Bruce Cumings

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The Coming War on China
Le journaliste primé John Pilger explore les possibilités d'une guerre nucléaire entre deux superpuissances économiques et militaires : les États-Unis et la Chine.
Camarade Joe : Un américain en Corée du Nord
Au plus fort de la Guerre Froide, un soldat américain posté en Corée du Sud déserte son unité, traverse la frontière la mieux surveillée du monde, entre en Corée du Nord et s’y installe. Le “Camarade Joe“ obtient le statut de star en incarnant dans des films l’archétype du méchant Américain et devient ainsi un véritable outil de propagande pour le régime communiste.
The Ghosts of Jeju

The Ghosts of Jeju

Aug 02, 2013
Documentary about the struggle of the people of Jeju Island, South Korea. Set in the context of the U.S. presence in Korea after World War II, the film reveals horrible atrocities at the hands of the U.S. Military Government of Korea.
길위에 김대중

길위에 김대중

Jan 10, 2024
Kim Dae Jung, who stands next to people in the middle of caotic history! A young businessman Kim Dae Jung recognized the victims of ideology. He decided to be a politician to make his country where people's politic and democracy are rooted. The price of being leave from a guaranteed future and take the first step on a bumby road was kidnapping, death threats, imprisonment, and a death sentence that shook him to the core, but even in his final moments, when he was sentenced to death, Kim never wavered. "Democracy will be recovered. I believe in it." The life of President Kim Dae-jung, a death row inmate who survived from the throes of death, four parliamentary elections, and three unsuccessful presidential campaigns, is etched into the modern history of South Korea.