Estelle Winwood

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Les Désaxés

Les Désaxés

Feb 01, 1961
À Reno, Roslyn s'apprête à divorcer. Fasciné par la beauté de la jeune femme, un cow-boy entre deux âges lui demande de partager son existence. Elle se lie également d'amitié avec un riche éleveur et un garagiste veuf. Ils paraissent comblés mais subissent en fait une misère affective et intellectuelle.
Un cadavre au dessert

Un cadavre au dessert

Jun 23, 1976
Les plus grands détectives du monde entier ont été invités à dîner. Mais quand le meurtre est au menu, qui restera-t-il à l'heure du dessert ? La demeure isolée de l'excentrique millionnaire Lionel Twain est le décor de cette énigme étrange. Twain informe ses invités que l'un d'entre eux sera tué à minuit. La bonne nouvelle ? Un million de dollars pour celui ou celle qui passera la nuit.
La mort frappe trois fois
Edith et Maggie sont soeurs jumelles mais la fortune leur a très inégalement souri: Edith vit pauvrement alors que Maggie a fait un riche mariage avec Frank et vit dans le luxe. Pourtant c'était Edith que Frank aimait. Les deux soeurs se retrouvent le jour de la mort de Frank. Edith met au point une vengeance machiavélique. Elle tue froidement sa soeur, fait croire à sa propre mort, et prend possession de l'héritage. Elle tient son role avec aplomb, mais Maggie avait un amant...
Main Street to Broadway
In New York, a surly, down-on-his-heels playwright meets a country girl who's giving up trying to act and returning home. He goes with her for inspiration when his agent convinces a stage star to take his next effort. When he returns to Broadway, his girl stays behind and starts seeing a local businessman.
L'Épée enchantée

L'Épée enchantée

Apr 01, 1962
Le fils d'une sorcière, équipé d'armes, d'armures et de six chevaliers invoqués par magie, se lance dans une quête pour sauver une princesse d'un sorcier vengeur.
Le cygne

Le cygne

Apr 26, 1956
Princesse Beatrice les jours de profiter de la vie royale sont comptés à moins que sa fille unique, la princesse Alexandra, fait une bonne impression sur un lointain cousin quand il paie une visite surprise à leur palais. Prince Albert a cherché toute l'Europe pour une jeune mariée et il est ennuyé par toute la routine de la parade nuptiale. Il est plus intéressé par la laiterie de la succession que le jardin de roses Alexandra. Et puis il commence à jouer au football avec le tuteur et les frères d'Alexandra. Inviter le tuteur à la balle ce soir-là et de regarder comment gracieusement danse Alexandra avec lui.
Darby O'Gill et les farfadets
Dans la petite ville irlandaise de Rathcullen, Comté Kerry, Darby O'Gill est le garde-chasse vieillissant de la propriété de Lord Fitzpatrick, où il vit dans un pavillon voisin avec sa charmante fille, presque adulte, Katie. Darby passe la plupart de son temps dans le pub de ville, régalant ses amis d'histoires sur ses tentatives pour attraper les lutins (Leprechaun), particulièrement leur roi, Brian Connors. Comme Darby est payé à mi-temps comme laboureur, Lord Fitzpatrick décide de le mettre à la retraite avec la moitié de sa paie, de l'installer gratuitement avec sa fille dans une autre maison et d'engager un jeune dublinois nommé Michael McBride. Darby demande à Michael de cacher à Katie qu'il le remplace ce qu'il accepte à contre-cœur.
L'Inquiétante dame en noir
Récemment arrivé à Londres, un jeune diplomate américain loue un appartement dont la propriétaire est une ravissante Américaine. Le lendemain, il apprend qu'elle est suspectée d'avoir tué son mari...


