Daniel Pereira

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Entre a Luz e o Nada

Entre a Luz e o Nada

May 02, 2023
It’s summer and it feels like everything is melting. The body melts in sweat and the afternoon fades into endless nights. Weird dreams invade Shade’s sleep and unexplainable lights appear in the sky. Between work, home and friends, Shade seems to be floating. They are in suspension, in an intermediate state in which the reality of the world does not sustain itself.
Ovnis, Monstros e Utopias: Três Curtas Queer
Three Portuguese queer short films brought together in a program that charts an alternative path through converging universes, forming a new constellation of desires, fears, and struggles. Entre a Luz e o Nada by Joana de Sousa, Sob Influência by Ricardo Branco, and Uma Rapariga Imaterial by André Godinho are three cinematic gestures that explore techniques and narratives from science fiction to horror, seeking new ways to view and imagine other possibilities. After traveling through various festivals, these films can now be experienced together, in a mutual exploration of mysterious worlds, unsettling dreams, and singular visions.
Science Fiction
Je suis toujours là

Je suis toujours là

Sep 19, 2024
Rio, 1971, sous la dictature militaire. La grande maison des Paiva, près de la plage, est un havre de vie, de paroles partagées, de jeux, de rencontres. Jusqu’au jour où des hommes du régime viennent arrêter Rubens, le père de famille, qui disparait sans laisser de traces. Sa femme Eunice et ses cinq enfants mèneront alors un combat acharné pour la recherche de la vérité...