Gérard Mordillat

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En compagnie d'Antonin Artaud
May, 1946, in Paris young poet Jacques Prevel meets Antonin Artaud, the actor, artist, and writer just released from a mental asylum. Over ten months, we follow the mad Artaud from his cruel coaching of an actress in his "theatre of cruelty" to his semi-friendship with Prevel who buys him drugs and hangs on his every word. Meanwhile, Prevel divides his time between Jany, his blond, young, drug-hazed mistress, and Rolande, his dark-haired, long-suffering wife, who has a child during this time. Cruelty, neglect, poverty, egoism, madness, and the pursuit of art mix on the Left Bank.
Le Grand Retournement

Le Grand Retournement

Jan 22, 2013
May, 1946, in Paris young poet Jacques Prevel meets Antonin Artaud, the actor, artist, and writer just released from a mental asylum. Over ten months, we follow the mad Artaud from his cruel coaching of an actress in his "theatre of cruelty" to his semi-friendship with Prevel who buys him drugs and hangs on his every word. Meanwhile, Prevel divides his time between Jany, his blond, young, drug-hazed mistress, and Rolande, his dark-haired, long-suffering wife, who has a child during this time. Cruelty, neglect, poverty, egoism, madness, and the pursuit of art mix on the Left Bank.
Fucking Fernand

Fucking Fernand

Oct 21, 1987
May, 1946, in Paris young poet Jacques Prevel meets Antonin Artaud, the actor, artist, and writer just released from a mental asylum. Over ten months, we follow the mad Artaud from his cruel coaching of an actress in his "theatre of cruelty" to his semi-friendship with Prevel who buys him drugs and hangs on his every word. Meanwhile, Prevel divides his time between Jany, his blond, young, drug-hazed mistress, and Rolande, his dark-haired, long-suffering wife, who has a child during this time. Cruelty, neglect, poverty, egoism, madness, and the pursuit of art mix on the Left Bank.
Fucking Fernand

Fucking Fernand

Oct 21, 1987
May, 1946, in Paris young poet Jacques Prevel meets Antonin Artaud, the actor, artist, and writer just released from a mental asylum. Over ten months, we follow the mad Artaud from his cruel coaching of an actress in his "theatre of cruelty" to his semi-friendship with Prevel who buys him drugs and hangs on his every word. Meanwhile, Prevel divides his time between Jany, his blond, young, drug-hazed mistress, and Rolande, his dark-haired, long-suffering wife, who has a child during this time. Cruelty, neglect, poverty, egoism, madness, and the pursuit of art mix on the Left Bank.
La véritable histoire d'Artaud le momo
May, 1946, in Paris young poet Jacques Prevel meets Antonin Artaud, the actor, artist, and writer just released from a mental asylum. Over ten months, we follow the mad Artaud from his cruel coaching of an actress in his "theatre of cruelty" to his semi-friendship with Prevel who buys him drugs and hangs on his every word. Meanwhile, Prevel divides his time between Jany, his blond, young, drug-hazed mistress, and Rolande, his dark-haired, long-suffering wife, who has a child during this time. Cruelty, neglect, poverty, egoism, madness, and the pursuit of art mix on the Left Bank.
Cher frangin

Cher frangin

Apr 12, 1989
May, 1946, in Paris young poet Jacques Prevel meets Antonin Artaud, the actor, artist, and writer just released from a mental asylum. Over ten months, we follow the mad Artaud from his cruel coaching of an actress in his "theatre of cruelty" to his semi-friendship with Prevel who buys him drugs and hangs on his every word. Meanwhile, Prevel divides his time between Jany, his blond, young, drug-hazed mistress, and Rolande, his dark-haired, long-suffering wife, who has a child during this time. Cruelty, neglect, poverty, egoism, madness, and the pursuit of art mix on the Left Bank.
Les Cinq Parties Du Monde
May, 1946, in Paris young poet Jacques Prevel meets Antonin Artaud, the actor, artist, and writer just released from a mental asylum. Over ten months, we follow the mad Artaud from his cruel coaching of an actress in his "theatre of cruelty" to his semi-friendship with Prevel who buys him drugs and hangs on his every word. Meanwhile, Prevel divides his time between Jany, his blond, young, drug-hazed mistress, and Rolande, his dark-haired, long-suffering wife, who has a child during this time. Cruelty, neglect, poverty, egoism, madness, and the pursuit of art mix on the Left Bank.
L'Île atlantique

