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Dec 03, 1983
Un groupe d'étudiants en archéologie part effectuer des recherches dans une partie reculée du désert Californien. Dès leur arrivée au milieu de l'immense décor aride, les jeunes gens vont se sentir observés par une présence mystérieuse. Involontairement, ils vont perturber le sommeil ancestral de démons indiens qui se vengeront de la plus sanglante manière de ceux qui ont osé profaner leur terre sacrée. Une longue nuit d'horreur commence au cours de laquelle les hurlements des suppliciés raisonneront jusqu'à l'aube.
Le piège

Le piège

Nov 30, 1946
Quand une troupe de showgirls avec leur impresario et agent de presse vacances dans une station Malibu Beach, deux d'entre eux sont garrotté. Charlie prend l'affaire avec l'aide par numéro deux fils Jimmy et chauffeur fidèle Birmingham Brown.
Tu seras un homme, mon fils
Pianiste brillant, Eddy Duchin s'installe à New York pour faire carrière. Il y rencontre la troublante Marjorie Oelrichs. Ils ne tardent pas à se marier, et l'épouse tombe bientôt enceinte. Mais l'accouchement tourne au cauchemar, et la mère meurt en donnant naissance à un fils, Peter. Fou de chagrin, Eddy tient son enfant pour resposable de la mort de sa bien-aimée...
Les trois mousquetaires
Jeune Gascon plein d'ambition, d'Artagnan quitte son pays natal en 1625, pour se rendre à Paris où il espère devenir mousquetaire du roi. Une première altercation le met aux prises avec celle qui sera désormais sa grande ennemie, Milady de Winter. Dès sa première journée sur les bords de la Seine, d'Artagnan se prend de querelle avec trois des meilleurs escrimeurs du royaume, Athos, Porthos et Aramis. Leur escarmouche est interrompue par l'intrusion de gardes du cardinal de Richelieu. Le jeune fier-à-bras fait front aux côtés des mousquetaires qu'il avait outragés et gagne ainsi leur amitié. Le cardinal, un temps dépité par l'échec de ses gardes, n'en oublie pas pour autant de préparer, avec l'aide de Milady, un piège diabolique destiné à discréditer la reine, Anne d'Autriche. Les trois mousquetaires décident de déjouer ses plans et partent pour l'Angleterre récupérer les ferrets de la reine...
Superbman: The Other Movie
Facing impending doom on the planet Krapton, Kid-O, infant son of Jel-O, is sent to earth where he is found and adopted by Ma and Pa Cant. Eventually, the Kraptonian now known as Clark, becomes a newspaper reporter for the Daily Comet. Together with fellow reporter Lois Lame, they uncover a sinister plot by Rex Ruthor, to destroy the world.


Jul 15, 1948
Superman comes to Earth as a child and grows up to be his home's first superhero with his first major challenge being to oppose The Spider Lady.
Fast and Loose

Fast and Loose

Nov 08, 1930
A wealthy family is thrown into turmoil when the daughter falls for the family chauffeur and the son begins to keep company with a chorus girl.
Mystery Broadcast

Mystery Broadcast

Nov 23, 1943
A radio detective sets out to solve an old murder case, with the help of her sound man and another radio detective. They manage to talk to the people involved in the case, but shortly afterwards the main suspects turn up dead.
Aerial Gunner

Aerial Gunner

Mar 20, 1943
Old rivals are pitted against each other in basic training and fight for the same woman.
The Girl Who Dared

The Girl Who Dared

Aug 05, 1944
A group of people are invited to a party at a creepy mansion where legend has it a ghost appears once a year.
Private Lessons

Private Lessons

May 04, 1934
Hal LeRoy is hired as a tap teacher at Dawn O'Day's dancing school to give private lessons to female students. The school's manager, as well as some of his students, spreads false stories that Hal's lessons involve more than just tap dancing. He is fired and starts his own dancing school in the same building as O'Day's. Hal and Dawn now realize that their relationship was more than just business.


Jul 24, 1952
Based on a successful comic book that began in 1941, the Blackhawks were seven flyers who banded together during WW II to fight the Nazis. After the war, they continued to fight evil where ever they find it. In this movie, they are battling a group of spies and saboteurs bent on destroying democracy. The Blackhawks foil a succession of plots, with a cliff hanger ending in each episode.
Time Warp

Time Warp

Jan 01, 1981
After a long space journey, an astronaut returns home to his family only to discover that he has somehow gone through a "time warp" and is now one year into the future, rendering him invisible to all those around him.
TV Movie
Pistol Packin' Mama

Pistol Packin' Mama

Dec 15, 1943
Two tuneful gamblers gambol across the country in a struggle for the money they need to run their respective casinos. It all begins when gangsters oust a gambler from the Big Apple. In need of quick cash, he goes to Las Vegas and enters a casino owned by a tough but pretty young woman. Cheating like crazy, the gambler breaks the house back and takes his considerable winnings back to New York to open his own casino. The woman is in hot pursuit and eagerly plans to turn the tables in her favor.
Call of the Rockies