Oct 25, 1967
Le Roi Arthur établit les idéaux et les lois de Camelot, mais est malheureusement obligé de faire appliquer ces lois contre sa propre femme.
À vingt-trois pas du mystère
Domicilié à Baker Street et devenu aveugle à la suite d'un accident de voiture, l'auteur dramatique Philip Hannon surprend, dans un bar, une conversation entre une femme et un homme qui se fait appeler Evans, et soupçonne une affaire de kidnapping où il est question de l'arrivée, le 10 du mois, d'une certaine Mary. Hannon alerte Scotland Yard, mais l'inspecteur Grovening pense que l'écrivain s'est laissé emporter par son tempérament romanesque. En désespoir de cause, Hannon demande à son ancienne fiancée, Jean Lennox, et à son fidèle domestique, Bob Matthews, de se livrer à une enquête à sa place. Matthews retrouve la femme du bar, Janet Murch, qu'il suit jusqu'à un entrepôt de Stoner Street et il échappe de justesse à une tentative de meurtre dans une maison en ruine. Averti, l'inspecteur Grovening reconnaît que Hannon avait vu juste car le corps de Janet Murch vient d'être repêché dans la Tamise. Hannon fait alors le rapprochement avec l'arrivée du Queen Mary....
Pour un baiser

Pour un baiser

Mar 26, 1937
En Angleterre, au début du XIXe siècle. Le docteur Valentine Brown est appelé sous les drapeaux. Il laisse derrière lui la femme qui l'aime, Phoebe Throssel, avant même d'avoir pu s'unir à elle par les liens du mariage. La guerre contre Napoléon le retient au loin durant dix ans. Le jour de son retour, le temps a tellement changé le visage de Phoebe qu'il ne la reconnaît pas. La douleur de la fiancée est immense, mais elle n'en laisse rien paraître. Elle décide de se faire passer pour sa propre nièce et de tout mettre en œuvre pour reconquérir l'être aimé...
Le Diable à trois

Le Diable à trois

Sep 17, 1967
L’arrivée d'une femme étrange dans l'appartement d'un couple de jeunes maries new-yorkais met ces derniers en danger de mort.
Le Démon de Midi

Le Démon de Midi

Jun 18, 1958
Fuyant les assauts de son patron, la ravissante Janet Blake quitte précipitamment une grande soirée. Elle se retrouve à l'extérieur sous une pluie abondante. Un automobiliste, Bill Tremaine, propose de la conduire jusqu'à la gare. Au cours du trajet, Janet, se méprenant sur les intentions de Bill descend de voiture. Elle trouve refuge chez une ex-gloire du théâtre, Preston Mitchell. La méfiance de Janet pour son hôte se dissipe rapidement car il fait preuve d'une parfaite correction. Janet passera donc la nuit dans la chambre d'amis. Le lendemain, Janet est engagée comme secrétaire particulière. Cette situation déplaît tout particulièrement à Nita, ancienne petite amie de Preston, qui ne désespère pas de le reconquérir. Janet, au fil des jours, s'éprend de plus en plus du séduisant comédien, qui ne reste pas insensible au charme de sa ravissante secrétaire…
Alive and Kicking

Alive and Kicking

Jul 13, 1959
Three elderly residents of a nursing home, fed up with their monotonous existence, engineer an escape from their drab surroundings and head for an impromptu holiday on an Irish island.
Les Producteurs

Les Producteurs

Mar 18, 1968
Afin de se mettre en faillite frauduleuse, un ancien producteur et un comptable joignent leurs efforts pour monter le spectacle théâtral le plus raté de tous les temps : « Le printemps d’Hitler ». Mais prise au second degré par les spectateurs, la pièce remporte un vif succès…
The House of Trent

The House of Trent

Dec 01, 1933
It follows a doctor who faces both a scandal and a moral dilemma when a patient of his dies while he is making love to a press magnate's daughter.
Mrs Patterson

Mrs Patterson

Jun 17, 1956
It's 1920 in a small town in Kentucky, and Teddy, a teenage girl, dreams of escaping from her boredom at home to the excitement of Chicago.
Bourbon Street Beat

Bourbon Street Beat

Jul 04, 1960
"Bourbon Street Beat" is a private detective series produced by Warner Brothers Television which aired on the ABC network from October 5, 1959, to July 4, 1960. It featured Richard Long as Rex Randolph, Andrew Duggan as Cal Calhoun, Van Williams as Kenny Madison, and Arlene Howell as Melody Lee Mercer, the secretary at the New Orleans detective agency in which they worked. The show is set in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA and revolves around the lives of Rex Randolph (Long) and Cal Calhoun (Duggan), who run a detective agency called Randolph and Calhoun — Special Services. The agency is based in the Absinthe House, a French Quarter nightclub on Bourbon Street.


