Claudia Jennings

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Famous T & A

Famous T & A

Jan 01, 1982
A collection of nude and/or topless scenes from various films featuring actresses who were either famous at the time or who became famous later on.
Les gladiateurs de l'an 3000
La terre a été ravagée par les Guerres de Neutron, la rendant semblable un gigantesque désert. Pour survivre, les humains se sont construits d'immenses mégapoles à l'abri des radiations sévissant dans les étendues tannées par un soleil qui semble briller éternellement. Helix, l'une de ces cités, est dirigée par Lord Zirpola, un cruel dictateur.
Dynamite Girls

Dynamite Girls

Jul 01, 1976
À peine sortie de prison, Candy Morgan (Claudia Jennings) pille une petite banque du Texas à l'aide de bâtons de dynamite. L'une des caissières, Ellie-Jo Turner (Jocelyn Jones), qui vient d'être licenciée pour retard et "manque total de caractère" l'aide... un peu plus tard, en faisant de l'auto-stop, Candy retrouve Ellie-Jo. Les deux femmes sont dès lors bien décidées à faire équipe pour devenir en quelque sorte les nouvelles "Bonnie and Clyde", ou, plus précisément, "Bonnie and Bonnie". Sur leur route, elles rencontrent Sim (Johnny Crawford) en train de voler un dépanneur et le prennent en otage avant que, sympathisant (et plus encore), le duo ne devienne un trio à la dynamite sévissant dans tout le Texas !
Fast Company

Fast Company

Mar 18, 1979
Dans le milieu des courses de dragsters, Lonnie Johnson, un pilote, s’oppose à son manager Phil Adamson.
Sisters of Death

Sisters of Death

Apr 18, 1976
During an all-girl secret society initiation, one of the new members is killed playing Russian Roulette. Many years later the survivors are invited for a reunion to a lavish estate, which turns out to be owned by the crazed father of the girl who died.
The Unholy Rollers

The Unholy Rollers

Nov 10, 1972
Karen veut plus d’action dans la vie et quitte son emploi à la conserverie pour devenir patineuse dans le roller derby. Elle rencontre des frictions de la part des autres patineurs - en particulier Mickey, l’actuel numéro un de l’équipe. Karen se révèle une compétitrice fougueuse, mais refuse d’être une joueuse d’équipe. Alors qu’elle patine vers la célébrité du roller, elle encourt la colère des membres jaloux de l’équipe et du propriétaire de l’équipe.
The Stepmother

The Stepmother

Oct 26, 1972
Returning home from a business trip, an architect assumes that a client is having an affair with his wife and murders the man. His feelings of guilt and attempts to conceal the crime lead to more complications and death.
'Gator Bait

'Gator Bait

Oct 12, 1974
Desirée lives deep in the swamp and supports herself and her siblings by poaching. After an accident involving Deputy Billy and a friend, the Sheriff, Deputy and a family of locals go after Desirée. Soon the hunters become the hunted as she exacts her revenge for their violence against her family.
Group Marriage

Group Marriage

Mar 01, 1973
Chris is not getting along with boyfriend Sandor and has an affair with parole officer Dennis. Dennis invites the couple to dinner with his ex-girlfriend Jan. At a picnic on the beach, Jan meets lifeguard Phil, who later sleeps with Chris and moves in with the other five. Phil brings in a person, lawyer Elaine. The "group marriage" of the six of them attracts media attention, which brings trouble and prejudice.
Lutte au finish

Lutte au finish

Jun 01, 1977
Les trois filles d'un contrebandier d'alcool récemment assassiné par un compétiteur prennent leur revanche.
The Single Girls

The Single Girls

Apr 14, 1974
A group of men and women travel to a Carribean resort to discover themselves sexually but unfortunately one of them has also discovered that they like to murder people too.
The Love Machine

The Love Machine

Aug 14, 1971
An ambitious TV newscaster has an affair with the wife of a network executive to get a promotion.


