Mateusz Płocha

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Horror Story

Horror Story

Nov 17, 2023
A man, right after his graduation, seeks a dream job in a corporation. The corporate world, however, appears to him as a higher and higher nonsense and repetitive mindless scheme. While looking for a job, the protagonist moves into a cheap flat that resembles a house from horror movies.


Mar 03, 2017
The story of Eugeniusz Bodo, a famous Polish actor and singer, who was at the peak of his career in 1930s.
Zatoka szpiegów

Zatoka szpiegów

Feb 25, 2024
Based on true events, "The Bay of Spies" follows Franz Neumann, a young Nazi Abwehr officer, who discovers that his real father was Polish. Using this information to his advantage Franz becomes a spy for the Allies with the code name Got’ His task is to obtain information about the activities of the German Navy, the Kriegsmarine and report back to the allies. Using his charm and charisma, Franz manipulates the men he gets close to, makes women fall in love with him, and snakes his way into the German elite.
War & Politics


May 29, 2016
Glitter, scandals, roaring twenties music and amazing acting, all that and much more in a brand new series depicting life of Eugene Bodo - a man of many talents. The artist was a major star of Europe between wars. He was an actor, a director, a producer, a businessman, the central figure of numerous gossip and scandals. Women went crazy for him, men wanted to be like him. The biography of the cabaret and movie star would be enough for a bunch of people. The story presents Bodo’s way to success, which was not always ‘a bed of roses’. Viewers will have a chance follow the man’s difficult decisions and life choices, running away from home, early steps on stage in a provincial theatre but also his relationship with possessive mother and love affairs with a number of women including Nora Ney. The 13-episode series will bring back the times of early movie sets and the heyday of cabaret


Nov 08, 2024
Une jeune fille est assassinée près d'Opole. Des mutilations corporelles terrifiantes et des marques laissées sur place indiquent un meurtre rituel. La question est traitée par la commissaire Agnieszka Polkowska. En raison de l'extraordinaire cruauté du crime et de la suspicion que l'auteur pourrait être un tueur en série, l'affaire s'intéresse au siège provincial. Polkowska, à son grand mécontentement, est affectée à l'enquête sur le commissaire Tomasz Mrówiec. A cette époque, Piotr Wolnicki, enseigne les études religieuses à l'université d'Opole. Il travaille et vit en permanence avec sa famille dans une belle maison. Déjà à la rentrée, l'homme choisit son humble et intelligente élève Ewa Banach comme favorite. La jeune fille ne sait pas que son conférencier cache un sombre secret.
Kiedy ślub?

Kiedy ślub?

May 10, 2024
Cezary Pazura invite dix stars de la comédie et personnalités du divertissement à un défi unique, où ils ne peuvent pas rire pendant six heures. Les concurrents essaient tout pour faire rire les autres tout en gardant un visage de poker en même temps. Ceux qui n'y arrivent pas sont hors jeu. Voyez qui sera le dernier à rire !