui il raconte ses rêves étranges et qui lui prescrit des pilules bleues. Après la réapparition de visages familiers et en quête de réponses, Neo repart à la recherche du lapin blanc. Il rencontre un certain Morpheus, qui lui offre le choix entre rester dans la Matrice et prendre son envol.
Science Fiction
Leve boerenliefde

Leve boerenliefde

May 14, 2013
A farmer lost his wife and is anything but looking for a new romance. But when a popular TV dating show plans to film a new episode on his farm, he is lured into becoming a participant in the show to save his farm.
Le Mystère du Livre Sacré
À ses 18 ans, Benjamin, fou de numérique, hérite d’une boîte d’anciens artefacts de son père disparu. Il décide d’offre un livre ancien à Slien, la jeune fille qu’il convoite, et déclenche involontairement une réaction en chaîne. Un vieil homme appelé Zeppos est également très intéressé par le livre qui a appartenu au cartographe Mercator. En utilisant les messages secrets du livre de Mercator, le trio découvre le mystère tout en devant garder une longueur d’avance sur un mystérieux rival.
Bobby et les Chasseurs de fantômes
Sanne, 13 ans, raffole des histoires fantastiques que lui raconte son père, Lucas, un chasseur de spectres très réputé. Appelé à exercer ses talents à bord d'un ancien bateau de croisière reconverti en hôtel, Lucas propose à ses enfants de l'accompagner. Sanne rencontre ainsi Bobby, un fantôme de son âge, qui souhaite revoir sa mère une dernière fois avant de quitter le monde des vivants...
V pour Vendetta

V pour Vendetta

Feb 23, 2006
Londres, au 21ème siècle… Evey Hammond ne veut rien oublier de l’homme qui lui sauva la vie et lui permit de dominer ses peurs les plus lointaines. Mais il fut un temps où elle n’aspirait qu’à l’anonymat pour échapper à une police secrète omnipotente. Comme tous ses concitoyens, trop vite soumis, elle acceptait que son pays ait perdu son âme et se soit donné en masse au tyran Sutler et à ses partisans. Une nuit, alors que deux « gardiens de l’ordre » s’apprêtaient à la violer dans une rue déserte, Evey vit surgir son libérateur. Et rien ne fut plus comme avant. Son apprentissage commença quelques semaines plus tard sous la tutelle de « V ». Evey ne connaîtrait jamais son nom et son passé, ne verrait jamais son visage atrocement brûlé et défiguré, mais elle deviendrait à la fois son unique disciple, sa seule amie et le seul amour d’une vie sans amour…
Menace sur la Maison Blanche
Alors qu’il doit participer à un important sommet international, le Premier Ministre belge est kidnappé avec sa famille. S’il veut sauver sa femme et ses enfants, il devra assassiner la Présidente des Etats-Unis. Suivi, filmé, écouté en permanence, il ne peut échapper à la vigilance de ses ravisseurs. La situation semble désespérée. Jusqu’où ira-t-il pour sauver sa famille ?
Hitman & Bodyguard

Hitman & Bodyguard

Aug 16, 2017
Un redoutable tueur à gages est contraint de témoigner contre son ancien employeur devant la Cour internationale de justice de La Haye. Interpol est alors chargée de l’escorter jusqu’aux Pays-Bas et engage le meilleur garde du corps du métier pour mener à bien cette mission. Mais c’était sans savoir que depuis des années, les deux hommes s’opposent : les voilà désormais obligés de s’associer pour tenter de survivre aux pires épreuves… De l’Angleterre à La Haye, ils vont vivre une aventure délirante, une succession infernale de tentatives de meurtre, de courses-poursuites pour échapper à un dictateur d’Europe de l’Est prêt à tout pour les éliminer.
De Terugkeer van de Wespendief
With his familial bookshop on the verge of bankruptcy, Simon finds himself retreating more and more to his cabin in the woods. After witnessing the suicide of a stranger, a childhood trauma involving his bullied best friend resurfaces and he withdraws even further into the past, estranging himself from his wife and his responsibilities. The only glimmer of hope is a young girl who needs help with her book review. But there is more to the girl than there seems to be.
Ghost Rockers voor Altijd
When Jonas's grandmother dies, he inherits two foreign objects. The Ghost Rockers soon discover that they belong to a puzzle of five pieces, the 'Five Elements' and even more important: that like objects which, according to legend, to make sure they have contact with the Freebirds. But ... there are pirates on the coast of the objects but some would like to have in their possession in order to talk with the spirits of the deceased. It is all hands on deck for the Ghost Rockers, because if they lose the elements, they lose contact with the Freebirds ... and that could well mean the end of the Ghost Rockers ...
L'Ascenseur (niveau 2)
When Jonas's grandmother dies, he inherits two foreign objects. The Ghost Rockers soon discover that they belong to a puzzle of five pieces, the 'Five Elements' and even more important: that like objects which, according to legend, to make sure they have contact with the Freebirds. But ... there are pirates on the coast of the objects but some would like to have in their possession in order to talk with the spirits of the deceased. It is all hands on deck for the Ghost Rockers, because if they lose the elements, they lose contact with the Freebirds ... and that could well mean the end of the Ghost Rockers ...
The Takeover

The Takeover

Nov 01, 2022
When Jonas's grandmother dies, he inherits two foreign objects. The Ghost Rockers soon discover that they belong to a puzzle of five pieces, the 'Five Elements' and even more important: that like objects which, according to legend, to make sure they have contact with the Freebirds. But ... there are pirates on the coast of the objects but some would like to have in their possession in order to talk with the spirits of the deceased. It is all hands on deck for the Ghost Rockers, because if they lose the elements, they lose contact with the Freebirds ... and that could well mean the end of the Ghost Rockers ...
The Takeover

The Takeover

Nov 01, 2022
When Jonas's grandmother dies, he inherits two foreign objects. The Ghost Rockers soon discover that they belong to a puzzle of five pieces, the 'Five Elements' and even more important: that like objects which, according to legend, to make sure they have contact with the Freebirds. But ... there are pirates on the coast of the objects but some would like to have in their possession in order to talk with the spirits of the deceased. It is all hands on deck for the Ghost Rockers, because if they lose the elements, they lose contact with the Freebirds ... and that could well mean the end of the Ghost Rockers ...


Nov 01, 2022
Follow the adventures of the real St. Nick and all his helpers.
Dossier K.

Dossier K.

Dec 09, 2009
Follow the adventures of the real St. Nick and all his helpers.
Leve boerenliefde

Leve boerenliefde

May 14, 2013
A farmer lost his wife and is anything but looking for a new romance. But when a popular TV dating show plans to film a new episode on his farm, he is lured into becoming a participant in the show to save his farm.


Oct 29, 2014


A farmer lost his wife and is anything but looking for a new romance. But when a popular TV dating show plans to film a new episode on his farm, he is lured into becoming a participant in the show to save his farm.
La Mémoire du tueur

La Mémoire du tueur

Oct 15, 2003
A farmer lost his wife and is anything but looking for a new romance. But when a popular TV dating show plans to film a new episode on his farm, he is lured into becoming a participant in the show to save his farm.
Bon Bini Holland

Bon Bini Holland

Dec 10, 2015
A farmer lost his wife and is anything but looking for a new romance. But when a popular TV dating show plans to film a new episode on his farm, he is lured into becoming a participant in the show to save his farm.
Soudain, le 22 mai

Soudain, le 22 mai

Nov 17, 2010
A farmer lost his wife and is anything but looking for a new romance. But when a popular TV dating show plans to film a new episode on his farm, he is lured into becoming a participant in the show to save his farm.
Profession profiler

Profession profiler

May 07, 2004
A farmer lost his wife and is anything but looking for a new romance. But when a popular TV dating show plans to film a new episode on his farm, he is lured into becoming a participant in the show to save his farm.
Slaughter night

Slaughter night

Oct 05, 2006
A farmer lost his wife and is anything but looking for a new romance. But when a popular TV dating show plans to film a new episode on his farm, he is lured into becoming a participant in the show to save his farm.
Terreur point com

Terreur point com

Aug 09, 2002
A farmer lost his wife and is anything but looking for a new romance. But when a popular TV dating show plans to film a new episode on his farm, he is lured into becoming a participant in the show to save his farm.
L'Ombre du vampire

L'Ombre du vampire

May 15, 2000
A farmer lost his wife and is anything but looking for a new romance. But when a popular TV dating show plans to film a new episode on his farm, he is lured into becoming a participant in the show to save his farm.
Le Mauvais Camp 2

Le Mauvais Camp 2

Dec 19, 2024
A farmer lost his wife and is anything but looking for a new romance. But when a popular TV dating show plans to film a new episode on his farm, he is lured into becoming a participant in the show to save his farm.
Strike Force

Strike Force

Feb 02, 2020
Smeris est une série policière néerlandaise de BNN / BNNVARA , dans laquelle un impossible duo de détectives doit arrêter une guerre des gangs, en partie causée par eux-mêmes, qui se déroule à Tilburg . [1] La deuxième saison a alors eu lieu principalement à Amsterdam , et à partir de la saison 3, la série est revenue à Tilburg.
Strike Force

Strike Force

Feb 03, 2019
Classique de Victor Hugo qui décrit la vie de gens pauvres dans Paris et la France provinciale du XIXe siècle, et qui suit plus spécifiquement le bagnard Jean Valjean dont le destin est bouleversé par sa rencontre avec Fantine, mourante et sans-le-sou, qui lui demande de prendre soin de sa fille Cosette.
Strike Force

Strike Force

Mar 15, 2023
Walter Wilson (Kevin Janssens) and Robin De Rover (Ella-June Henrard) once started their careers in the police force with great dedication and noble ideals, but too often saw months of intensive and dangerous detective work lost due to what they considered irrelevant procedural errors, dexterity of expensive lawyers and dubious decisions of foreign judges. They are increasingly colouring outside the lines during their patrols: for example, they tip criminals off about future police actions and get heavily paid for them. Wilson is also addicted (women, booze, drugs...) and that makes him incalculable. When he is suspended from the police force after repeated conflicts, he looks for even more rapprochement with the criminal environment, but in the meantime is tipsy game.
Strike Force

Strike Force

Nov 03, 2023
Lorsqu'un coup de filet médiatisé laisse un poste vacant parmi les barons de la drogue du Brabant, Eddy Beaumont voit une occasion en or de renflouer ses comptes.