Call of the Rockies

Jul 14, 1944
Cowboy Sunset Carson teams up with Frog Millhouse on a routine supply trip to Placer City. Before long, the duo find themselves ambushed by a team of dastardly highwaymen embroiled in an extortion ring. Sunset and Frog must then go undercover to set things right for a mining town under siege. Galloping hooves, spittin' six shooters, and all manner of disreputable behavior ensue.
Forty Thieves

Forty Thieves

Jun 23, 1944
When he runs for sheriff, Hoppy is beaten by Jerry Doyle, the gutless wonder voted for by every crook in town. When Hoppy moves to have the new sheriff impeached, outlaw leader Tad Hammond hires forty gunslingers to stop him. Stop Hoppy? Hah!
Radar Patrol vs. Spy King
The war lords of a potential enemy of the US has the spy ring, led by John Baroda, the Spy King and his aide Nitra, sabotaging the plans for a vast defense system of radar stations along the American borders. Radar Defense Bureau operative Chris Calvert comes to the rescue of a brilliant radar scientist, Joan Hughes, who has been kidnapped by Baroda henchmen in chapter 1 ("The Fatal Fog"), and the two battle together before putting an end to the Spy King in the aptly-named chapter 12, "Day of Reckoning".
The Story of Superman

The Story of Superman

Jun 01, 1989
This is the complete story of the origin of Superman, his career in comics, cartoons and film. Every question that you may have ever asked is addressed in this documented story of Superman - his impact on our comic book generation- his success in films and television. Rare scenes and interesting insights populate this fascinating exploration of our favorite super hero. Don't miss this thrilling experience.
Ô toi ma charmante

Ô toi ma charmante

Nov 19, 1942
En Argentine, à Buenos Aires, un danseur originaire de New York se voit offrir l'opportunité de se produire à un mariage. Une fois arrivé sur place, il s'éprend de la soeur de la mariée.
The Man from the Rio Grande
The suspicious death of Henry King during a hunting trip with his brother John leaves the inheritance of the rich Santa Rita Ranch to be shared with John, Henry's daughter Doris and a young girl from New York, Twinkle Watts. King says that a son, Henry King Jr., who left home as a young boy was killed in a Texas gunfight. - Written by Les Adams
Overland Mail Robbery

Overland Mail Robbery

Nov 20, 1943
The Hartley--Goodrich stage line suffers a double blow when its founders, Frank Hartley and Marcus Goodrich, are killed during robbery attempts. Goodrich's daughter Judith and the company foreman, Gabby Hayes, are determined to keep the business going, despite debt caused by the string of attacks.
Daughter of Don Q

Daughter of Don Q

Jun 27, 1946
When the unscrupulous Carlos Manning discovers that an old Spanish land grant recently unearthed will leave a huge section of California real estate to the heirs of Don Quantero, he employs Mel Donovan and his killer henchmen to murder them all. That will leave Manning as the sole heir to millions. However, Delores Quantero tumbles to this plot and enlists the aide of two-fisted reporter, Cliff Roberts to save all her relatives
The Making of 'Superman: The Movie'
Ernie Anderson narrates this look at the making of Richard Donner's blockbuster 1978 film. Behind-the-scenes footage, as well as scenes from the film, reveal just how audiences were able to "believe a man can fly." This program features interviews with key cast and crew.
Beginning of the End

Beginning of the End

Jun 28, 1957
An attractive reporter investigating the mysterious destruction of an Illinois town stumbles upon a secret government laboratory conducting radiation experiments on vegetables. The lead scientist is eager to help find out what happened. Together they discover that giant grasshoppers are behind the devastation. Worse yet, thousands of them are headed toward Chicago! Can they be stopped... or is this the BEGINNING OF THE END?
Le Choc des mondes

Le Choc des mondes

Sep 14, 1951
Un astronome découvre une planète morte qui file droit vers la Terre. Car il n'y a aucun moyen d'empêcher la collision, un pilote et un astronome sont chargés de construire puis de piloter un vaisseau spatial capable d'embarquer une poignée d'humains rigoureusement sélectionnés vers une autre planète.
Science Fiction


Dec 14, 1978
Juste avant l’explosion de la planète Krypton, Jor‐El décide de sauver son fils en l’envoyant sur Terre. Le nourrisson est recueilli par le couple Kent qui décide de l’élever comme son propre fils. L’enfant se met à développer des pouvoirs hors du commun. Une fois adulte, Clark Kent, reporter au Daily Planet, souhaite mener une vie normale. Il ne renie pas pour autant ses capacités à sauver le monde et devient alors Superman : super‐héros volant au secours de la veuve et de l’orphelin, attisant la jalousie de Lex Luthor et l’intérêt de sa collègue Loïs Lane.
Science Fiction
The Halloween Planet

The Halloween Planet

Jan 01, 1981
When the boy genius, Zebulon, decides to run away from home in his hand-made spaceship he fails to discover his sister, Marsyas, who has hidden herself on board. With her extra, uncalculated weight on board he finds that the ship has veered far from its course.
Science Fiction
Convoi vers la Russie

