Doug Jeffery

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Mar 22, 1999
Kenneth Blake is joined by his soon-to-be wife Sally Stephens as he takes a well-earned vacation in Goa, a beautiful town on the western coast of India. While in Goa, Kenneth meets Leela, a beautiful woman, and he finds himself drawn into an affair. As Kenneth tries to decide if he should throw away his relationship with Sally in favor of Leela, Leela confronts him with some surprising news -- she is convinced they are the reincarnation of two lovers who died together in a double suicide five centuries before.
We Kill for Love

We Kill for Love

Mar 31, 2023
A documentary that goes in search of the forgotten world of the direct-to-video erotic thriller, an American film genre that once dominated late night cable television and the shelves of neighborhood video stores.
Confessions d'une showgirl
Erica est stripteaseuse, elle est jeune, belle, aime l’argent, le club et ses clients « réguliers »… Cette jeune femme désirable n’est pas prête à quitter cette vie pour assumer sa vie familiale, en l’occurence sa fille. Ron, son petit ami et brillant avocat, accepte par amour cette situation délicate mais il ne connaît pas toute la vérité…
Shades of Gray

Shades of Gray

Aug 09, 1997
Gray, dessinatrice pour la police de New York, se fait agresser par l'un des coupables qu'elle a aidé à identifier. Elle décide de refaire sa vie dans un petit coin tranquille d'où elle est originaire. Elle s'y marie, mais un meurtre atroce lui fait reprendre du service et soupçonner son propre mari !
Don't Sleep Alone

Don't Sleep Alone

Jan 01, 1997
A fragile and sultry young woman claims to be the innocent victim of multiple attackers, but something doesn't quite add up. Maybe it's the way men turn up dead after spending the night with her. Maybe it's her cloudy past. Maybe it's the shady psychologist who interferes with the investigation.
Animal Attraction II: Passion's Desire
Unable to control his carnal desires, handsome and successful Mark gets caught in a dicey situation in this slick erotic thriller helmed by Mike Sedan. Juggling relationships with three beautiful women -- Cindy , Donna, and Jill -- the young lothario can't decide between them but crosses into dangerous territory when he adds more ladies to his harem.
Irresistible Impulse

Irresistible Impulse

Aug 27, 1996
A desperate salesman reluctantly teams up with a beautiful femme fatale to close a big sale. After a hot love affair, she is murdered and her personal assistant blackmails the salesman into a major financial scam, and he falls deeper and deeper into her trap.
Mannequin de choc

Mannequin de choc

Jan 01, 1996
Mannequin de choc : Sara Baldwin est lieutenant de police criminelle, trés appréciée pour son dynamisme et son courage. Mise sur la piste d'un meurtrier sévissant dans le milieu des mannequins, elle n'hésite pas à modifier sévèrement sa dégaine de baroudeuse afin de se faire passer pour une apprentie Top Model. Elle fait rapidement les rencontres qui lui ouvrent les portes des studios photo et signe un contrat avec un puissant homme d'affaires, Michael Madisson. Mais si celui-ci apprécie sa frimousse, ce n'est pas dans une optique purement professionnelle. Une fougueuse idylle se noue entre eux.


Jan 26, 2024
Un mouvement tectonique dans les profondeurs de la fosse des Mariannes provoque une série de tremblements de terre de plus en plus violents. Si une équipe d'éminents sismologues ne parvient pas à stopper la catastrophe, la Terre se disloquera, faisant des milliards de victimes.
Science Fiction
Chronique d'un meurtre annoncé
La rencontre d'une fan de polars et de son animateur de podcast favori débouche sur une histoire d'amour qui lorsque sa fascination tourne à l'obsession et qu'elle s'intéresse à son possible assassinat.
Losing Control

Losing Control

Oct 22, 1998
Kim is suffering from writer's block. A chance encounter with a handsome stranger opens her to a world of risky sexual experimentation. However, she becomes worried when he refuses to say anything about himself.
Indecent Behavior III

Indecent Behavior III

Dec 19, 1995
Une sexologue se retrouve obligée de coopérer avec la police pour retrouver un tueur qui cible d'autres sexothérapeutes en l'utilisant comme leurre.
Animal Instincts 2

Animal Instincts 2

Aug 24, 1994
Une divorcée malheureuse a la malchance de déménager à côté d'un installateur de systèmes de sécurité, un voyeur dont le hobby consiste à installer des caméras vidéo cachées dans les chambres de tous ses clients. Il surveille ensuite la vie sexuelle de ses clients grâce à un système de surveillance TV élaboré dans son garage. Joanna Cole devient sa dernière victime, mais lorsqu'elle découvre la caméra par hasard, elle revient à ses habitudes exhibitionnistes et commence à monter des shows sexuels pour son plaisir. Les choses se gâtent lorsque Jim lui avoue son amour mais est repoussé.
Smooth Operator

