An unhinged action comedy drama, following Yngve and Linus as they repair their friendship by going through a staged adventure none of them could have imagined.
Loneliness fills an empty town at night as an amnesiac tries to find clues as to who and where he is when suddenly traces of his past self are evoked...
An unhinged action comedy drama, following Yngve and Linus as they repair their friendship by going through a staged adventure none of them could have imagined.
An unhinged action comedy drama, following Yngve and Linus as they repair their friendship by going through a staged adventure none of them could have imagined.
An unhinged action comedy drama, following Yngve and Linus as they repair their friendship by going through a staged adventure none of them could have imagined.
An unhinged action comedy drama, following Yngve and Linus as they repair their friendship by going through a staged adventure none of them could have imagined.