Jul 01, 1971


A Vietnam vet, Jud Carney. returns to Los Angeles at Christmas time, finds out it's not how he thought it was going to be. When Jud discovers his fiancee has left him, he moves into a boarding house peopled with "types." Flashback memories of the war and the suicide of fellow house resident, reduce Jud to a broken and bitter man.
L'Homme qui venait d'ailleurs
Envoyé sur Terre pour trouver un remède au manque d'eau qui décime lentement les habitants de sa planète, un extra-terrestre est confronté à la folie des humains et au souvenir nostalgique d'une femme et de ses deux enfants qui l'attendent.
Science Fiction
40 Carats

40 Carats

Jun 28, 1973
After an overnight fling with a man nearly 20 years her junior while vacationing in Greece, Ann Stanley returns to New York assuming she'll never see Peter Latham again. Until, that is, he shows up on her doorstep to take her daughter to a party. Despite her yearning for Peter and the encouragement of her friends and family, Ann initially rebuffs him when he pursues her, but slowly she yields to his charm and her own stifled emotions.
Claudia Jennings

Claudia Jennings

Oct 03, 1995
A documentary short on the explosive life, career and tragic death of former Playboy model and cult movie actress Claudia Jennings.
Willy & Scratch

Willy & Scratch

Mar 04, 1975
A pair of dangerous criminals make a desert ghost-town their hideout in the wake of a deadly heist.
The Brady Bunch

The Brady Bunch

Mar 08, 1974
When widower Mike Brady marries a lovely lady widow Carol Ann, their two families become one. These are the misadventures of this new couple, their six children, a dog named Tiger, and quirky housekeeper Alice.
Les Rues de San-Francisco
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes de Mike Stone, vétéran de la police de San Francisco (23 années de service), et de son coéquipier, le jeune et impétueux Steve Keller, qui, sorti détective assistant de l'école de police, doit faire ses preuves sur le terrain.


Mar 21, 1981
240-Robert is an American drama series that ran on ABC from 1979 to 1981. The series title is a reference to the call-sign designation for the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department's search and rescue/paramedic teams.


Mar 03, 1976
Frank Cannon, ancien flic au physique imposant, propose ses services de détective privé à une clientèle fortunée, et de préférence féminine, de Californie. Ses honoraires élevés lui permettent d'assouvir ses goûts de luxe, notamment en matière culinaire et automobile.


Dec 04, 1978
Lucan is a TV Drama which aired on ABC from 1977 to 1978, starring Kevin Brophy, John Randolph, and Don Gordon. A 20-year old man who spent the first 10 years of his life running wild in the forest after being raised by wolves, Lucan is taken to a research institute and taught the ways of human society. He is befriended by a kind research doctor whom he bonded with during his journey to civilization. Lucan's continued freedom at the research center is put in peril once his doctor friend and mentor is hurt. Unable to insure Lucan's well being at the institute, his friend encourages him to strike out on his own in search of his identity. The short-lived TV series chronicled the encounters, challenges, and intrigues Lucan faced interacting with people using his new learned social graces and old Wolfen instincts. Lucan did have special Wolfen skills that were invoked when he was made very angry. When upset to the point of violence his eyes glowed amber. He also had heightened senses of smell and hearing. In a few episodes he was able to call on his old wolf family/pack for help. This series was based on a 1977 made-for-TV movie of the same name directed by David Greene.
The Tonight Show avec Johnny Carson
Le 1er octobre 1962, Groucho Marx accueillit Johnny Carson comme le nouveau présentateur du The Tonight Show. L’émission a été filmée à New York pendant pratiquement les dix premières années, avec Johnny Carson en tant que présentateur. Puis à partir de mai 1972, le plateau déménagea au Studio One à Burbank en Californie pour le reste de son « mandat » .


May 12, 1975
The exploits of the Caribbean Force, a unit of the Miami Police Department which combats criminal activities not only in Miami but wherever American interests are involved in the Caribbean.