Nik Turner

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Hawkwind: Do Not Panic
The inside story of Hawkwind, one of Britain's wildest acid rock bands. Emerging from the Ladbroke Grove underground at the end of the 60s, the band trailed radicalism and counter-culture in their wake, and have been a direct influence on punk, metal, dance and rave.


Mar 15, 2010
"Lemmy" suit les pérégrinations du sir Kilmister, le leader de Mötorhead, dans le privé et sur la route, là où l’éructeur d'"Ace of Spades" passe la majorité de son temps. L’équipe de tournage a suivi le pionnier du heavy metal pendant trois ans. A aujourd’hui 64 ans, Lemmy n’est pas prêt à rendre les armes. Indestructible, Motörhead est un panzer. Une machine infaillible.
Hawkwind - Warrior On The Edge Of Time
This is an NTSC region Free DVD featuring a new surround & stereo mixes of the classic Hawkwind Album, Warrior On The Edge Of Time. Recorded in 1975, the album is a ground-breaking classic of Hawkwind’s career. Featuring a line-up of DAVE BROCK, NIK TURNER, LEMMY, SIMON HOUSE, SIMON KING & ALAN POWELL, the album is arguably one of the finest rock albums of the mid-1970s.
Hawkwind - Space Ritual
This is 5.1 surround sound audio mix of the classic Hakwind album of the same name The Space Ritual Alive in Liverpool and London is a 1973 live double album recorded in 1972 by UK rock band Hawkwind. It is their fourth album, reached #9 in the UK album charts and briefly dented the Billboard Top 200, peaking at #179. The album was recorded during the tour to promote their Doremi Fasol Latido album, which comprises the bulk of this set. In addition, there are new tracks ("Born To Go", "Upside Down" and "Orgone Accumulator") and the songs are interspersed by electronic and spoken pieces making this one continuous performance The DVD was released as a bonus ot the remastered collectors CD issue of the albom
Hawkwind - Space Ritual
This is 5.1 surround sound audio mix of the classic Hakwind album of the same name The Space Ritual Alive in Liverpool and London is a 1973 live double album recorded in 1972 by UK rock band Hawkwind. It is their fourth album, reached #9 in the UK album charts and briefly dented the Billboard Top 200, peaking at #179. The album was recorded during the tour to promote their Doremi Fasol Latido album, which comprises the bulk of this set. In addition, there are new tracks ("Born To Go", "Upside Down" and "Orgone Accumulator") and the songs are interspersed by electronic and spoken pieces making this one continuous performance The DVD was released as a bonus ot the remastered collectors CD issue of the albom
Hawkwind: The Solstice at Stonehenge 1984
Hawkwind plays the final Peoples' Free Festival at Stonehenge during the Summer Solstice and this tiny snippet of film is an amazing yet important document of a time when there was still the free spirit of independence and nonconformity. Blasting its audience into deep space with their high-octane space rock and surreal theatrics of it lead-singer, it really is time to buckle your seat belts and take a trip into times' long gone past.
I am Thor

I am Thor

Nov 20, 2015
Jon Mikl Thor n'était pas que bodybuilder, casseur de cailloux et souffleur de bouillotte...C'était aussi une rock star comme on en fait plus. En slip et déchaîné sur scène, il électrisait les foules avec son groupe de métal et ses performances titanesques. Pas un super héros en lycra et voix suave, non, une bête de fureur et de sang en quête de Valhalla avec un gros marteau. Malheureusement, après une période faste dans les années 80, il connut une longue traversée du désert (un désert bien achalandé néanmoins puisqu'il en profita pour prendre quelques kilos) dont il essaye de sortir aujourd'hui en multipliant les comebacks plus ou moins réussis. Ce film est son histoire: une histoire d'abnégation, de passion et de rock'n roll !