Convoi vers la Russie

Jun 12, 1943
Lors de la deuxième Guerre mondiale, dans l'Atlantique Nord, le bateau du capitaine Jarvis est torpillé par un sous-marin allemand. Il parvient, grâce au soutien de son second, le Lt Rossi, à garder le moral de l'équipage et à ramener le bateau dans un port américain. À peine reposés, une nouvelle mission pour escorter un convoi de l'Arctique de Liberty ships transportant du matériel livré dans le cadre du programme Lend-Lease de Halifax à Mourmansk, sur un nouveau bateau, leur est confiée. Ils vont devoir déjouer les attaques et les ruses de leurs ennemis tapis sous les eaux...
Un nommé Joe

Un nommé Joe

Dec 24, 1943
Pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, un pilote a un accident et meurt. Pour que son don du pilotage ne soit pas totalement perdu, il est renvoyé sur terre sous une forme immatérielle pour servir d'inspiration à de jeunes pilotes, mais a du mal à se détacher de sa vie d'autrefois. Steven Spielberg s'est fortement inspiré de ce film pour réaliser une version transposée dans l'univers des combattants du feu : Always
Lucky Jordan

Lucky Jordan

Nov 16, 1942
Lucky Jordan is a gangster living in New York City and when he's drafted into the army, he tries to escape duty by using an old con woman named Annie to convince the draft board he's needed at home. When that fails, Jordan is sent to boot camp, but he doesn't stay there long. He takes a beautiful USO worker hostage and flees back to New York. There, he learns that a rival gangster is plotting against America.
Little Miss Broadway

Little Miss Broadway

Jun 19, 1947
Upon leaving finishing school, Judy Gibson goes to meet her presumed wealthy and socially prominent relatives. However they are penniless Broadway characters and take possession of a Long Island mansion owned by an incarcerated thief so Judy doesn't find out the truth. Judy arrives with her fiancé and his father, who tries to sell worthless stock to Judy's family. They give him $200,000, part of the stashed loot they found belonging to the home-owner thief.
Deux Nigauds dans le manoir hanté
1780. La maîtresse du manoir de Danbury et l'étameur Horatio Prim ont été tués comme espions ennemis de Washington. Jetés dans un puits, les deux fantômes sont condamnés à rester prisonniers du domaine jusqu'à ce que soit établie la preuve de leur innocence. Les nouveaux occupants du manoir vont les aider à retrouver une lettre les innocentant...
Swing Shift Maisie

Swing Shift Maisie

Oct 01, 1943
Street-smart Maisie from Brooklyn lands a job at an airplane assembly plant during WWII and falls in love with handsome pilot "Breezy" McLaughlin. Breezy, however, falling in love with and getting engaged to Maisie's conniving roommate Iris, doesn't realize she's using him and it's up to Maisie to convince him.


Dec 13, 1967
A playboy golf pro, kicked off the circuit for alleged cheating, is forced to hustle for a living.
La Cité sans voile

La Cité sans voile

May 29, 1963
La série présente des enquêtes menées par les inspecteurs du 65e commissariat de police du New York City Police Department avec des intrigues se concentrant beaucoup sur les criminels et les victimes.
Highway Patrol

Highway Patrol

Apr 28, 1958
Highway Patrol was a syndicated, fictional police action series produced from 1955 to 1959, concerning the activities of the highway patrol and their leader, Dan Matthews (who held no rank). Although filmed in and around the Los Angeles area, the state setting for the stories was never identified, and city and street names were fictionalized.
Action & Adventure
Denis la petite peste

Denis la petite peste

Jul 07, 1963
Denis est en apparence un adorable garçonnet blond, toujours vêtu d'une salopette dont une des poches laisse entrevoir un lance-pierres. Denis considère son voisin, Monsieur Wilson, comme son meilleur ami, ce qui est loin d'être l'avis de ce dernier qui est sans cesse la victime des bêtises de l'enfant.
Lux Video Theatre

Lux Video Theatre

Sep 12, 1957
Lux Video Theatre is an American anthology series that was produced from 1950 until 1959. The series presented both comedy and drama in original teleplays, as well as abridged adaptations of films and plays.
The Donna Reed Show

The Donna Reed Show

Mar 19, 1966
Revolves around typical family problems, such as firing a clumsy housekeeper, throwing a retirement bash for a colleague, and finding quality time away from the children.
Buffalo Bill, Jr.

Buffalo Bill, Jr.

Sep 21, 1956
Buffalo Bill, Jr. is an American Western television series starring Dickie Jones that aired in syndication from March 1, 1955, until September 21, 1956.
The Adventures of Kit Carson
The Adventures of Kit Carson is an American Western series that aired in syndication from August 1951 to November 1955, originally sponsored by Coca-Cola. It stars Bill Williams in the title role as frontier scout Christopher "Kit" Carson. Don Diamond co-starred as "El Toro", Carson's Mexican companion.
Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica

Apr 29, 1979
Les aventures des passagers du vaisseau Galactica, à la recherche d'une planète sur laquelle vivraient des gens semblables à eux : la Terre.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy