Kate O'Toole

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Noël au château enchanté
Brooke et Margot décident de partir en Irlande pour retrouver la famille de leur père, décédé. Se faisant, au hasard de leur pérégrination, elles rencontrent Aiden, le comte de Glaslough et maître de Castle Hart. Elles se font alors passer pour une célèbre agence événementielle et acceptent d’organiser le gala de Noël annuel du château. Mais leurs mensonges les rattrapent…
TV Movie


Nov 07, 2008
A married couple's relationship begins to fall apart as their 10th wedding anniversary approaches.
The Man on the Train

The Man on the Train

Oct 28, 2011
A mysterious criminal rolls into a small town planning to knock off the local bank, assuming it will go off without a hitch. But when he encounters a retired poetry professor, his plans take an unlikely turn. With no place to stay, the professor generously welcomes him into his home. As the two men talk, a bond forms between these two polar opposites, and surprising moments of humor and compassion emerge. As they begin to understand each other more, they each examine the choices they've made in their lives, secretly longing to live the type of lifestyle the other man has lived, based on the desire to escape their own.


Jul 06, 2022
On their final night before departing Justin and Nicole gather their closet family together for one last meal.
Noël à Notting Hill

Noël à Notting Hill

Nov 25, 2023
Georgia, éducatrice spécialisée auprès d'enfants en difficulté, se rend à Londres pour passer Noël avec sa petite sœur, Lizzie, et rencontrer le petit ami de celle-ci. Au marché de Notting Hill, elle tombe par hasard sur le beau et mystérieux Graham, qui la séduit aussitôt. Mais elle ignore que Graham n'est autre que le frère d'Henry, le fiancé de sœur et... une star nationale de football.
TV Movie


Aug 16, 2002
Maud Bailey, une brillante universitaire britannique, et Roland Michell, un étudiant américain, se découvrent une passion commune : la poésie victorienne. Au cours de leurs recherches universitaires, tous deux apprennent que le célèbre poète Randolph Henry Ash entretenait une liaison secrète avec la jeune poétesse Christabel LaMotte. Un étrange voyage à travers le temps commence alors pour les deux lettrés, bien décidés à s'épargner toute "complication" amoureuse. Périple jalonné d'énigmes et de découvertes troublantes, où Maud et Roland se laisseront progressivement gagner par l'amour secret et passionné d'Ash et Christabel LaMotte.
The Confusion of Tongues
Local pub owners, Helen (Kate O'Toole) and Derek (Paul Henshall), are preparing for Birmingham's biggest and hardest pub quiz and everyone has their eyes on the prize. Nearby residents include Mary (Selina Giles) who seeks to find common ground with her daughter Gemma (Katie Cleaver), whilst Kelvin (Rory Mullen) is determined not to let his lover, Angel (Gemma Atkinson), discover his financial ruin and enlists the help of his window cleaner, Barry (Ewen MacIntosh) in a crazy plan to burgle his house and claim on the insurance. Local author Ashley (Nicholas A. Newman) has finished his long-awaited epic novel and is having difficulty promoting it, much to the misfortune of his literary agent (Tom Bonington). As each character descends upon The Spotted Dog pub, chaos ensues as things are not as they seem and each resident learns that extra bit more about each other throughout the course of the night.


Jul 01, 2018
A short film about love, death and crap anniversary gifts.


Apr 05, 2000
In 1904, in Dublin, James Joyce chats up Nora Barnacle, a hotel maid recently come from Galway. She enchants him with her frank, direct and uninhibited manner, and before long, he's convinced her to come with him to Trieste, where he has a job with Berlitz. Over time, Nora pulls him through phobias, tolerates his drinking, takes in his brother Stan, and bests Joyce at 'the writin' game' to bring him back to Italy from Dublin where he's gone to open a cinema. But his sexual jealousy threatens the relationship and sends her back to Galway with the children. Is there any way to tame Jim's green-eyed monster? And, will the lad ever get his stories published?
The Last Son - La Malédiction
Dans la famille Furlong, l’aîné de chaque génération est doté d'un pouvoir extraordinaire, pour le meilleur ou pour le pire. James, le dernier de cette lignée, orphelin de mère, découvre la nature du sien lors d'un accident qui cause la mort de son père et de sa grand-mère. Hanté par ce mal mystérieux, il se retire au plus profond de la forêt pour ne plus nuire à ses proches.... jusqu'à ce qu'il fasse une rencontre inattendue.
Gens de Dublin

Gens de Dublin

Sep 03, 1987
Dublin, janvier 1904. Comme tous les ans, les soeurs Kate et Julia Morkan ainsi que leur nièce Mary reçoivent leurs proches et amis pour célébrer l'Epiphanie. Parmi eux se trouvent Gabriel Conroy, le neveu des soeurs Morkan, et sa femme Gretta. Au gré des poèmes gaëliques, des chants, des danses et des plats qui se succèdent, les convives entretiennent de joyeuses conversations de salon et commencent à évoquer les chers disparus, célèbres ou inconnus...
Laughter in the Dark

Laughter in the Dark

May 11, 1969
Swinging London in the 1960's. Deals with the affection of a middle-aged man for a very young woman, resulting in a mutually parasitic relationship.


Aug 15, 2007
Suburban housewife Liz discovers that husband Stephen is abusing their daughter. She confronts him and reports him to the authorities, but also decides to try to help him recover from what must be "a sickness". Stephen is tried and imprisoned. When he leaves prison, Liz arranges for him to receive treatment at a residential clinic for sex offenders, where he undergoes intensive therapy. Stephen finally faces his guilt and the consequences of his abuse. The family decide to rebuild their lives together. Is this right? Is it even possible? And – if they do - what's the emotional cost?
Histoires de l'autre monde
Une série d'anthologie d'horreur où le spectateur est pris à travers des histoires de fantômes, des aventures de science-fiction et, événements inexpliqués rampants.
Titanic : De sang et d'acier
Marc Muir arrive à convaincre JP Morgan, un financier, et Lord Pirrie, un homme d’affaires, que ses compétences seront indispensables à la construction du Titanic qui vient de débuter. Il s’aperçoit que ses employeurs sont plus préoccupés par les questions financières et le prestige de leur nom que par la sécurité et la fiabilité du paquebot. Il assiste aux conflits qui divisent les habitants de Belfast surtout entre les Protestants et les Catholiques.
Les Tudors

Les Tudors

Jun 20, 2010
La vie très tourmentée du jeune Henry VIII lors de son début de règne au 16ème siècle en Angleterre ! De ses relations tumultueuses avec les femmes à ses alliances politiques...
No Tears

No Tears

Feb 04, 2002
Based on the hepatitis C scandal that rocked Ireland in the mid-1990s. Two very different women discover that they have been infected with hepatitis C by a contaminated anti-D injection years before. Despite the devastating effects on the women and their families, they unite in a campaign group to take on the health authorities and expose the evasions and lies of the political and bureaucratic establishment.


Oct 12, 2022
Examine the investigation into school assistant Maxine Carr and her fiancé Ian Huntley, who was imprisoned for the killings of school girls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman.