Marian Seldes

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August Rush

August Rush

Nov 21, 2007
Peu importe qu'il ait grandi dans un orphelinat : August Rush est persuadé que ses parents n'ont jamais voulu l'abandonner. Le jour où il découvre son talent inné pour la musique, August y voit même le moyen de retrouver ceux qui l'ont mis au monde : il est sûr que ses parents, s'ils entendent la symphonie qu'il a composée pour eux, sauront le reconnaître au travers de sa musique...


Jul 23, 1999
Sous prétexte de les guérir de leurs insomnies, le docteur David Marrow a invité à "Hill House" trois de ses patients, Theo, jeune femme belle et élégante; Luke, cobaye professionnel qui est venu pour gagner un peu d'argent ; et Lili, fragile, sensible et vulnérable. En réalité, le docteur conduit une expérience sur les mécanismes de l'angoisse. Or, le château de "Hill House", lugubre résidence construite au XIXe siècle par le richissime industriel Hugh Crain, homme cruel et tourmenté, a la réputation d'être hanté.
Digging to China

Digging to China

Jul 07, 1997
Harriet, une fillette de dix ans vit avec sa grande soeur et sa mère alcoolique. Très créative, elle s'enferme dans son monde jusqu'au jour où arrive Ricky qui devient son ami.
The Visitor

The Visitor

Feb 21, 2008
Professeur d'économie dans une université du Connecticut, Walter Vale, la soixantaine, a perdu son goût pour l'enseignement et mène désormais une vie routinière. Il tente de combler le vide de son existence en apprenant le piano, mais sans grand succès...Lorsque l'Université l'envoie à Manhattan pour assister à une conférence, Walter constate qu'un jeune couple s'est installé dans l'appartement qu'il possède là-bas : victimes d'une escroquerie immobilière, Tarek, d'origine syrienne, et sa petite amie sénégalaise Zainab n'ont nulle part ailleurs où aller. D'abord un rien réticent, Walter accepte de laisser les deux jeunes gens habiter avec lui.


Mar 05, 2000
An elderly lesbian couple, Edith (Vanessa Redgrave) and Abby (Marian Seldes), find out their long-term relationship has no bearing in the eyes of the world in 1961 when tragedy falls on them. Part of the anthology film, If These Walls Could Talk 2.
The Lonely Night

The Lonely Night

Mar 06, 1954
After Caroline Cram finds herself in an analyst's office, she starts groping for the truth about her hopelessness, fears, loneliness and anxieties. A fact and fiction documentary financed by the U. S. Public Health Service and endorsed by the National Association for Mental Health and the National Institute for Mental Health.
Lueur dans la forêt

Lueur dans la forêt

Jul 08, 1958
En 1764 aux États-Unis, un traité de paix entre les colons britanniques et les indiens du Delaware comprend une clause de libération des prisonniers respectifs, mais pour le jeune garçon Johnny Butler qui a vécu la majorité de sa vie avec les indiens cela pose problème. Il a développé de forts ressentiments envers les blancs et l'expédition punitive menée par son oncle Wilse Owens n'arrange rien. Il rencontre alors une jeune esclave de son oncle, nommée Shenandoe qui cauchemarde depuis la mort de ses parents tués par des indiens. Sa rencontre et leur amour vont entamer un changement chez Johnny.
Un Flingue Pour Betty Lou
Betty Lou est un bibliothécaire dans une très petite ville. Son mari est un détective de police qui la prend pour acquis. Betty Lou est la souris ultime. Après une figure de la pègre est mystérieusement assassiné dans la ville, Betty Lou trouve l'arme assassiner, mais ne peut pas attirer l'attention de tout le monde pour leur dire (nous parlons très mouseY, ici). Enfin, dans une forme de frustration, elle tire l'arme à feu dans une salle de repos et lorsqu'ils sont pris au poste de police insiste sur le fait qu'elle est le meurtrier. Il a l'effet désiré, les gens ne prêter attention à elle. Avec des notes de grâces sociales des putes dans son bloc cellulaire, elle est sur son chemin.


