Shows some of the everyday struggles of a gay man in today's society. From the pressure to be physically fit to the drug culture, peer pressure and the toll it takes on the members of the gay community.
Olivia travaille comme soignante auprès d’Olga, une grand-mère russe ashkénaze de Brighton Beach à Brooklyn. Fragilisée par sa situation d’immigrante philippine, elle paie secrètement un Américain pour organiser un mariage blanc. Alors que celui-ci se rétracte, elle rencontre Alex, le petit fils d’Olga, avec qui elle ose enfin vivre une véritable histoire d’amour…
Shows some of the everyday struggles of a gay man in today's society. From the pressure to be physically fit to the drug culture, peer pressure and the toll it takes on the members of the gay community.
Shows some of the everyday struggles of a gay man in today's society. From the pressure to be physically fit to the drug culture, peer pressure and the toll it takes on the members of the gay community.
Shows some of the everyday struggles of a gay man in today's society. From the pressure to be physically fit to the drug culture, peer pressure and the toll it takes on the members of the gay community.