One day, a young man who lost his father when he was young was supposed to meet up with a young man in the mail for a gay magazine, but a strange, dirty middle-aged man shows up on the spot. He had been deceived...
"Dragon Factory" is a facility for training male slaves that is the backbone of the financial world. Strict training was carried out every day. One day, a boy was sent there. The boy's name is Natural. Like the wind, he begins to blow holes in the Dragon Factory, and something begins to crumble..
A young, talented art student and an illustrator who recognizes his talent. While the two of them are living together, a beautiful male nude model appears, and everything falls apart...
One day, a young man who lost his father when he was young was supposed to meet up with a young man in the mail for a gay magazine, but a strange, dirty middle-aged man shows up on the spot. He had been deceived...