Andrew Cruickshank

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L'enlèvement de David Balfour
Au XVIIIe siècle en Écosse, le jeune David Balfour est obligé par une lettre de son père récemment décédé d'aller à la Maison de Shaws, où il est salué sans beaucoup d'enthousiasme par son oncle avare Ebenezer. Une tentative d'arranger un accident mortel confirme qu'Ebenezer n'a aucune affection pour son neveu. Cependant, David n'est pas suffisamment sur ses gardes. Il accompagne Ebenezer à une réunion avec un associé dans une entreprise maritime, le Capitaine Hoseason. Le capitaine emmène David à bord de son bateau et l'enlève, à l'instigation d'Ebenezer. En mer, David apprend qu'il doit être vendu dans une servitude d'indenture. Cependant, un brouillard à couper au couteau arrive et le bateau entre en collision avec un autre navire. Alan Breck Stewart, le seul survivant du second navire est amené à bord et paye pour son passage, mais l'avide capitaine complote de le tuer pour récupérer le reste de son argent...
Le Cid

Le Cid

Oct 24, 1961
Rodrigue, « Le Cid », cherche à concilier amour et honneur : alors qu'il doit mener le combat contre les Maures qui envahissent l'Espagne, il tue en duel le père de Chimène, son grand amour.
Bobby des Greyfriars

Bobby des Greyfriars

Jul 17, 1961
Un petit Skye terrier nommé Bobby est l'animal de compagnie d'un fermier écossais et de sa femme. Mais le chien préfère la compagnie d'un homme embauché à la ferme appelée Auld Jock. Quand l'argent devient rare à la ferme, Auld Jock est renvoyé. Il voyage en Edimbourg et Bobby le suit. Auld Jock meurt dans la pauvreté et est enterré à Greyfriar's Kirkyard. Chaque nuit, Bobby retourne sur la tombe d'Auld Jock pour dormir. Contre l'avis de sa femme, le gardien du cimetière James Brown essaye de chasser Bobby, mais Bobby trouve toujours un chemin pour revenir sur la tombe de son ancien maître. Bobby se fait aimer à tous, particulièrement les enfants de voisinage. Brown et un propriétaire de restaurant, M. Traill, rivalisent pour l'affection du chien. Brown avertir Traill qu'il doit payer une licence pour détenir Bobby, ce qu'il refuse par principe, n'étant pas le maître de Bobby.
La Bataille du Rio de la Plata
Le film retrace l'épisode de la Bataille du Rio de la Plata qui eut lieu durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, dans laquelle la British Navy localisa et détruisit un puissant cuirassé de poche allemand (panzerschiffe), l’Admiral Graf Spee qui menaçait les convois de ravitaillement


Feb 28, 1949
Set on Blackpool’s Golden Mile, Jim (Douglass Montgomery), a once promising scientist, sets up in business as a patent medicine man selling hair tonic at the fair with his ex-army colleague Dan (Ronald Shiner). Following a fight with local hoods over pitch spaces, Jim falls for Jane (Hazel Court), the girl on a nearby candy floss stall. The two begin dating but Jim fails to mention he is already married.
Les Filles de l'air

Les Filles de l'air

Mar 27, 1963
Trois hôtesses de l'air combinent leur travail de traversée de l'Atlantique avec la recherche d'un bel homme riche à marier.
Your Witness

Your Witness

Mar 06, 1950
Adam Hayward is a successful New York City defense lawyer. One day he receives a cable that the British war buddy who saved his life at Anzio Beach is now in trouble with the law in England. Taking the advice of his secretary to go to England rather than wire money, Adam arrives in his friend's village to find him about to stand trial for the murder of the hired stable-hand, Lawrence.
Les étrangleurs de Bombay
En Indes, à la fin du XIXe siècle, une secte d'étrangleurs appelée les Thugs est la source d'enlèvements, de meurtres et de mutilations de voyageurs qui traversent les régions du pays sous leur influence. Les actes violents perpétrés par les membres de la secte ont pour but d'offrir des sacrifices rituels à la déesse indienne Kali. Un régiment britannique se lance alors aux trousses des tueurs afin de les mettre hors d'état de nuire.