L'Île atlantique

Jul 01, 2003
May, 1946, in Paris young poet Jacques Prevel meets Antonin Artaud, the actor, artist, and writer just released from a mental asylum. Over ten months, we follow the mad Artaud from his cruel coaching of an actress in his "theatre of cruelty" to his semi-friendship with Prevel who buys him drugs and hangs on his every word. Meanwhile, Prevel divides his time between Jany, his blond, young, drug-hazed mistress, and Rolande, his dark-haired, long-suffering wife, who has a child during this time. Cruelty, neglect, poverty, egoism, madness, and the pursuit of art mix on the Left Bank.


Jan 09, 2001
May, 1946, in Paris young poet Jacques Prevel meets Antonin Artaud, the actor, artist, and writer just released from a mental asylum. Over ten months, we follow the mad Artaud from his cruel coaching of an actress in his "theatre of cruelty" to his semi-friendship with Prevel who buys him drugs and hangs on his every word. Meanwhile, Prevel divides his time between Jany, his blond, young, drug-hazed mistress, and Rolande, his dark-haired, long-suffering wife, who has a child during this time. Cruelty, neglect, poverty, egoism, madness, and the pursuit of art mix on the Left Bank.
Lo Païs

Lo Païs

Apr 22, 1973
Brittany is ethnically rather different from the rest of France and is the home of the largest number of Celtic-speakers outside of the British Isles and Ireland. This French film follows one young man who leaves his Breton homeland and journeys to Paris with the intention of living there. Despite some success in finding work and friends, Paris is not home and the Parisians are not family, so he returns to work with his own people.
Simon le juste

Simon le juste

Jan 29, 2003
Brittany is ethnically rather different from the rest of France and is the home of the largest number of Celtic-speakers outside of the British Isles and Ireland. This French film follows one young man who leaves his Breton homeland and journeys to Paris with the intention of living there. Despite some success in finding work and friends, Paris is not home and the Parisians are not family, so he returns to work with his own people.
Simon le juste

Simon le juste

Jan 29, 2003
Brittany is ethnically rather different from the rest of France and is the home of the largest number of Celtic-speakers outside of the British Isles and Ireland. This French film follows one young man who leaves his Breton homeland and journeys to Paris with the intention of living there. Despite some success in finding work and friends, Paris is not home and the Parisians are not family, so he returns to work with his own people.
Patrons 78-91

Patrons 78-91

Jan 01, 1991
A new shorter and uncensored TV version of Patrons - Télévision (1979). The dates "1978 / 1991" are used in reference to the "missing years", the amount of time during which the film was not authorized to be shown on TV in France.
Patrons 78-91

Patrons 78-91

Jan 01, 1991
A new shorter and uncensored TV version of Patrons - Télévision (1979). The dates "1978 / 1991" are used in reference to the "missing years", the amount of time during which the film was not authorized to be shown on TV in France.
La voix de son maître
Jacques Lemonnier of IBM France, Francois Dalle of L'Oreal and other ultrapowerful French moguls are surprisingly candid -- and cold-blooded -- as they discuss their attitudes about business in this startling 1978 documentary. After sounding off about unions, strikes, hierarchy and management, the subjects realized how callous they sounded and managed to convince the French government to suppress the film.
Patrons 78-91

Patrons 78-91

Jan 01, 1991
A new shorter and uncensored TV version of Patrons - Télévision (1979). The dates "1978 / 1991" are used in reference to the "missing years", the amount of time during which the film was not authorized to be shown on TV in France.
Mélancolie ouvrière

Mélancolie ouvrière

Feb 07, 2018
A new shorter and uncensored TV version of Patrons - Télévision (1979). The dates "1978 / 1991" are used in reference to the "missing years", the amount of time during which the film was not authorized to be shown on TV in France.
Mélancolie ouvrière

Mélancolie ouvrière

Feb 07, 2018
A new shorter and uncensored TV version of Patrons - Télévision (1979). The dates "1978 / 1991" are used in reference to the "missing years", the amount of time during which the film was not authorized to be shown on TV in France.
Les Braqueuses