Mar 14, 1968
Riche et puissant, Bruce Wayne enfile son costume et devient Batman, justicier de Gotham City. Aidé par le fidèle Robin, il aide la police à traquer les criminels et à défendre les innocents.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Studio One

Studio One

Sep 29, 1958
An American radio–television anthology series, created in 1947 by Canadian director Fletcher Markle, who came to CBS from the CBC. Studio One, presented by Westinghouse, was one of the first of the anthology TV programs. The episodes were often abridged remakes of movies from years gone by and many future well-known television and movie actors appeared in the productions.
Ma Sorcière Bien-Aimée
Quand la sorcière Samantha épouse l'humain Jean-Pierre, la vie quotidienne se transforme vite en une suite d'aventures loufoques et de quiproquos magiques.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Mar 03, 1976
Frank Cannon, ancien flic au physique imposant, propose ses services de détective privé à une clientèle fortunée, et de préférence féminine, de Californie. Ses honoraires élevés lui permettent d'assouvir ses goûts de luxe, notamment en matière culinaire et automobile.
La Quatrième Dimension
Nous sommes transportés dans une autre dimension, une dimension faite non seulement de paysages et de sons, mais surtout d'esprits. Un voyage dans une contrée sans fin dont les frontières sont notre imagination. Un voyage au bout des ténèbres où il n'y a qu'une destination : la Quatrième Dimension.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Alfred Hitchcock présente
Immortalisée par la silhouette d'Alfred Hitchcock apparaissant sur l'écran au son de la Marche funèbre d'une marionnette de Charles Gounod, cette série est en fait une anthologie de petites histoires noires, à la chute souvent inattendue. Au début de chaque épisode et avant d'en faire la présentation, toujours teintée d'humour noir, Alfred Hitchcock saluait les téléspectateurs d'un sévère « Bonsoir ». Il revenait en épilogue pour exposer sa morale de l'histoire. (source : Wikipédia)
Denis la petite peste

Denis la petite peste

Jul 07, 1963
Denis est en apparence un adorable garçonnet blond, toujours vêtu d'une salopette dont une des poches laisse entrevoir un lance-pierres. Denis considère son voisin, Monsieur Wilson, comme son meilleur ami, ce qui est loin d'être l'avis de ce dernier qui est sans cesse la victime des bêtises de l'enfant.
Police Story

Police Story

Dec 03, 1988
Police Story is an anthology television crime drama. The show was the brainchild of author and former policeman Joseph Wambaugh and represented a major step forward in the realistic depiction of police work and violence on network TV. Although it was an anthology, there were certain things that all episodes had in common; for instance, the main character in each episode was a police officer. The setting was always Los Angeles and the characters always worked for some branch of the LAPD. Notwithstanding the anthology format, there were recurring characters. Scott Brady appeared in more than a dozen episodes as "Vinnie," a former cop who, upon retirement, had opened a bar catering to police officers, and who acted as a sort of Greek chorus during the run of the series, commenting on the characters and plots.
Action & Adventure


Jul 09, 1978
Cette série met en scène deux détectives privés d'un genre particulier : Peterson T. Ryan, un ancien escroc, appréhendé par son futur partenaire, Frank Mac Bride, policier à la retraite. Ensemble, ils « arnaquent les arnaqueurs ».
Action & Adventure


Apr 30, 1962
Thriller is an American anthology television series that aired during the 1960–61 and 1961–62 seasons on NBC. The show featured host Boris Karloff introducing a mix of self-contained, macabre weird-horror and morbid, hitchockian crime stories, in some of which he also starred.


Jun 26, 1958
Climax! is an American anthology series that aired on CBS from 1954 to 1958. The series was hosted by William Lundigan and later co-hosted by Mary Costa. It was one of the few CBS programs of that era to be broadcast in color. Many of the episodes were performed and broadcast live.
Adventures in Paradise
Adventures in Paradise is an American television series created by James Michener which ran on ABC from 1959 until 1962, starring Gardner McKay as Adam Troy, the captain of the schooner Tiki III, which sailed the South Pacific looking for passengers and adventure. USA Network aired reruns of this series between 1984 and 1988. The plots deal with the romantic and detective stories of Korean War veteran Troy. The supporting cast, varying from season to season, features George Tobias, Guy Stockwell, and Linda Lawson.
Action & Adventure
The Donna Reed Show

