After a screenwriter's script is harshly rejected by his mentor, he becomes consumed by the desperate need to prove himself and create something truly exceptional.
Alan, a not-all-there adventurer, must choose to either go on a sketchy and politically questionable "adventure" or to trust his estranged wife, Alice, that the man Alan is working for is not who he says he is.
After a rough night, a young man with Tourette Syndrome bumps into his therapist's outgoing and energetic daughter with whom he strikes up a unique relationship.
The Egos discover an unaired Halloween Special and try to play it but the DVD player inside the PS4 isn't working properly. A comedic horror anthology is unleashed instead.
Going to college is a day many people dream about, but for Andrew, it might not be as easy as he ever thought, specially during his first night away from home.
After a rough night, a young man with Tourette Syndrome bumps into his therapist's outgoing and energetic daughter with whom he strikes up a unique relationship.
After a rough night, a young man with Tourette Syndrome bumps into his therapist's outgoing and energetic daughter with whom he strikes up a unique relationship.
After a rough night, a young man with Tourette Syndrome bumps into his therapist's outgoing and energetic daughter with whom he strikes up a unique relationship.
After a rough night, a young man with Tourette Syndrome bumps into his therapist's outgoing and energetic daughter with whom he strikes up a unique relationship.
Lorsque sa femme le quitte et que son fils part à la fac, John Nolan, la quarantaine, est à un tournant de sa vie et décide de réaliser un vieux rêve : devenir flic ! Il part vivre à Los Angeles et se retrouve, malgré son âge, un bleu parmi les bleus...