Sep 07, 1998
À travers l'histoire de deux personnages, la célébrité est abordée sous toutes ses formes, depuis la renommée nationale jusqu'à l'admiration locale d'un cercle restreint. Cette comédie est un regard amusé sur ce que les gens sont prêts à faire pour devenir célèbres ou le rester.
Sex revelations

Sex revelations

Mar 05, 2000
Long-métrage en forme de trilogie, ce film illustre les difficultés rencontrées par les lesbiennes à trois époques différentes : du placard des années 1960 à la lesbo-parentalite des années 1990 en passant par un "sex, drug & butch" cher aux seventies.
Mélodie pour un tueur
Jimmy Fingers vit entre deux mondes. Dans l'un, c'est un pianiste amateur qui se rêve virtuose, et pour lequel sa mère, une ex-concertiste dérangée, a de grandes ambitions. Dans l'autre, c'est un brutal recouvreur de dettes qui officie pour le compte de son père, un loser mafieux. Jimmy est déchiré entre ces deux existences qui vont finir par s'entrechoquer.
The extra man

The extra man

Aug 01, 2010
Un metteur en scène raté cherche à arrondir ses fins de mois. Alors qu’il décide d’escorter de riches veuves dans leurs soirées, il fait la rencontre d’un jeune garçon qui rêve d’écrire et va devenir son mentor.


May 01, 2009
Inga is a mother with the soul of a poet at a crossroads. Her estranged husband Hermann is bereft of emotional support for her in the wake of her recovery from breast cancer, let alone her passion for buying and restoring and house that reminds her of her childhood home. She shares a close bond with her eight-year-old daughter, and though she is troubled by her decaying marriage, she retains a strong spirit of optimism, as expressed in her own writing.
Proteus: A Nineteenth Century Vision
The animated documentary Proteus explores the nineteenth century's engagement with the undersea world through science, technology, painting, poetry and myth. The central figure of the film is biologist and artist Ernst Haeckel, who found in the depths of the sea an ecstatic and visionary fusion of science and art.
Broadway: The Golden Age, by the Legends Who Were There
Broadway: The Golden Age is the most important, ambitious and comprehensive film ever made about America's most celebrated indigenous art form. Award-winning filmmaker Rick McKay filmed over 100 of the greatest stars ever to work on Broadway or in Hollywood. He soon learned that great films can be restored, fine literature can be kept in print - but historic Broadway performances of the past are the most endangered. They leave only memories that, while more vivid, are more difficult to preserve. In their own words — and not a moment too soon — Broadway: The Golden Age tells the stories of our theatrical legends, how they came to New York, and how they created this legendary century in American theatre. This is the largest cast of legends ever in one film.
The Toe Tactic

The Toe Tactic

Jan 29, 2009
Mona is nearly overwhelmed by grief and depression. After her father's death, she's cut herself off: leaving teaching - she now temps as an office assistant, ignoring her mother's calls, talking to herself in mirrors, and rejecting any offered intimacy. She's watched over by comic extraterrestrial beings whom we see as cartoon squiggles. They ensure that random acts bring her connections - with a neighbor boy, his mother, and his surreptitious piano teacher (the lad wants to surprise his mom). She also meets an elevator operator in the building where she temps for Ms. Hadaway, a widow with perfect diction. Can Mona take a few steps on the road to expressing emotion?
Kate McShane

Kate McShane

Apr 11, 1975
A flamboyant Denver lady lawyer, with the help of her father, a retired cop who does the legwork for her investigations, and her brother, a Jesuit priest and university law professor, unravels a murder case of a society woman who allegedly stabbed her husband. This was the pilot for Anne Meara's short-lived TV series.
La Fille du Régiment [The Metropolitan Opera]
Comédie physique folle et colorature impeccable se réunissent pour le portrait indélébile de Natalie Dessay du garçon manqué fougueux élevé par un régiment de soldats français. Juan Diego Flórez est le jeune villageois suisse qui conquiert son cœur et une multitude de C élevés. Présentant également des performances bruyantes de Felicity Palmer et d'Alessandro Corbelli, ainsi qu'une apparition de Marian Seldes, lauréate d'un Tony Award, cette production hilarante a été un succès fulgurant qui a laissé le public exalté.
The Young Stranger

The Young Stranger

Feb 01, 1957
The lack of communication between a wealthy film producer and his troubled teenage son after the boy is involved in an altercation at a movie theater leads to even more trouble.