The Donna Reed Show

Mar 19, 1966
Revolves around typical family problems, such as firing a clumsy housekeeper, throwing a retirement bash for a colleague, and finding quality time away from the children.
ABC Stage 67

ABC Stage 67

May 03, 1967
ABC Stage 67 is the umbrella title for a series of 26 weekly shows that included dramas, variety shows, documentaries, and original musicals. It premiered on American Broadcasting Company on September 14, 1966 with Murray Schisgal's The Love Song of Barney Kempinksi, directed by Stanley Prager and starring Alan Arkin as a man enjoying the sights and sounds of New York City in his last remaining hours of bachelorhood. Arkin was nominated for an Emmy Award for Outstanding Single Performance By An Actor in a Leading Role in a Drama and the program was nominated as Outstanding Dramatic Program. Future programs included appearances by Petula Clark, Bobby Darin, Sir Laurence Olivier, Albert Finney, Peter Sellers, David Frost, and Jack Paar. ABC's effort to bring culture to the masses was a noble but unsuccessful experiment. Scheduled first against I Spy on Wednesdays and then The Dean Martin Show on Thursdays, the show consistently received low ratings. Its last production, an adaptation of Jean Cocteau's one-woman play The Human Voice starring Ingrid Bergman, aired on May 4, 1967. "Stage 67" was not actually a part of the primary ABC facilities in Los Angeles. It was produced at the old Monogram Studios backlot that was later sold to KCET.


Aug 17, 1954
An anthology series adapted from the radio program of the same name. Like the radio program, many scripts were adaptations of literary classics by well-known authors. Classic authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, Agatha Christie, and Charles Dickens all had stories adapted for the series, while contemporary authors such as Roald Dahl and Gore Vidal also contributed.
CBS Playhouse

CBS Playhouse

Feb 10, 1970
CBS Playhouse is an American anthology drama series that aired on CBS from 1967 to 1970. Airing twelve plays over the course of its run, the series was nominated for a number of awards and featured many noteworthy actors and playwrights.
Robert Montgomery Presents
Robert Montgomery Presents is an American dramatic television series which was produced by NBC from January 30, 1950 until June 24, 1957. The live show had several sponsors during its seven-year run, and the title was altered to feature the sponsor, usually Lucky Strike cigarettes, for example, Robert Montgomery Presents Your Lucky Strike Theater, ....The Johnson's Wax Program, and so on.
The Rogues

The Rogues

Apr 18, 1965
The Rogues is an American television series that appeared on NBC from September 13, 1964, to April 18, 1965, starring David Niven, Charles Boyer, and Gig Young as a related trio of former conmen who could, for the right price, be persuaded to trick a very wealthy and heinously unscrupulous mark. Although it won the 1964 Golden Globe award for Best Television Series, the show was cancelled after one season consisting of thirty episodes.
Action & Adventure
Lights Out

Lights Out

Jan 15, 1972
Lights Out was an extremely popular American old-time radio program, an early example of a network series devoted mostly to horror and the supernatural, predating Suspense and Inner Sanctum. Versions of Lights Out aired on different networks, at various times, from January 1934 to the summer of 1947 and the series eventually made the transition to television. In 1946, NBC Television brought Lights Out to TV in a series of four specials, broadcast live and produced by Fred Coe, who also contributed three of the scripts. NBC asked Cooper to write the script for the premiere, "First Person Singular", which is told entirely from the point of view of an unseen murderer who kills his obnoxious wife and winds up being executed. Variety gave this first episode a rave review ("undoubtedly one of the best dramatic shows yet seen on a television screen"), but Lights Out did not become a regular NBC-TV series until 1949.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Dr. Kildare

Dr. Kildare

Apr 05, 1966
The story of a young intern in a large metropolitan hospital trying to learn his profession, deal with the problems of his patients, and win the respect of the senior doctor in his specialty, internal medicine.
The Outsider

The Outsider

Apr 16, 1969
The Outsider was the story of David Ross, a go-it-alone private investigator who's always where the action is. Darren McGavin played Ross, a man living in an off-beat, always-dangerous world. The series aired for one season on NBC and was a precursor of sorts to The Rockford Files in that it featured a loner private detective who had previously done time in prison for a crime he didn't commit and who never quite fit into a rapidly changing environment.
The Doris Day Show

