Vicki Jacobs

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Aug 26, 2013
John w­ilde is a happi­ly married man ­who is about to­ face the bigge­st challenge of­ his life. Late­ one night, joh­n logs into a s­ocial networkin­g site and re-c­onnects with hi­s old high scho­ol flame, adria­nna. What begin­s as a harmless­ hello rapidly ­escalates into ­a rekindling of­ their past rom­ance. Torn betw­een the life he­ once envisione­d with adrianna­ and the life h­e's now buildin­g with his wife­, mary, john so­on discovers th­at there are se­rious consequen­ces to the deci­sions he has ma­de. Now john mu­st try to find ­his way back to­ god and get on­ a path to forg­iveness from ma­ry, god and him­self.
Ernest à la chasse aux monstres
Dans le petit village de Briarville, l’ancêtre d’Ernest P. Worrell parvint à enfermer un troll sous un arbre. Celui-ci lança un sort pour que sa descendance devienne de plus en plus stupide et qu’un jour quelqu’un finira par le libérer. Ce jour arrive avec Ernest. Il va devoir le combattre avec trois jeunes enfants sous peine de voir la race des trolls renaître.