Bille Brown

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Le Monde de Narnia : L'Odyssée du passeur d'aurore
Happés à l’intérieur d’un intriguant tableau, Edmund et Lucy Pevensie, ainsi que leur détestable cousin Eustache, se retrouvent subitement projetés dans le royaume de Narnia, à bord d’un navire majestueux : le Passeur d’Aurore. Rejoignant Caspian, devenu roi, et l’intrépide souris guerrière Ripitchip, ils embarquent pour une périlleuse mission dont dépend le sort même de Narnia. À la recherche de sept seigneurs disparus, nos voyageurs entament un envoûtant périple vers les îles mystérieuses de l’Est, où ils ne manqueront pas de rencontrer tant de créatures magiques que de merveilles inimaginables. Mais ils devront surtout vaincre leurs peurs les plus profondes en affrontant de sinistres ennemis, tout en résistant à de terribles tentations auxquelles ils seront confrontés. Il est temps pour eux de faire preuve d’un courage légendaire au cours d’une odyssée qui les transformera à jamais et les emportera au bout du monde, où le grand Lion Aslan les attend.


Oct 19, 2000
Le 20 juillet 1969, les membres de l'équipage d'Apollo XI sont sur le point de poser pour la première fois le pied sur la Lune. En Australie, le radiotélescope du village de Parkes, le plus grand de l'hémisphère Sud, est chargé de suivre cette mission spatiale.Cependant, le vol ne se déroule pas comme prévu, et Cliff ainsi que ses collaborateurs, qui ne devaient jouer qu'un rôle secondaire, vont se retrouver en première ligne de mire. A quelques heures de l'alunissage, la petite équipe australienne se voit soudain confier la transmission de ces images historiques...
3 Acts of Murder

3 Acts of Murder

Jun 14, 2009
In 1928 Arthur Upfield, Australia’s premier crime writer, plotted the perfect murder for his novel The Sands of Windee. Meanwhile, one of his friends, stockman Snowy Rowles, put the scheme into deadly effect, even before the book was published. This true story resulted in one of Australia’s most sensational murder trials of the 1930’s and catapulted Upfield’s name onto the world stage.
The Man Who Sued God

The Man Who Sued God

Oct 25, 2001
A lawyer becomes a fisherman from frustration. When his one piece of property, his boat, is struck by lightning and destroyed he is denied insurance money because it was “an act of God”. He re-registers as a lawyer and sues the insurance company and, as God’s representative, The Church.
Silent Storm

Silent Storm

Sep 09, 2004
From 1957 to 1978, scientists secretly removed bone samples from over 21,000 dead Australians as they searched for evidence of the deadly poison, Strontium 90 - a by-product of nuclear testing. Silent Storm reveals the story behind this astonishing case of officially sanctioned "body-snatching". Set against a backdrop of the Cold War, the saga follows celebrated scientist, Hedley Marston, as he attempts to blow the whistle on radioactive contamination and challenge official claims that British atomic tests posed no threat to the Australian people. Marston's findings are not only disputed, he is targeted as "a scientist of counter-espionage interest". Now, questions are being raised about the health repercussions for generations of Australians.
Killer Elite

Killer Elite

Sep 22, 2011
Pour sauver Hunter, son ancien partenaire et mentor, Danny accepte de reprendre du service et de reformer son équipe. Mais celui qui était l'un des meilleurs agents des forces spéciales va cette fois affronter sa mission la plus périlleuse. Pour réussir, il va devoir percer les secrets d'une des unités militaires les plus redoutées qui soit, le SAS britannique. De doubles jeux en trahisons, il va découvrir un complot qui menace le monde et ce pour quoi il s'est toujours battu ?
Dying Breed

Dying Breed

Apr 26, 2008
Au XIXe siècle, Alexander Pearce s’évade de prison et se réfugie sur une île accompagné par sept de ses co-détenus. Cent jours plus tard, il est capturé, et avoue aux autorités que la faim l’a poussé à dévorer ses compagnons. Il sera pendu pour cannibalisme en 1824. De nos jours, au cours d'un voyage, Nina, étudiante en zoologie, et ses camarades vont découvrir sur la même île, un village habité par les descendants de Pearce, des êtres consanguins qui ont hérité du goût de leur ancêtre pour la chair humaine…
Ved verdens ende

Ved verdens ende

Oct 09, 2009
An english tv-team discovers a special white flower in the indonesian rainforest, but they never get to investegate it further, before the danish recluse Severin has shot them down. A danish special enforcement with a psychiatrist in front is sent off, and they find out, that Severin claims, that he is 129 years old, and it's the flower, which keeps him young. Soon all hunts the white flower, which apparently gives eternal life.
Unfinished Sky

Unfinished Sky

Aug 04, 2007
An Outback farmer takes in an Afghani woman who has fled from a brothel.