Apr 25, 2004
Tom Guthrie, a high school history teacher, is faced with raising two young sons after his wife leaves him. Maggie Jones, a fellow teacher, tries to provide comfort and support.
Hollywood ending

Hollywood ending

May 03, 2002
Val Waxman, un réalisateur qui a connu son heure de gloire dans les années quatre-vingt, met aujourd'hui en scène de simples spots publicitaires. À Hollywood, certains le traitent d'artiste, d'intello ou de perfectionniste maniaque, tandis que d'autres le considèrent comme un fauteur de trouble, un nombriliste névrosé et un incurable hypocondriaque.Val vient d'être viré de son dernier tournage au Canada. Il se sait au bout du rouleau. C'est alors que son ex-femme, Ellie, lui offre une chance inespérée de se refaire. Elle suggère au puissant producteur Hal Yeager, son patron et amant, de confier à Val la réalisation d'un film de 60 millions de dollars : « The City that never sleeps », une ode à sa ville favorite : New York. Poussé par son agent Al Hacks, Val emporte de justesse le contrat. Mais une « petite complication » surgit à la veille du tournage.


Jul 07, 1988
When their music teacher needs an expensive operation after being mugged, a group of precocious middle school students attempt to raise the money by selling fake military secrets to the KGB.
The Plot to Kill Stalin
In late 1952, an aging and increasingly paranoid Stalin puts in motion a purge against his doctors, with antisemitic overtones. His lackeys, including Khrushchev, Molotov and Beria, fear it will spread to the Politburo, and plan to strike first.
Ballets Russes

Ballets Russes

Oct 26, 2005
For many, modern ballet began with the Ballet Russe of Monte Carlo, originally made up of Russian exiles from the Russian Revolution. This film tells the story of this landmark company with its stars and production as well as its power games, rivalries and tribulations that marked its turbulent history.


Sep 30, 1995
Pilot episode of the cancelled follow-up series to Nickelodeon's "Clarissa Explains it All" in which debutante Clarissa Darling contends to her life in New York City and her internship at a local newspaper.


Feb 12, 1998
Lawford, dans le New Hampshire, est une petite localité vivement touchée par la récession économique. C'est là que vit et travaille Wade Whitehouse. La vie n'a pas été tendre avec lui. Son mariage avec Lillian a été un échec et il ne voit sa fille Jill qu'à de rares occasions. Wade travaille pour le compte d'un certain Gordon LaRivière, homme d'affaire local, et également comme officier de police. Un jour, LaRivière engage un copain de Wade pour conduire à la chasse Evan Twombley, un patron syndical. Peu après, on apprend que ce dernier est mort dans un accident.
Le Sourire de Mona Lisa
En 1953, Katherine Watson, une jeune femme libre d'esprit, fraîchement diplômée de l'université de Berkeley, intègre la prestigieuse école pour filles de Wellesley pour enseigner l'histoire de l'art. Déterminée à affronter les mœurs dépassés de la société et de l'institution, elle va insuffler à ses étudiantes, dont Betty et Joan, l'envie de se dépasser et d'avoir le courage de mener l'existence qu'elles souhaitent réellement vivre.
Maman, je m'occupe des méchants !
De dangereux trafiquants prennent livraison à Hong Kong d'un microprocesseur à usage militaire et le dissimulent dans un jouet électronique. À l'aéroport, Mrs Hess prend par erreur le sac contenant le jouet. Les malfrats retrouvent sa trace dans la banlieue de Chicago, mais faute de connaître son nom, s'installent dans sa rue et visitent chaque maison. Mrs Hess a offert le jouet à son petit voisin, Alex, précoce et déluré, qui ne tarde pas à remarquer le manège des gangsters.


Sep 09, 1995
Compte rendu biographique du président américain pour la dernière partie de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il montre l'ascension de Truman de personne de petite ville à dirigeant des États-Unis, sa décision d'utiliser la bombe atomique contre le Japon et son élection subséquente comme président des États-Unis après la guerre.
Duos d'un jour

Duos d'un jour

Sep 09, 2000
Des passionnés de karaoké sont prêts à tout sacrifier pour chanter sur des airs connus et remporter le grand prix national à Omaha, dans le Nebraska. Six personnages en quête d'un bonheur qui se fait attendre. Six histoires mais une même revanche à prendre sur la vie. Tous ont le courage de rompre avec leur quotidien pour vivre leur passion commune, le chant, à travers le karaoké.
Jeux de dupes

