Vincent Tavier

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Kill Me Please

Kill Me Please

Nov 03, 2010
Le docteur Kruger est un pionnier décidé à faire entrer le suicide dans la modernité. Sa clinique reçoit une subvention gouvernementale afin que le suicide ne soit plus une tragédie, mais un acte médical assisté. Son rêve est de trouver un cadre thérapeutique à l’intérieur duquel la médecine parvient à dominer cette pulsion de destruction que les désespérés, ou les malades, veulent exercer contre eux-mêmes.
Le Grand Soir

Le Grand Soir

Jun 06, 2012
Les Bonzini tiennent le restaurant 'la Pataterie' dans une zone commerciale. Leur fils ainé, Not, est le plus vieux punk à chien d'Europe. Son frère, Jean Pierre, est vendeur dans un magasin de literie. Quand Jean Pierre est licencié, les 2 frères se retrouvent. Le Grand Soir, c'est l'histoire d'une famille qui décide de faire la révolution... à sa manière.
Atomik Circus - Le retour de James Bataille
Skotlett City est toujours traumatisée par la catastrophique grande fête de la tarte à vache. James Bataille a d'ailleurs fini en prison et cette fois-ci il s'en échappe, bien décidé à retrouver Concia, sa fiancée qui veut devenir chanteuse de country. Mais malheureusement, tout ne se passe pas comme il l'aurait souhaité...Les éléments se déchaînent contre lui : des étoiles de mer en provenance d'un autre monde se collent sur les visages des gens, le futur impresario de Concia, Allan Chiasse, se transforme en monstre tentaculaire, sa bimbo, la sexy Kitty également, le Sam Paradiso bar est décimé. Cela paraît beaucoup pour ce petit village et pourtant ce n'est qu'un début...
The Belgian Wave

The Belgian Wave

Dec 13, 2023
Au début des années 90, le journaliste Marc Varenberg et son caméraman disparaissent dans des circonstances mystérieuses alors qu’ils enquêtent sur la Vague Belge (une série d'observations d'Ovni survenus entre 1989 et 1991). Près de 30 ans plus tard, deux webreporters rouvrent l’enquête pour découvrir ce qui s’est réellement passé.
Mad in Belgium

Mad in Belgium

Jun 29, 2022
Un cadavre exquis cinématographique, dont les entrailles révèlent la nature d’un (in)certain cinéma belge. Des auteurs et des acteurs qui ont prouvé que l’imposture pouvait être un acte de création. Convaincus que toute production cinématographique dite "nouvelle" n’étant qu’une reprise de ce qui avait déjà été fait, ces corsaires des images se sont faufilés en faussaires, menteurs, baratineurs, usurpateurs, … Des hors la loi du cinéma qui en ont falsifié la forme. De l’imposture filmée de "C’est arrivé près de chez vous" au biopic fabulateur de Jan Bucquoy, tout participe du dynamitage, par le simulacre et l’absurde, du langage institutionnel. Ce voyage libre dans la ciné-belgitude a pour vocation d’approcher ces merveilleux excentriques adeptes d’un situationnisme survolté et décapant.


Jun 20, 2007
En 2016, la mode et les critères de beauté ont beaucoup changé. Une nouvelle tendance fait des ravages chez les jeunes : le lifting du visage. Georges, un jeune diplômé récemment lifté, profite des vacances d'été pour s'intégrer aux « Chivers », une bande de caïds liftés à l'extrême. Blaise, un loser rejeté et ex-ami d'enfance de Georges, aimerait lui aussi faire parti de la bande…
La Dernière (S)Cène

La Dernière (S)Cène

Sep 05, 2003
The dialogue is based on the Gospel according to St John. The apostles are played by friends (the disciples) of Boris Lehman, most of them movie-makers, filmed in front of the last house still standing opposite the new buildings of the European Union. Judas is played by Claudio Pazienza and Christ by Boris Lehman. The film was shot in a matter of hours on a Sunday morning, with an incredible decor in a street that had been razed to the ground by property developers, just before the police arrived.
A Town Called Panic: Double Fun
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Panique au village : La Rentrée des classes
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Kill Me Please

Kill Me Please

Nov 03, 2010
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Des cowboys et des indiens : le cinéma de Patar et Aubier
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Panique au village : La Foire agricole
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
C'est arrivé près de chez vous
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
C'est arrivé près de chez vous
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Panique au village

Panique au village

Jun 17, 2009
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Nowhere man

Nowhere man

Nov 26, 2008
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Miss Mermaid

Miss Mermaid

Jan 01, 1970
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.


Dec 28, 2016
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Les Carnets de Monsieur Manatane
Cette série humoristique à sketches met en scène le personnage de Monsieur Manatane. Tour à tour milliardaire, capitaliste cynique, écrivain, scientifique, chanteur, philanthrope, chirurgien esthétique ou encore génie des mathématiques, exorciste, roi du Paris-Quart monde, petit-fils d'une star du western, réalisateur de films, ce personnage fantasque et parfois hystérique se caractérise par son humour noir, son ironie cynique et sa verve sarcastique. Les fans de longue date de la série finissent par admirer le personnage, et par essayer de mettre des dates sur les grands évènements de sa vie. Mais tous se posent une même question : Comment Simon (ou Jean-Philippe ou encore Jean-François, et même Léon) Manatane est-il devenu une « vedette », comme il se définit ?