Jan 01, 1984
In Torre del Lago, by Lake Massaciuccoli, Puccini is writing "The Girl of the Golden West" when his wife Elvira accuses him of a dalliance with their maid, Doria Manfredi, a young women from town. Although the maestro is frequently unfaithful, he denies the affair; Elvira insists she's right and publicly hounds Doria. Between scenes in this domestic drama that turns tragic, we watch a Scottish company rehearse and stage "Turandot," Puccini's last opera. The film finds parallels between the two stories and suggests that in the opera, Puccini expresses love for his wife and guilt in Doria's fate. Three local gentlemen provide a spoken chorus as Puccini's score plays throughout.
Paper Orchid

Paper Orchid

Apr 01, 1949
Paper Orchid is a 1949 British crime film directed by Roy Ward Baker, with a script written by Val Guest. It featured Hugh Williams, Hy Hazell and Garry Marsh. It is perhaps most notable for an early film appearance of Sid James, later to find success through the Carry On series.
John and Julie

John and Julie

Jul 26, 1955
The adventures of two children who runaway to London to see the coronation of Queen Elizabeth.
L'Ange de la trompette
Pour réduire les coûts, ce film britannique réutilisé une grande partie du film autrichien plus tôt, en particulier pour les tirs à distance et pour les scènes avec des personnages mineurs qui ont été surnommés. De cette façon, Maria Schell et Oskar Werner ont lancé leur carrière internationale dans ce film.Une histoire d'amour épique d'Henriette dans le Vieux-Vienne, qui, après avoir perdu son véritable amour royal élève une famille avec son mari riche, y compris une fille qui, comme il y a ses nombreuses années, veut chasser le véritable amour au lieu de la tradition .
Innocent Sinners

Innocent Sinners

Mar 25, 1958
A neglected girl in post-World War II London befriends street urchins who help her build a tiny garden in a bombed-out church.
John Wesley

John Wesley

Mar 02, 1954
Rescued from a burning house as a child, John Wesley believes the experience marked him for a higher purpose, a 'brand from the burning'. The film follows Wesley's years at Oxford and as a clergyman, his disagreements with the church over the social position of the clergy, his mission to America, the founding of Methodism, and his bringing of the Gospel into the lives of ordinary people.
There Was a Crooked Man
When a law-abiding demolition expert is duped by a gang of criminals into helping them he is caught and jailed. When he is released he goes straight and then notices a leading citizen in his town is cheating his neighbours.
Auld Lang Syne

Auld Lang Syne

Feb 06, 1937
Auld Lang Syne is a 1937 British historical drama film directed by James A. Fitzpatrick. It portrays the life of the eighteenth century Scottish poet Robert Burns.
Richard III

Richard III

Dec 13, 1955
Le bossu Richard, duc de Gloucester, complote pour ravir la couronne royale de son frère Edouard IV. Après avoir épousé de force lady Anne, la veuve de l'héritier de la maison de Lancastre, Richard persuade Édouard que leur frère Clarence est un traître et parvient à le faire enfermer à la Tour de Londres, puis exécuter. Le roi Édouard meurt de maladie peu de temps après. La voie ainsi libérée, Richard n'attend plus que son couronnement pour pouvoir régner en tyran...
La Mer cruelle

La Mer cruelle

Feb 24, 1953
Au début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le capitaine de frégate. Ericson est affecté à l'escorte de convoi HMS Compass Rose avec des officiers inexpérimentés et les hommes à la sortie de la formation. Les mers d'hiver rendent la vie assez misérable, mais les hommes doivent aussi se durcir au sauvetage des survivants des attaques de U-Boot, alors que rarement en mesure de riposter. Les événements traumatisants à flot et à terre créent un lien entre le chaud skipper et son premier officier
We Joined the Navy

We Joined the Navy

May 17, 1963
Lt Commander Badger, RN: an exceptionally likeable fellow, the Artful Bodger has one besetting sin a shining honesty which compels him to say the right thing at entirely the wrong time! When untimely remarks to some new recruits are splashed across the tabloids, the rush is on to find him a new posting somewhere far away.
Idol of Paris

Idol of Paris

Apr 24, 1948
The Idol of Paris is based on Paiva, Queen of Love, a novel by Alfred Schirokauer. Set in the mid-19th century, the film traces the rags-to-riches story of a girl named Theresa. Sleeping her way to the top, she becomes a highly sought-after Parisian courtesan, one worthy of the attentions of the Emperor Napoleon. But Theresa has no time for the Emperor, not with such virile lovers as Hertz around and about.
A Question of Adultery
Mark Loring is madly jealous of his wife, Mary, former American cabaret singer. Due to an automobile accident, she loses her unborn child, and Mark becomes sterile. His father, Brit-stuffy Sir John Loring, has never approved of the marriage and, again, tries to break it up. Believing that a child will hold the marriage together, Mary suggests artificial insemination to Mark, who finally agrees to accompany her to a clinic in Switzerland. However, when she is again pregnant, Mark finds it impossible to reconcile himself to the situation and leaves her. Prompted by his father, Mark sues for divorce, accusing her of adultery. She contests the divorce and a trial concerns itself with whether or not artificial insemination is a question of adultery. The Catholic Church's National League of Decency placed this film on its Condemned" list.
Les 39 étapes

Les 39 étapes

Mar 13, 1959
Remake du film classique hitchcock. Alors que généralement pas aussi bon, il est un film plutôt amusant, et plus enjouée que l'original. Ceci est largement dû à l'action de Kenneth More.
The Mark of Cain

The Mark of Cain

Mar 14, 1947
An attractive young French girl instigates rivalry between two brothers when she becomes the bride of the younger one. As the situation festers it leads to murder…
Dr. Finlay's Casebook

Dr. Finlay's Casebook

Jan 03, 1971
Dr Finlay's Casebook is a television series that was broadcast on the BBC from 1962 until 1971. Based on A. J. Cronin's novella ‘Country Doctor’, the storylines centred on a general medical practice in the fictional Scottish town of Tannochbrae during the late 1920s. Cronin was the primary writer for the show between 1962 and 1964.
King and Castle

King and Castle

Jun 14, 1988
Having hastily left the Met before his dubious activities finally caught up with him, ex-detective Ronald King has formed the Manor Debt Collection Agency with David Castle, a young, somewhat naive martial arts expert and part-time genealogist. Castle's skills come in handy in his new line of work, as do King's old police contacts, and in their dealings with a range of duplicitous, sometimes dangerous clients the chalk-and-cheese duo somehow manages to survive on the right side of the law.
Bleak House

Bleak House

Dec 25, 1959
Bleak House is the first BBC adaptation of the Charles Dickens novel of the same name. It was adapted by Constance Cox as an eleven-part series of half-hour episodes first transmitted from 16 October 1959. It stars Andrew Cruickshank in the role of John Jarndyce, Diana Fairfax as Esther Summerson and Colin Jeavons as Richard Carstone. The complete series still exists.
Miss Marple

Miss Marple

Feb 08, 1987
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes de Miss Marple, la célèbre héroïne d'Agatha Christie.
Sunday Night Theatre

Sunday Night Theatre

May 10, 1959
Sunday Night Theatre was a long-running series of televised live television plays screened by BBC Television from early 1950 until 1959. The productions for the first five years or so of the run were re-staged live the following Thursday, partly because of technical limitations in this era, and the theatrical basis of early television drama. Some of the earliest collaborations between Rudolph Cartier and Nigel Neale were produced for this series, including Arrow to the Heart and Nineteen Eighty-Four. The Sunday night drama slot was subsequently renamed The Sunday-Night Play which ran for four seasons between 1960 and 1963. ITV transmitted its own unrelated run of Sunday Night Theatre between 1971 and 1974.
Sunday Night Theatre

Sunday Night Theatre

May 10, 1959
Sunday Night Theatre was a long-running series of televised live television plays screened by BBC Television from early 1950 until 1959. The productions for the first five years or so of the run were re-staged live the following Thursday, partly because of technical limitations in this era, and the theatrical basis of early television drama. Some of the earliest collaborations between Rudolph Cartier and Nigel Neale were produced for this series, including Arrow to the Heart and Nineteen Eighty-Four. The Sunday night drama slot was subsequently renamed The Sunday-Night Play which ran for four seasons between 1960 and 1963. ITV transmitted its own unrelated run of Sunday Night Theatre between 1971 and 1974.