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GTO Revival

GTO Revival

Apr 01, 2024
Onizuka, un ancien membre d'un gang de motards devenu professeur de lycée, est affecté à une académie privée remplie d'élèves en difficulté. Le problème de ce lycée tourne autour d'un influenceur qui a près de 2 millions de followers et qui se spécialise dans l'exposition et la propagation de rumeurs, provoquant des controverses et des remous, que les personnes impliquées soient des célébrités ou des gens ordinaires. Plusieurs professeurs et élèves de l'académie ont été exposés jusqu'à présent, et du fait d'être pris pour cible si fréquemment, des rumeurs circulent au sein de l'école selon lesquelles il pourrait y avoir un coupable se faisant passer pour l'influenceur. En conséquence, les élèves vivent leur vie scolaire en observant constamment les expressions des uns et des autres, devenant de plus en plus méfiants et paranoïaques.
Et si le loup... c'était elle ?
Il s’agit d’une émission de rencontres mystérieuses dans laquelle cinq hommes et cinq femmes cherchent le grand amour. Mais il y a un hic : l’une des femmes est un loup et il lui est interdit de tomber amoureuse. Les candidats doivent essayer de découvrir qui est le loup avant qu’il ne soit trop tard.
Rei Kagami (Ryosuke Yamada) is a billionaire and the CEO of the leading conglomerate company Kagami Group. He is an extremely smart inventor, who has developed revolutionary products, and is now doing research on high precision AI. When he was little, he was a curious and kind kid. As he grew up, his curiosity remained, but he became self-centered. For certain reasons, he begins to teach at a school, while hiding his identity as a billionaire and the CEO of Kagami Group. His performance as a teacher is quite poor compared to his excellent work as a CEO. He is incapable of understanding the ordinary lives of the teachers and students around him.
The story revolves around a love story that starts from mistaken identity. This is a story about Usa's character being tasked to pretend to be his twin and break up with his twin's boyfriend. The good-natured and clumsy Mizumura Kai can't seem to do anything right. Burdened by debt, he eventually gets kicked out of his home one day. Just then, he gets a call from his twin brother, who is on a business trip abroad. "I'll let you stay at my place, and I'll even pay off all your debt. But in return..." When he enters his brother's house, a mysterious man named Yukita Chiaki shows up, hugs him and kisses him. It turns out this man is actually his brother's lover.
Kuwazuru Mitsuki is a second year student at Arakawa Nishi High School. One day, her homeroom teacher, Tachibana, suddenly announces the start of the "Letter Game", where every student has to write a letter with his/her true feelings to each of the classmates. However, the "letter" will not include the sender's name. At first, there were a lot of bad jokes and silly "letters", but they slowly accelerate to revealing secrets and confessions, which make everyone question, "Who is the sender?" and "Who will be named next?" This game allows the students to become more aware of each other's hidden worries and thoughts, which slowly deepens the bond among the classmates. Meanwhile, Mitsuki tries to search for the sender of the letter sent to her and she discovers a secret hidden in this "letter game".