Jul 01, 1999
Passion concentrates on Grainger's unusual relationship with his mother and his sexual peculiarities (especially his obsessive self-flagellation, though homosexuality is also hinted at) which affect his relationship with a woman who comes to love him. It is set mainly in London in 1914, when Grainger's mother Rose was ill (she would later jump to her death in New York, upset by ill-founded rumours of incest with her son).
Dirty Deeds

Dirty Deeds

Jul 18, 2002
A Sydney, à la fin des années soixante, le gangster Barry monte sa propre affaire et devient en quelque temps le roi des nuits australiennes. Mais sa réussite suscite des convoitises et la Mafia de Chicago lui envoie deux émissaires afin d'avoir leur part du gâteau... Au même moment, Barry se sent délaissé par sa femme qui menace de le trahir et par sa maîtresse qui s'intéresse à un autre homme. Barry se trouve dans l'obligation de réagir.
Créatures féroces

Créatures féroces

Jan 23, 1997
Le magnat d'un empire multimedia vient d'acquérir le paisible zoo de Marwood dans l'intention de le renflouer puis de le revendre. Il dépêche sur place son homme de confiance, un certain Rollo Lee, qui dévoile au personnel médusé un audacieux plan de redressement.
L'Oeil du cyclone

L'Oeil du cyclone

Sep 15, 2011
In a Sydney suburb, two nurses, Maria and Flora, a housekeeper, Lotte, and a solicitor, Arnold, attend to Elizabeth Hunter as her expatriate son Sir Basil, a famous but struggling actor in London, and daughter Dorothy, a divorced and down at heel princess, convene at her deathbed. They come to make sure they can leave Australia with their hefty inheritance.


May 31, 2001
Set in the 1890s in the central desert region of Australia, 'Serenades' tells the tale of Jila who is conceived when her Afghan cameleer father wins her Aboriginal mother in a card game.
Oscar and Lucinda

Oscar and Lucinda

Dec 31, 1997
Dans les années 1800 en Angleterre, un prêtre anglican et une jeune héritière australienne désirant construire une église entièrement en verre se rencontre à bord d'un bateau vers l'Australie.
BlackJack: In the Money
Jack discovers that a man jailed for matricide could be innocent and the killer could still be close to home. Did Jack's own father-in-law have some part to play in the mystery?
TV Movie


Apr 21, 2007
1941. A country in crisis. A new man in power. Leadership demands and personal demons are set to collide. The story of John Curtin as he faces his first six months as Prime Minister, confronting in quick succession, the tragedy of Pearl Harbour, the fall of Singapore, the bombing of Darwin and a furious battle with Churchill over the deployment of Australian troops. This is a raw and intimate story of a driven and inspirational leader - a man who struggles to battle his own personal demons while serving and protecting a country at war.
Black and White

Black and White

Oct 31, 2002
Australia, 1958. When a nine year old white girl is found murdered, police are quick to arrest illiterate Aborigine, Max Stuart. Under interrogation Max admits to the killing. With a legal system compromised by intimidation tactics, the skills of his two gifted but naïve defense lawyers are put to the test.


Aug 03, 2018
Celeste is a renowned opera diva who retired early for the man she loved to live on a crumbling and beautiful estate in the heart of a rainforest in Far North Queensland. Ten years after the tragic death of her husband, Mateos, in a boating accident, Celeste is set to return to the stage for her final performance. Her husband’s son Jack, still haunted by the past, arrives amidst the preparations for the performance and finds Celeste is as he remembered – beautiful, intoxicating and dangerous. Celeste wants Jack to stay at the estate, but needs him to perform one last request.


Sep 05, 2010
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.
Pacific homicide

Pacific homicide

Dec 22, 2003
White Collar Blue is an Australian television series made by Knapman Wyld Television for Network Ten from 2002 to 2003. Starring Peter O'Brien as Joe Hill and Freya Stafford as Harriet Walker, the series dealt with a division of the police force working in the city of Sydney and the personal and professional tensions affecting their work and lives. In the pilot episode, Harriet is introduced as the new face to Kingsway station, transferring from the "White Collar" federal police to the "Blue Collar" New South Wales Police. Throughout the series Harriet must deal not only with her husband's brutal murder and the revelation of his adultery, but with learning to adjust and fit into her new surroundings. Joe is Harriet's new partner, and isn't exactly welcoming to her as an addition to the team. With two daughters from previous marriages, Joe needs to juggle his homelife, his dedication to the job and his relationship with Nicole Brown, played by Jodie Dry. The other cops at the station are Ted Hudson, played by Richard Carter, Sophia Marinkovitch and Theo Rahme, and each have their own secrets and problems to deal with. The series was axed after two seasons, however it can be found on cable TV both in Australia and overseas.
Miss Fisher enquête

Miss Fisher enquête

Jun 26, 2015
Dans les années 1920, Phryne Fisher s'improvise enquêtrice pour palier à l'injustice qu'elle a subi après la disparition de sa petite soeur. La jeune femme infiltre cabarets et clubs de jazz de Melbourne armée d'un pistolet mais peut également compter sur Dot, sa femme de chambre, son chauffeur Bert ainsi que son majordome Butler.
A Difficult Woman

A Difficult Woman

Nov 08, 1998
Anne Harriman has it all, and expects nothing less. Her brilliant work as chief pathologist of pharmaceutical giant Bauer-Ritter has secured the respect of the corporate, academic and political worlds, making her a trophy addition to any board or panel. But she's prepared to put it all on the line when her old friend Giselle McKenzie is murdered.
Big Sky

Big Sky

May 01, 1999
Big Sky is an Australian television drama series produced by John Edwards that ran for two seasons on Network Ten from 1997 to 1999. The show centred on the adventures of the pilots of a small aviation company in Australia called "Big Sky Aviation" and the battles of the owner to keep the company running. Chief pilot Chris Manning is determined to look after his team, even if that conflicts with the new boss, Lauren Allen, who has inherited the company following the death of her father.
All Saints

All Saints

Oct 27, 2009
Medical drama focusing on the working and personal lives of the doctors and nurses working on the front line of a busy inner city Emergency Department at All Saints Hospital.