Liam Seamus Murphy

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King Of Coke: Living The High Life
This is the true-crime story of the multimillion-dollar yuppie drug ring run by a then, twenty-six year old Larry Lavin and two of his classmates. In the high-flying 1980's, Larry Lavin was a clean-cut, Ivy-League-educated dentist living the good life in suburban Philadelphia. But, what his upper crust neighbors didn't know was that Lavin led a double life - one that would finally be exposed by a shocking narcotics investigation. Awash in sex, drugs and money, Lavin oversaw a cocaine conglomerate, buying and selling enough white powder to anesthetize thirteen Eastern seaboard states ... until the FBI cracked the ring. How was he able to create such a well-oiled network? And what brought about his untimely downfall?
Connexions Dangereuses
Internet ne sert plus uniquement à surfer et à consulter des pages web. C’est devenu notre vie. On partage, on publie, on ajoute des amis, on interagit, on critique, on aime, ou pas, on suit quelqu’un, on like et on tweete jusqu’à ne plus distinguer la vie en ligne de la vie réelle. Mais comment savoir qui est réellement derrière l’écran ? Peut-on faire confiance au bel inconnu qui aime notre publication ? Sait-on vraiment avec qui chattent nos enfants dans leur chambre ? Aujourd’hui, les vrais crimes ont lieu sur le net, qui est devenu un véritable Far-West. Soyez prudents, car vous pourriez vous aussi finir piégés dans la Toile !