The Doris Day Show

Mar 12, 1973
The Doris Day Show is an American sitcom that was originally broadcast on the CBS network from September 1968 until March 1973, remaining on the air for five seasons and 128 episodes. In addition to showcasing Doris Day, the show is remembered for its many abrupt format changes over the course of its five-year run. It is also remembered for Day's statement, in her autobiography Doris Day: Her Own Story, that her husband Martin Melcher had signed her to do the TV series without her knowledge, a fact she only discovered when Melcher died of heart disease on April 20, 1968. The TV show premiered on Tuesday, September 24, 1968.
Perry Mason

Perry Mason

May 22, 1966
La série met en scène les affaires traitées par Perry Mason, célèbre avocat de Los Angeles.
The Name of the Game

The Name of the Game

Mar 19, 1971
The Name of the Game is an American television series starring Tony Franciosa, Gene Barry, and Robert Stack that ran from 1968 to 1971 on NBC, totaling 76 episodes of 90 minutes. It was a pioneering wheel series, setting the stage for The Bold Ones and the NBC Mystery Movie in the 1970s. The show had an extremely large budget for a television series.
Action & Adventure
The Name of the Game

The Name of the Game

Mar 19, 1971
The Name of the Game is an American television series starring Tony Franciosa, Gene Barry, and Robert Stack that ran from 1968 to 1971 on NBC, totaling 76 episodes of 90 minutes. It was a pioneering wheel series, setting the stage for The Bold Ones and the NBC Mystery Movie in the 1970s. The show had an extremely large budget for a television series.
Action & Adventure
Alfred Hitchcock présente
Immortalisée par la silhouette d'Alfred Hitchcock apparaissant sur l'écran au son de la Marche funèbre d'une marionnette de Charles Gounod, cette série est en fait une anthologie de petites histoires noires, à la chute souvent inattendue. Au début de chaque épisode et avant d'en faire la présentation, toujours teintée d'humour noir, Alfred Hitchcock saluait les téléspectateurs d'un sévère « Bonsoir ». Il revenait en épilogue pour exposer sa morale de l'histoire. (source : Wikipédia)


May 11, 1983
Médecin légiste, Quincy, aidé de son assistant Sam Fujiyama, est passionné par son travail. Il arrive souvent à une autre conclusion de la police.


Jun 26, 1958
Climax! is an American anthology series that aired on CBS from 1954 to 1958. The series was hosted by William Lundigan and later co-hosted by Mary Costa. It was one of the few CBS programs of that era to be broadcast in color. Many of the episodes were performed and broadcast live.


Jan 12, 1973
The adventures of 1930's Los Angeles private eye Miles Banyon.
Barnaby Jones

Barnaby Jones

Apr 03, 1980
Barnaby Jones is a television detective series starring Buddy Ebsen and Lee Meriwether as father- and daughter-in-law who run a private detective firm in Los Angeles. The show ran on CBS from January 28, 1973 to April 3, 1980, beginning as a midseason replacement. William Conrad guest starred as Frank Cannon of Cannon on the first episode of Barnaby Jones, "Requiem for a Son" and the two series had a two-part crossover episode in 1975, "The Deadly Conspiracy".
The Doris Day Show

The Doris Day Show

Mar 12, 1973
The Doris Day Show is an American sitcom that was originally broadcast on the CBS network from September 1968 until March 1973, remaining on the air for five seasons and 128 episodes. In addition to showcasing Doris Day, the show is remembered for its many abrupt format changes over the course of its five-year run. It is also remembered for Day's statement, in her autobiography Doris Day: Her Own Story, that her husband Martin Melcher had signed her to do the TV series without her knowledge, a fact she only discovered when Melcher died of heart disease on April 20, 1968. The TV show premiered on Tuesday, September 24, 1968.
Love, American Style

Love, American Style

Jan 11, 1974
An anthology comedy series featuring a line up of different celebrity guest stars appearing in anywhere from one, two, three, and four short stories or vignettes within an hour about versions of love and romance.
Shirley Temple's Storybook
Shirley Temple's Storybook is an American children's anthology series hosted and narrated by actress Shirley Temple. The series features adaptations of fairy tales like Mother Goose and other family-oriented stories performed by well-known actors, although one episode, an adaptation of The House of the Seven Gables, was meant for older youngsters. Temple's three children made their acting debuts in the last episode of the first season, "Mother Goose".