Les Braqueuses

Jun 22, 1994
A new shorter and uncensored TV version of Patrons - Télévision (1979). The dates "1978 / 1991" are used in reference to the "missing years", the amount of time during which the film was not authorized to be shown on TV in France.
La Forteresse assiégée
A new shorter and uncensored TV version of Patrons - Télévision (1979). The dates "1978 / 1991" are used in reference to the "missing years", the amount of time during which the film was not authorized to be shown on TV in France.
Le Mariage à la mode

Le Mariage à la mode

Sep 20, 1973
The main character is a woman trapped in the long stifling marriage in a boring province. She has an affair with a traveling photographer, follows him to Paris, and then has a series of unsatisfactory but interesting relationships, one of which is with a woman.
L'Inconnu de Strasbourg
The main character is a woman trapped in the long stifling marriage in a boring province. She has an affair with a traveling photographer, follows him to Paris, and then has a series of unsatisfactory but interesting relationships, one of which is with a woman.
Cher frangin

Cher frangin

Apr 12, 1989
The main character is a woman trapped in the long stifling marriage in a boring province. She has an affair with a traveling photographer, follows him to Paris, and then has a series of unsatisfactory but interesting relationships, one of which is with a woman.
Toujours seuls

Toujours seuls

Jun 26, 1991
The main character is a woman trapped in the long stifling marriage in a boring province. She has an affair with a traveling photographer, follows him to Paris, and then has a series of unsatisfactory but interesting relationships, one of which is with a woman.
Guerres civiles en France
The main character is a woman trapped in the long stifling marriage in a boring province. She has an affair with a traveling photographer, follows him to Paris, and then has a series of unsatisfactory but interesting relationships, one of which is with a woman.
Nulle part ailleurs

Nulle part ailleurs

Jun 30, 1989
Des invités venus d'horizons divers (écrivains, chanteurs, acteurs, intellectuels…) étaient reçus afin d'être interviewés par l'animateur et parfois mis en boîte par différents intervenants et d'ainsi parler de leur actualité. Le tout était entrecoupé de séquences comme le JT (journal télévisé), la météo, les Nuls ou les Guignols, Le Cinéma de Jamel, le Live musical ou encore le Zapping.
Le monde et sa propriété
D'où vient la notion de propriété ? Comment s'applique-t-elle aux questions du corps, du travail, de l'intelligence ou de la nature ? Dans une série documentaire à la stimulante érudition, Gérard Mordillat ("Corpus Christi", "Travail, salaire, profit") et Christophe Clerc interrogent des chercheurs de différentes cultures.


Jun 22, 1990
Magazine culturel consacré à la littérature. L'émission proposait des discussions ouvertes entre quatre ou cinq auteurs autour d’un sujet commun, mais également des entrevues individuelles avec un seul auteur. En 15 ans d’existence, Apostrophes est devenu l'émission littéraire emblématique à la télévision française de cette période, notamment grâce à la personnalité de son présentateur Bernard Pivot, la diversité et la qualité de ses intervenants, voire des polémiques qui surgirent épisodiquement lors de l'émission.


Dec 20, 2008
Après Corpus Christi et L’origine du christianisme, ce troisième volet veut raconter comment s'est opérée la naissance d'une religion, entre le début du IIème siècle et le début du Vème siècle : comment le messianisme d'un courant juif marginal entièrement tourné vers l'attente de la fin des temps, pourchassé par les autorités romaines va devenir une religion à part entière et même prétendre au statut de "la vraie religion", puis gagner l'ensemble de la société occidentale au point d'être consacrée religion d'Etat, religion officielle et unique de l'Empire en 380. Comment est-on passé, en deux à trois siècles seulement, de l'Apocalypse de Jean à "La Cité de Dieu" de Saint Augustin. Comment s'est mise en place une orthodoxie, un canon du Nouveau Testament, une doctrine, un pouvoir parallèle, une hiérarchie.


Mar 25, 1997
Comment mesurer ce qui sépare le Jésus de l'histoire de ce qu'il est devenu sous la figure de Jésus Christ au cours de la tradition chrétienne ? A partir de l'exploration minutieuse du récit de la Passion dans l'Evangile selon Jean, Gérard Mordillat et Jérôme Prieur confrontent les points de vue de vingt-sept des plus grands chercheurs internationaux. Corpus Christi est une série documentaire en douze parties réalisées par Jérôme Prieur et Gérard Mordillat qui présente l'état de la recherche historique sur Jésus de Nazareth. Chaque émission commence de la même façon, par la présentation du Papyrus Rylands, le plus ancien fragment daté du deuxième siècle d'un manuscrit de l'évangile selon Jean, et dont le texte conservé est un extrait du récit de la passion (XIX 16-19) écrit en grec.