Jeux de dupes

Mar 24, 2008
En 1925, le football professionnel n'est encore qu'un sport de brutes, parrainé par des petits entrepreneurs locaux à l'usage d'un public rural des plus clairsemés. Faute de règles, les matches tournent le plus souvent au pugilat, mais nul ne s'en plaint : les tribunes sont quasi-désertes...La pilule est d'autant plus amère pour le fringant Dodge Connolly, capitaine des "Bulldogs", qu'à la même époque, le football universitaire remplit les stades.
Tom et Huck

Tom et Huck

Dec 22, 1995
Tom et Huck témoin du meurtre de Injun Joe de Doc Robinson une nuit au cimetière. Quand un homme innocent est accusé d'avoir tué le Doc, Tom étapes comme témoin, ne pas respecter la promesse faite à Huck à mettre bas.
Le Brigand bien-aimé

Le Brigand bien-aimé

Mar 22, 1957
En 1876, la bande de Jesse James attaque la banque de Northfield, mais elle est défaite et mise en fuite par le shérif de la ville, qui se lance à leur poursuite. Seul son frère Frank échappe aux poursuivants : désormais à deux, les frères en viennent aux confidences, notamment au sujet de la formation de leur bande et des aventures de Jesse lors de la guerre de Sécession, au cours de laquelle il a été blessé…


Nov 18, 2017
When Marian stops speaking, she relies on her students, colleagues and only daughter to speak for her.


Jun 09, 2007
An elderly woman makes the acquaintance of a strange and disturbed little girl in this haunting film based on the Truman Capote short story 'Miriam.'
Potins mondains et amnésies partielles
Porter Stoddard, un architecte émérite de New York, est marié à Ellie, une épouse de rêve. Il a également deux grands enfants et des amis fidèles, au premier rang desquels Griffin et Mona (Goldie Hawn) avec qui il vient de fêter son vingt-cinquième anniversaire de mariage à Paris.Mais Porter a de très graves problèmes en perspective. Tout commence lorsque Mona découvre que son mari, Griffin, a une liaison avec une autre femme. Effondrée, elle court chercher soutien et réconfort auprès de ses vrais amis. Ellie, choquée, compatit, tandis que Porter, sans trop comprendre comment, se retrouve à consoler Mona de très, très près... Lorsqu'Ellie en vient à soupçonner l'infidélité de son mari, les choses se compliquent sérieusement.


May 19, 1996
Veuve de Franck Fletcher, Jessica Beatrice Fletcher, ancienne professeur d'anglais devenue auteur de romans policiers, utilise ses dons d'observation et son sens inné de la logique pour jouer les détectives amateurs et résoudre des affaires criminelles. Elle officie surtout dans la petite ville de Cabot Cove, dans le Maine, où elle réside, même si elle se prête au jeu dans différents états des États-Unis. Il lui arrive également d'enquêter en dehors du territoire américain, ce qui lui vaut d'être fichée non seulement au FBI, mais aussi à la CIA et au KGB, pour s'être mêlée à plusieurs reprises de certaines de leurs affaires qu'elle a pourtant aidé à résoudre, que ce soit à l'occasion de la promotion de ses livres, ou de voyages personnels : si elle n'a pas d'enfants, Jessica n'en a pas moins une immense famille, qui compte un nombre incalculable de neveux et de nièces...
Big Day

Big Day

Jan 30, 2007
Follows a very special day in a young couple's life, their wedding day... but tells the stories you don't see on the wedding video.
Kate & Allie

Kate & Allie

May 22, 1989
Kate & Allie is an American television situation comedy which ran from March 19, 1984, to May 22, 1989. Kate & Allie first aired on CBS as a midseason replacement series and only six episodes were initially commissioned, but the favorable response from critics and viewers alike easily convinced CBS to commit to a full season in the fall of 1984. The series was created by Sherry Coben.


