Laura Hayes

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Finders Keepers

Finders Keepers

Jan 01, 2005
t's a cold, wet night. But the mob wants their money. The door burst open. A junkie is dead. But the mobsters get their cash-until they lose it again at the bus station where Dino Willingham has picked up his Auntie. Instead of grabbing her bag, he grabs theirs by mistake. The gangsters are furious at their loss and when Dino, his Mother and his Auntie find that they have all that money they are set to shop, and shop large. After spending almost fifty thousand dollars, the mobsters finally track them down-and they are pissed. They kidnap Dino's Mom and Auntie at gun point. Dino is forced to negotiate the return of the money and make certain that his Mom and Auntie are safely returned. They tell him to bring the money with him and his family will be freed. But Dino, worried that they will kill them all when they find much of the money is missing, has another plan.
The Queens of Comedy

The Queens of Comedy

Jan 27, 2001
Four of today's hottest black comedians headline this Queens of Comedy video special, a follow-up to Spike Lee's "The Original Kings of Comedy". Adele Givens, Mo'Nique (from UPN's The Parkers), Sommore, and Laura Hayes (from BET's Comic View) present a very provocative adult program with riffs on everything from the size of various body parts, to the habits of men, to former president Bill Clinton.
Who's Making Tha Rules
Tariq Meyers and his cousin Sharif start a Hip Hop label that will be a resounding success in no time. But then the criminal Officer Ray appears, who is determined to get the drug trade and the rap business in his own hands.
Little Bitches

Little Bitches

Jan 23, 2018
A group of friends vow to open their college acceptance letters at the same time during the big end-of -year party.
I Got the Hook-Up

I Got the Hook-Up

May 27, 1998
Deux copains brisés se sentent chanceux quand ils tombent sur un camion de téléphones cellulaires et commencent à les vendre à l'arrière de leur fourgon. Des problèmes surgissent cependant lorsque les téléphones développent des défauts. Les deux amis doivent alors non seulement traiter avec des clients insatisfaits, mais aussi avec le FBI.
Beauty Shop

Beauty Shop

Apr 22, 2005
Gina est la coiffeuse en vogue d’Atlanta. Elle travaille dans le salon le plus branché de la ville, mais le manque de respect et l’égocentricité de son patron la poussent à démissionner. Elle ouvre alors son propre salon : un endroit où vont défiler des personnages hauts en couleurs.
Act of Faith

Act of Faith

Apr 08, 2014
After the death of his beloved wife, Mr. Brady struggles to maintain a neighborhood diner in Atlanta Georgia. His few faithful waitresses have become his only family.
Everything But a Man

Everything But a Man

Jun 15, 2016
Une brillante avocate et un ouvrier insouciant, que tout semble opposer, tentent de trouver un équilibre dans une idylle aussi inattendue que tumultueuse.
Pastor Shirley

Pastor Shirley

Aug 11, 2013
Jason's heart and soul are stuck with the church his father ran before he passed away, and his dreams of making this community a place of worship, love, and sanctuary. Now a real estate mogul threatens to turn Jason's church into a strip mall! So who does he call? Pastor Shirley.
A Different Direction

A Different Direction

Jan 29, 2019
Frankie Bailey, is a black, gay man in his 30's struggling to make ends meet while being forced to confront one of the biggest challenges of his life.
The Queens of Comedy

The Queens of Comedy

Jan 27, 2001
Four of today's hottest black comedians headline this Queens of Comedy video special, a follow-up to Spike Lee's "The Original Kings of Comedy". Adele Givens, Mo'Nique (from UPN's The Parkers), Sommore, and Laura Hayes (from BET's Comic View) present a very provocative adult program with riffs on everything from the size of various body parts, to the habits of men, to former president Bill Clinton.
In the Cut

In the Cut

Mar 31, 2021
A well-renowned barber meets the son he never knew he had, thirty years after his birth. Work, love and life collide as they adjust to life as a new family.
Un gars du Queens

Un gars du Queens

May 14, 2007
Doug Heffernan, chauffeur-livreur, et son épouse Carrie, secrétaire dans un cabinet d'avocats, mènent une vie paisible dans le Queens (quartier de New York) jusqu'au jour où l'excentrique père de Carrie vient s'installer chez eux…
The Sarah Silverman Program.
Sarah Silverman plays a character named Sarah Silverman, whose absurd daily life unfolds in scripted scenes and songs. With her sister and her gay neighbors by her side, Sarah always manages to fall into unique, unsettling and downright weird predicaments.


May 14, 2006
Petit génie malgré lui, Malcolm vit dans une famille hors du commun. Le jeune surdoué n'hésite pas à se servir de son intelligence pour faire les 400 coups avec ses frères : Francis, l'aîné, envoyé dans une école militaire après une bêtise de trop, Reese, une brute pas très maligne, et Dewey, le petit dernier, souffre-douleur général. Les parents tentent tant bien que mal de canaliser l'énergie de ces petits démons. Si Lois est despotique et veut tout contrôler, Hal, en revanche, est irresponsable et ne pense qu'à s'amuser.
Cooper et nous

Cooper et nous

Aug 30, 1997
Mark Cooper, ancien joueur de basket à la NBA, est revenu vivre dans sa ville natale, pour devenir entraineur dans son ancien lycée : Oakbridge High School. Il partage sa maison (et le loyer) avec sa vieille amie Robin Dumars, un professeur de musique, et la sexy Vanessa Russel. Tous les trois vivent ensemble dans une grande maison à Oakland, en Californie.