Apr 02, 2004
L'émergence d'une nouvelle religion entre l'an 30 et l'an 150 de notre ère. Dans cette nouvelle enquête, ils montrent comment la mort de Jésus crucifié par les Romains comme « roi des juifs » a servi de point de départ à la séparation irréversible entre les juifs et les chrétiens.


Dec 10, 2015
Pourquoi Jésus occupe-t-il une place exceptionnelle dans le Coran ? Les auteurs de « Corpus Christi » enquêtent sur les origines et la genèse de l’islam. C’est au carrefour des trois formes du monothéisme, dans la continuité du judaïsme de Moïse et du judéo-christianisme de Jésus, que cette enquête nous mène.


Oct 20, 2010
L'histoire d’une usine et de ses ouvriers dont un lointain groupe financier a décidé de se débarrasser après en avoir récupéré les actifs. La révolte et le drame social qui s'emparent de la petite ville du Nord où elle est implantée a des répercussions jusque dans la vie intime des travailleurs qui perdent leur emploi.


Oct 20, 2010
L'histoire d’une usine et de ses ouvriers dont un lointain groupe financier a décidé de se débarrasser après en avoir récupéré les actifs. La révolte et le drame social qui s'emparent de la petite ville du Nord où elle est implantée a des répercussions jusque dans la vie intime des travailleurs qui perdent leur emploi.


Oct 20, 2010
L'histoire d’une usine et de ses ouvriers dont un lointain groupe financier a décidé de se débarrasser après en avoir récupéré les actifs. La révolte et le drame social qui s'emparent de la petite ville du Nord où elle est implantée a des répercussions jusque dans la vie intime des travailleurs qui perdent leur emploi.


Dec 10, 2015
Pourquoi Jésus occupe-t-il une place exceptionnelle dans le Coran ? Les auteurs de « Corpus Christi » enquêtent sur les origines et la genèse de l’islam. C’est au carrefour des trois formes du monothéisme, dans la continuité du judaïsme de Moïse et du judéo-christianisme de Jésus, que cette enquête nous mène.


Dec 06, 2022
D'où vient la notion de propriété ? Comment s'applique-t-elle aux questions du corps, du travail, de l'intelligence ou de la nature ? Dans une série documentaire à la stimulante érudition, Gérard Mordillat ("Corpus Christi", "Travail, salaire, profit") et Christophe Clerc interrogent des chercheurs de différentes cultures.


May 02, 1979
Three programs made on the basis of material gathered for the documentary His Master's Voice, where twelve CEOs of large French companies face the camera and talk about power, hierarchy, trade unions, strikes and self-management: Secrets About the Worker; A Spanner in the Works and The Battle Started at Landerneau. The three parts were banned from French national television (Antenne 2) but released at Cinéma La Clef in Paris a few weeks later.


May 02, 1979
Three programs made on the basis of material gathered for the documentary His Master's Voice, where twelve CEOs of large French companies face the camera and talk about power, hierarchy, trade unions, strikes and self-management: Secrets About the Worker; A Spanner in the Works and The Battle Started at Landerneau. The three parts were banned from French national television (Antenne 2) but released at Cinéma La Clef in Paris a few weeks later.


Dec 10, 2015
Pourquoi Jésus occupe-t-il une place exceptionnelle dans le Coran ? Les auteurs de « Corpus Christi » enquêtent sur les origines et la genèse de l’islam. C’est au carrefour des trois formes du monothéisme, dans la continuité du judaïsme de Moïse et du judéo-christianisme de Jésus, que cette enquête nous mène.


Oct 20, 2010
L'histoire d’une usine et de ses ouvriers dont un lointain groupe financier a décidé de se débarrasser après en avoir récupéré les actifs. La révolte et le drame social qui s'emparent de la petite ville du Nord où elle est implantée a des répercussions jusque dans la vie intime des travailleurs qui perdent leur emploi.