Lors d'une fête du Nouvel An, un groupe d'amis traverse un tourbillon d'événements qui révèle des secrets, brise des cœurs, et conduit à un dénouement choquant.
In the near future an indifferent activist announces that at midnight on New Year’s Eve he is going to commit suicide in protest against the renewed slavery system in Poland. His plan is put on hold the moment he finds an abandoned slave woman in the trash and decides to help set her free.
Rita is twenty-four years old and has never had an orgasm. All she remembers from her first sexual experience is disappointment and a kitschy painting of peonies hanging on the wall before an old sofa creaking beneath her.
Dans ce biopic sur le chanteur Zenon Martyniuk, un jeune garçon enjoué vivant dans un petit village cherche à devenir une star de la pop en évitant les pièges du succès.