May 21, 1997
Brothers Brian and Joe Hackett attempt to run an airline on the New England island of Nantucket while surrounded by their various wacky friends and employees.
New York Unité Spéciale
Les inspecteurs qui font partie de la division des Crimes sexuels (SVU) du service de police de la ville de New York (NYPD) enquêtent sur des crimes de nature sexuelle. Alors que les autres émissions de la franchise de "La loi et l'ordre" se sont largement concentrées sur les cas de meurtres, les inspecteurs de la division des Crimes sexuels (SVU) ont souvent affaire à des crimes, tel le viol, auquel la victime survit et elle aide les autorités lors de l'enquête.
Central Park West

Central Park West

Jun 28, 1996
The glamorous and exciting life for the staff of trendy magazine 'Communique', owned by Allen Rush, "the Darth Vader of publishing".
The Book of Daniel

The Book of Daniel

Jan 20, 2006
Rev. Daniel Webster, an unconventional Episcopalian priest who not only believes in Jesus, but actually sees him and discusses life with him, is challenged on many levels as he struggles to be a good husband, father and minister, while navigating an often rocky relationship with the church hierarchy.
Perry Mason

Perry Mason

May 22, 1966
La série met en scène les affaires traitées par Perry Mason, célèbre avocat de Los Angeles.
Gunsmoke Police Des Plaines
Gunsmoke est une série dramatique américaine de radio et de télévision créée par le réalisateur Norman MacDonnell et l'écrivain John Meston. Les histoires se déroulent dans et autour de Dodge City au Kansas, pendant la colonisation de l'Ouest américain. Le personnage central est le maréchal Matt Dillon, joué par William Conrad à la radio et par James Arness à la télévision.
Studio One

Studio One

Sep 29, 1958
An American radio–television anthology series, created in 1947 by Canadian director Fletcher Markle, who came to CBS from the CBC. Studio One, presented by Westinghouse, was one of the first of the anthology TV programs. The episodes were often abridged remakes of movies from years gone by and many future well-known television and movie actors appeared in the productions.
General Electric Theater
General Electric Theater is an American anthology series hosted by Ronald Reagan that was broadcast on CBS radio and television. The series was sponsored by General Electric's Department of Public Relations.
Hallmark Hall of Fame

Hallmark Hall of Fame

Nov 27, 2011
Hallmark Hall of Fame is an anthology program on American television, sponsored by Hallmark Cards, a Kansas City based greeting card company. The longest-running primetime series in the history of television, it has a historically long run, beginning during 1951 and continuing into 2013. From 1954 onward, all of its productions have been shown in color, although color television video productions were extremely rare in 1954. Many television movies have been shown on the program since its debut, though the program began with live telecasts of dramas and then changed to videotaped productions before finally changing to filmed ones. The series has received eighty Emmy Awards, twenty-four Christopher Awards, eleven Peabody Awards, nine Golden Globes, and four Humanitas Prizes. Once a common practice in American television, it is the last remaining television program such that the title includes the name of the sponsor. Unlike other long-running TV series still on the air, it differs in that it broadcasts only occasionally and not on a weekly broadcast programming schedule.
Alfred Hitchcock présente
Immortalisée par la silhouette d'Alfred Hitchcock apparaissant sur l'écran au son de la Marche funèbre d'une marionnette de Charles Gounod, cette série est en fait une anthologie de petites histoires noires, à la chute souvent inattendue. Au début de chaque épisode et avant d'en faire la présentation, toujours teintée d'humour noir, Alfred Hitchcock saluait les téléspectateurs d'un sévère « Bonsoir ». Il revenait en épilogue pour exposer sa morale de l'histoire. (source : Wikipédia)
Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse
Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse is an American television anthology series produced by Desilu Productions. The show ran on CBS television between 1958 and 1960. Two of its 48 episodes served as pilots for the 1950s television series The Twilight Zone and The Untouchables.
The Millionaire

The Millionaire

Jun 07, 1960
An anthology series that explored the ways sudden and unexpected wealth changed life for better or for worse. It told the stories of people who were given one million dollars from a benefactor who insisted they never know him, with one exception.


Nov 06, 2004
For the first time, Pete Young takes a risk - perhaps the only risk of his young life - when he applies for and lands his dream job as a batboy for the New York Empires. The problem is that his single mother, Lynne has no idea what he's up to. Until now, he's been the golden boy while his rebellious older sister, Betsy, has always been in the doghouse. Pete attends a strict Catholic high school where he hangs out with his best friend, Mike, who hopes to cash in on his friend's new position in life. On the job, Pete becomes a member of a new family that includes Conrad Dean, the team's captain and star third baseman and one of the boy's all-time idols, who takes on the role of an older brother. Also in the clubhouse are Pete's boss, Lou Russo, a gruff but fair equipment manager who becomes a much-needed father figure; Carlos Tavares, a rookie who believes that Pete is his good luck charm, and Jose Marquez, the Empires' territorial head batboy. Pete is over the moon at being part of his favorite team but he must still balance life at home and life in the big leagues as he faces the moral dilemmas and curve balls that are thrown his way.
Lux Video Theatre

Lux Video Theatre

Sep 12, 1957
Lux Video Theatre is an American anthology series that was produced from 1950 until 1959. The series presented both comedy and drama in original teleplays, as well as abridged adaptations of films and plays.


Jun 26, 1958
Climax! is an American anthology series that aired on CBS from 1954 to 1958. The series was hosted by William Lundigan and later co-hosted by Mary Costa. It was one of the few CBS programs of that era to be broadcast in color. Many of the episodes were performed and broadcast live.
M Squad

M Squad

Jun 21, 1960
Lt. Frank Ballinger is a no-nonsense plain clothes cop in the elite M Squad Division. The Squad's task is to root out organised crime and corruption in America's Second City, Chicago.
Good & Evil

Good & Evil

Oct 30, 1991
Good & Evil is a situation comedy which was broadcast in the United States by ABC from September 25, 1991 until October 30, 1991. The series was created by Susan Harris, and produced by Witt/Thomas/Harris Productions in association with Touchstone Television.
Matinee Theater

Matinee Theater

Jun 13, 1958
Matinee Theater is an American anthology series that aired on NBC during the Golden Age of Television, from 1955 to 1958. The series, which ran daily in the afternoon, was frequently live. It was produced by Albert McCleery, Darrell Ross, George Cahan and Frank Price with executive producer George Lowther. McCleery had previously produced the live series Cameo Theatre which introduced to television the concept of theater-in-the-round, TV plays staged with minimal sets. Jim Buckley of the Pewter Plough Playhouse recalled: When Al McCleery got back to the States, he originated a most ambitious theatrical TV series for NBC called Matinee Theater: to televise five different stage plays per week live, airing around noon in order to promote color TV to the American housewife as she labored over her ironing. Al was the producer. He hired five directors and five art directors. Richard Bennett, one of our first early presidents of the Pewter Plough Corporation, was one of the directors and I was one of the art directors and, as soon as we were through televising one play, we had lunch and then met to plan next week’s show. That was over 50 years ago, and I’m trying to think; I believe the TV art director is his own set decorator —yes, of course! It had to be, since one of McCleery’s chief claims to favor with the producers was his elimination of the setting per se and simply decorating the scene with a minimum of props. It took a bit of ingenuity.
The Philco Television Playhouse
The Philco Television Playhouse is an American anthology series that was broadcast live on NBC from 1948 to 1955. Produced by Fred Coe, the series was sponsored by Philco. It was one of the most respected dramatic shows of the Golden Age of Television, winning a 1954 Peabody Award and receiving eight Emmy nominations between 1951 and 1956.


Apr 24, 1966
Branded is an American Western series which aired on NBC from 1965 through 1966, sponsored by Procter & Gamble in its Sunday night 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time period, and starred Chuck Connors as Jason McCord, a United States Army Cavalry captain who had been drummed out of the service following an unjust accusation of cowardice.
The Court of Last Resort
The Court of Last Resort is an American television dramatized court show which aired on the NBC from 1957 through 1958. It was co-produced by Erle Stanley Gardner's Paisano Productions, which also brought forth the long-running hit television program, Perry Mason on CBS. Its approach to dealing with potential miscarriages of justice in an entirely extra-judicial format was adopted by the BBC series Rough Justice in the 1980s.
The Texan

The Texan

Oct 05, 1960
The Texan was a Western television series starring popular B movie actor Rory Calhoun, which aired on the CBS television network from 1958 to 1960.
Sex and the City

Sex and the City

Feb 22, 2004
Célibataire new-yorkaise, Carrie s'inspire de sa propre expérience, et de celle de ses amies, pour écrire des articles sur des thèmes touchant le sexe et les relations amoureuses.


