Laurie Shiers

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The Adventures of Cinderella's Daughter
Cindy, daughter of Queen Cinderella, grew up as a typical teen never believing in fairy godmothers. That is, until the night she wished to attend the village jamboree in order to meet the cutest boy in the village. From then on she was landed with Fred, her very own Fairy Godbrother there at her every beck and call. With Fred's help against jealous cousins, stuck-up princes, and discovering the whole story behind her parents'romance, Cindy will search for her own happily ever after.
The Adventures of Cinderella's Daughter
Cindy, daughter of Queen Cinderella, grew up as a typical teen never believing in fairy godmothers. That is, until the night she wished to attend the village jamboree in order to meet the cutest boy in the village. From then on she was landed with Fred, her very own Fairy Godbrother there at her every beck and call. With Fred's help against jealous cousins, stuck-up princes, and discovering the whole story behind her parents'romance, Cindy will search for her own happily ever after.
Mariés, deux enfants

Mariés, deux enfants

Jun 09, 1997
Cette série met en scène la vie quotidienne d'une famille américaine. Le père, profondément machiste, déteste son boulot de vendeur de chaussures, et n'est heureux que dans son canapé devant la télé avec une main dans le pantalon ; sa famille l'exaspère Sa fille, Kelly, est l'exemple type de la blonde complètement idiote, son fils Bud tente désespérément de ramener des filles à la maison, et sa femme Peggy est mère au foyer, mais en 20 ans de mariage elle n'a jamais fait la cuisine, la vaisselle, ni lavé le linge, et adore rester devant la télé quand Al est au travail, ou faire du shopping avec le peu d'argent que gagne son mari. Comme si cela ne suffisait pas, Al doit également supporter Marcy, la voisine qu'il qualifie de « dinde aux mamelles atrophiées » et qui passe son temps à le critiquer avec l'aide de Peggy. Heureusement, il y a Jefferson et Steeve, deux hommes prisonniers de Marcy par le mariage, qui eux aussi fréquentent le « Nibar'bar ».
Dear John

Dear John

Jul 22, 1992
Dear John starred Judd Hirsch as easygoing Drake Prep high school teacher John Lacey who is dumped by his wife, Wendy, via a Dear John letter. Wendy ends up with everything in the divorce settlement, including custody of the couple's son, forcing John to move into an apartment in Ozone Park, Queens. John soon joins the One-2-One Club, a self help group for divorced, widowed or lonely people. The group is led by Louise (Jane Carr), a sex-obsessed British woman. Other members of the group include Kate McCarron (Isabella Hofmann), a sweet divorcée; Kirk Morris (Jere Burns), a cocky ladies' man; Ralph Drang (Harry Groener), a shy and neurotic tollbooth collector; Bonnie Philbert (Billie Bird), a feisty senior citizen; and Tom, Mrs. Philbert's quiet boyfriend (Tom Willett).