Ten years after the events of "The Girl" (2011), the titular character escapes from the psychiatric hospital she's been a patient at and begins wrecking havoc.
Stuck in a dead-end job, the relationship-challenged high school graduate Kevin (Jayson Garity) thinks he may have found and escape to his life problems when a lovely and mysterious young woman named Lisa (Robyn Griggs) moves in next door. But Lisa harbors some dark secrets, and before long, Kevin finds himself accused of murder.
Ten years after the events of "The Girl" (2011), the titular character escapes from the psychiatric hospital she's been a patient at and begins wrecking havoc.
Ten years after the events of "The Girl" (2011), the titular character escapes from the psychiatric hospital she's been a patient at and begins wrecking havoc.
Stuck in a dead-end job, the relationship-challenged high school graduate Kevin (Jayson Garity) thinks he may have found and escape to his life problems when a lovely and mysterious young woman named Lisa (Robyn Griggs) moves in next door. But Lisa harbors some dark secrets, and before long, Kevin finds himself accused of murder.
Stuck in a dead-end job, the relationship-challenged high school graduate Kevin (Jayson Garity) thinks he may have found and escape to his life problems when a lovely and mysterious young woman named Lisa (Robyn Griggs) moves in next door. But Lisa harbors some dark secrets, and before long, Kevin finds himself accused of murder.
Stuck in a dead-end job, the relationship-challenged high school graduate Kevin (Jayson Garity) thinks he may have found and escape to his life problems when a lovely and mysterious young woman named Lisa (Robyn Griggs) moves in next door. But Lisa harbors some dark secrets, and before long, Kevin finds himself accused of murder.
Stuck in a dead-end job, the relationship-challenged high school graduate Kevin (Jayson Garity) thinks he may have found and escape to his life problems when a lovely and mysterious young woman named Lisa (Robyn Griggs) moves in next door. But Lisa harbors some dark secrets, and before long, Kevin finds himself accused of murder.
Stuck in a dead-end job, the relationship-challenged high school graduate Kevin (Jayson Garity) thinks he may have found and escape to his life problems when a lovely and mysterious young woman named Lisa (Robyn Griggs) moves in next door. But Lisa harbors some dark secrets, and before long, Kevin finds himself accused of murder.