May 13, 2004
Psychiatre à la radio, Frasier Crane, voit ses petites habitudes bouleversées lorsqu’il accepte d’accueillir son père chez lui. Divorcé et maniaque, cet homme de quarante ans est habitué à vivre seul et n’aime pas que l’on dérange sa petite routine. Cependant il ne peut mettre à la porte son père handicapé (policier blessé en service) et les deux hommes sont obligés de cohabiter tant bien que mal. Mais la communication n’est pas bonne, père et fils ont du mal à extérioriser leurs sentiments et les discussions finissent bien souvent en disputes. Pour s’éloigner de cette ambiance tendue, Frasier aime retrouver son frère Niles autour d'un café, pour philosopher sur l'existence et critiquer son entourage. Niles est un personnage snob et intolérant, peu disposé à faire des sacrifices.
General Electric Theater
General Electric Theater is an American anthology series hosted by Ronald Reagan that was broadcast on CBS radio and television. The series was sponsored by General Electric's Department of Public Relations.
Studio One

Studio One

Sep 29, 1958
An American radio–television anthology series, created in 1947 by Canadian director Fletcher Markle, who came to CBS from the CBC. Studio One, presented by Westinghouse, was one of the first of the anthology TV programs. The episodes were often abridged remakes of movies from years gone by and many future well-known television and movie actors appeared in the productions.
Hallmark Hall of Fame

Hallmark Hall of Fame

Nov 27, 2011
Hallmark Hall of Fame is an anthology program on American television, sponsored by Hallmark Cards, a Kansas City based greeting card company. The longest-running primetime series in the history of television, it has a historically long run, beginning during 1951 and continuing into 2013. From 1954 onward, all of its productions have been shown in color, although color television video productions were extremely rare in 1954. Many television movies have been shown on the program since its debut, though the program began with live telecasts of dramas and then changed to videotaped productions before finally changing to filmed ones. The series has received eighty Emmy Awards, twenty-four Christopher Awards, eleven Peabody Awards, nine Golden Globes, and four Humanitas Prizes. Once a common practice in American television, it is the last remaining television program such that the title includes the name of the sponsor. Unlike other long-running TV series still on the air, it differs in that it broadcasts only occasionally and not on a weekly broadcast programming schedule.
Hallmark Hall of Fame

Hallmark Hall of Fame

Nov 27, 2011
Hallmark Hall of Fame is an anthology program on American television, sponsored by Hallmark Cards, a Kansas City based greeting card company. The longest-running primetime series in the history of television, it has a historically long run, beginning during 1951 and continuing into 2013. From 1954 onward, all of its productions have been shown in color, although color television video productions were extremely rare in 1954. Many television movies have been shown on the program since its debut, though the program began with live telecasts of dramas and then changed to videotaped productions before finally changing to filmed ones. The series has received eighty Emmy Awards, twenty-four Christopher Awards, eleven Peabody Awards, nine Golden Globes, and four Humanitas Prizes. Once a common practice in American television, it is the last remaining television program such that the title includes the name of the sponsor. Unlike other long-running TV series still on the air, it differs in that it broadcasts only occasionally and not on a weekly broadcast programming schedule.
Studio One

Studio One

Sep 29, 1958
An American radio–television anthology series, created in 1947 by Canadian director Fletcher Markle, who came to CBS from the CBC. Studio One, presented by Westinghouse, was one of the first of the anthology TV programs. The episodes were often abridged remakes of movies from years gone by and many future well-known television and movie actors appeared in the productions.


Apr 13, 1975
Joe Mannix est un enquêteur au service de la société Intersect. Dirigée par Lew Wickersham, cette agence peut toujours compter sur ses ordinateurs super puissants pour gérer les crises et obtenir des informations. Pourtant, Mannix, son meilleur agent, privilégie le terrain. Retrouver des personnes disparues, rechercher des objets volés ou démêler des affaires de corruption sont dans ses cordes. En raison de ses méthodes de vraie tête brûlée trop solitaire, le justicier au brushing impeccable entre très souvent en conflit avec son supérieur, dont la vision d’une affaire n’est jamais la même.
Action & Adventure
Have Gun, Will Travel

Have Gun, Will Travel

Apr 20, 1963
Have Gun – Will Travel is an American Western television series that aired on CBS from 1957 through 1963. It was rated number three or number four in the Nielsen ratings every year of its first four seasons. It was one of the few television shows to spawn a successful radio version. The radio series debuted November 23, 1958. The television show is presently shown on the Encore-Western channel. Have Gun – Will Travel was created by Sam Rolfe and Herb Meadow and produced by Frank Pierson, Don Ingalls, Robert Sparks, and Julian Claman. There were 225 episodes of the TV series, 24 written by Gene Roddenberry. Other contributors included Bruce Geller, Harry Julian Fink, Don Brinkley and Irving Wallace. Andrew McLaglen directed 101 episodes and 19 were directed by series star Richard Boone.
Tony Awards