Smooth Operator

Jan 01, 1995
Megan Hughes plays Grace Nichols, a businesswoman constantly competing with men to get ahead. Unfortunately, her love life is also suffering. One day, while chomping on a donut, she realizes she's put on a few pounds. She decides to get back in shape, and asks her secretary Angie Li (Candace Kita) if she could recommend a good personal trainer. Angie recommends Brian Lerner (Doug Jeffery), a guy Angie's also been sleeping with for the last few months. Of course, Grace doesn't know that. Grace meets up with Brian, and it's innocent at first. She tosses on the workout clothes, he comes over to help her out with exercising, and goes home. Simple enough, right? However, this is a softcore flick, so you know the sex is coming. Eventually, Grace asks Brian to accompany her to a formal dinner.
Alien: Rubicon

Alien: Rubicon

Aug 23, 2024
An alien spacecraft lands near New York and destroys everything as it heads toward Washington D.C. If it reaches the capital, it will trigger an invasion. Scientists and the military must stop it before it's too late.


Jan 01, 1995
Eric Lazlo is doing the musical score for a movie in which the female star tries to kill the male star using a variety of poisons, poisonous insects, poisonous snakes, etc. When Eric starts to see a prostitute, Abbey, he finds his life imitating art.
Killing for Love

Killing for Love

Jan 01, 1995
A group of movie people, director, screenwriter, producer, actors and actresses meet for a weekend at a remote house. Proceedings soon begin to resemble a typical slasher film: couples pair off, have sex, and get either murdered or abducted


Jan 01, 1996
Jeff meets up with a woman named Angela with whom he raised hell in high school when he attends his class reunion. She has become obsessed with 'the rush' of being spontaneous and wants someone to play with while she tries new erotic experiences. This 'rush' soon becomes deadly as her need for a thrill becomes more and more intense.
Other Men's Wives

Other Men's Wives

Jan 08, 1996
Uncle Eddie writes children's books for a living. and he's very successful at it , but he's OBSESSED with women, and so little time is life's dilemma for him. Needless to say this leads to numerous close calls with jealous husbands and tight squeezes with flirtatious, unsatisfied wives.
The Other Man

The Other Man

Mar 16, 1994
Unsatisfied by her boring marriage, Christine begins an affair with a seductive, mysterious stranger named Quinn. But they get carried away with their passion, when lust becomes obsession ... and murder. It seems someone wants to frame Christine who could it be?
Lola's Game

Lola's Game

Jan 01, 1998
A detective investigating his girl friend's death gets caught up in the world of rock & roll.


Jan 01, 1996
In an office building, the power goes down, trapping numerous workers inside. What to do to pass the time?
Maui Heat

Maui Heat

Feb 01, 1996
A bunch of beautiful girls are going to shoot photos for the new bathing suit season in Hawaii playing with water toys, fulfilling their own erotic fantasies.
TV Movie
Black Tie Nights

Black Tie Nights

Dec 30, 2005
Black Tie Nights was a softcore drama anthology series which aired on Cinemax in the United States from 2004 to 2005. This anthology show revolved around the adventures of Olivia Hartley and Cooper Snow who ran Black Tie dating service. They were assisted by their geeky sidekick, Ryan Lundy. In the second season, the show was retooled. The anthology series was renamed Hollywood Sexcapades and the characters of Olivia and Cooper were said to be out of the country opening a new branch. Candi Hicks, a recurring customer in the first season, became the new employee of Black Tie dating service. She and Ryan partnered to run the company.


May 18, 2002
Vallery Irons, une femme qui a sauvé accidentellement une célébrité, est embauchée par une véritable agence de gardes du corps comme une célèbre figure de proue, alors que ce sont les autres membres de l'agence qui travaillent à résoudre les cas. Ironie du sort, son manque de compétences d'enquêtrice finira par vaincre les antagonistes dans chaque épisode. Les autres membres de l'équipe sont un panel de personnes issues de milieux fort différents : un ancien membre du KGB, CIA, FBI, une spécialiste en informatique, un maître en karaté, un ancien policier et un ancien boxeur de rue.
Action & Adventure
Secrets and Lies

Secrets and Lies

Dec 04, 2016
Au petit matin, Ben Garner, un père de famille ordinaire en train de faire son footing dans la forêt, tombe sur le corps mort d'un petit garçon qui n'est autre que le fils de sa voisine. La police le suspecte immédiatemment d'être le meurtrier, d'autant qu'une preuve l'accable, tandis que les médias s'en mêlent, le rendant coupable aux yeux des habitants de son quartier. Il n'a alors pas d'autre choix que d'enquêter lui-même afin de retrouver le vrai tueur et de prouver ainsi son innocence...