Tony Awards

Jun 16, 2024
The Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Theatre, more commonly known as a Tony Award, recognizes achievement in live Broadway theatre. The awards are presented by the American Theatre Wing and The Broadway League at an annual ceremony in New York City. The awards are given for Broadway productions and performances, and an award is given for regional theatre.
The Philco Television Playhouse
The Philco Television Playhouse is an American anthology series that was broadcast live on NBC from 1948 to 1955. Produced by Fred Coe, the series was sponsored by Philco. It was one of the most respected dramatic shows of the Golden Age of Television, winning a 1954 Peabody Award and receiving eight Emmy nominations between 1951 and 1956.
Tony Awards

Tony Awards

Jun 16, 2024
The Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Theatre, more commonly known as a Tony Award, recognizes achievement in live Broadway theatre. The awards are presented by the American Theatre Wing and The Broadway League at an annual ceremony in New York City. The awards are given for Broadway productions and performances, and an award is given for regional theatre.
Lux Video Theatre

Lux Video Theatre

Sep 12, 1957
Lux Video Theatre is an American anthology series that was produced from 1950 until 1959. The series presented both comedy and drama in original teleplays, as well as abridged adaptations of films and plays.
Hands of Murder

Hands of Murder

Sep 18, 1951
Hands of Murder was an American mystery/anthology series that aired on the DuMont Television Network.


Jul 28, 1958
Suspicion is the title of an American television mystery drama series which aired on the NBC from 1957 through 1959. The executive producer of Suspicion was film director Alfred Hitchcock.
Tony Awards

Tony Awards

Jun 16, 2024
The Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Theatre, more commonly known as a Tony Award, recognizes achievement in live Broadway theatre. The awards are presented by the American Theatre Wing and The Broadway League at an annual ceremony in New York City. The awards are given for Broadway productions and performances, and an award is given for regional theatre.
Murphy Brown

Murphy Brown

May 18, 1998
Les mésaventures de Murphy Brown, une alcoolique repentie, co-présentatrice de "For Your Information" (FYI), un magazine d'information à la télévision.
The Rifleman

The Rifleman

Apr 08, 1963
The Rifleman is an American Western television program starring Chuck Connors as rancher Lucas McCain and Johnny Crawford as his son, Mark McCain. It was set in the 1880s in the town of North Fork, New Mexico Territory. The show was filmed in black-and-white, half-hour episodes. "The Rifleman" aired on ABC from September 30, 1958 to April 8, 1963 as a production of Four Star Television. It was one of the first prime time series to have a widowed parent raise a child.
Action & Adventure
Have Gun, Will Travel

Have Gun, Will Travel

Apr 20, 1963
Have Gun – Will Travel is an American Western television series that aired on CBS from 1957 through 1963. It was rated number three or number four in the Nielsen ratings every year of its first four seasons. It was one of the few television shows to spawn a successful radio version. The radio series debuted November 23, 1958. The television show is presently shown on the Encore-Western channel. Have Gun – Will Travel was created by Sam Rolfe and Herb Meadow and produced by Frank Pierson, Don Ingalls, Robert Sparks, and Julian Claman. There were 225 episodes of the TV series, 24 written by Gene Roddenberry. Other contributors included Bruce Geller, Harry Julian Fink, Don Brinkley and Irving Wallace. Andrew McLaglen directed 101 episodes and 19 were directed by series star Richard Boone.


Apr 16, 1961
Omnibus is an American, commercially sponsored, educational television series.
General Electric Theater
General Electric Theater is an American anthology series hosted by Ronald Reagan that was broadcast on CBS radio and television. The series was sponsored by General Electric's Department of Public Relations.
Shirley Temple's Storybook
Shirley Temple's Storybook is an American children's anthology series hosted and narrated by actress Shirley Temple. The series features adaptations of fairy tales like Mother Goose and other family-oriented stories performed by well-known actors, although one episode, an adaptation of The House of the Seven Gables, was meant for older youngsters. Temple's three children made their acting debuts in the last episode of the first season, "Mother Goose".