John Strickland

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Occupying Ed

Occupying Ed

Sep 29, 2014
Ed learns, after a series of blackouts, that he has split personality disorder - and that his alternate personality thinks she's a woman.
G:MT Greenwich Mean Time
Six London school-leavers attempt to make it in the world, balancing the challenge of trying to make a name for themselves in the music industry against the pressures and tragedies of everyday life.
A for Andromeda

A for Andromeda

Mar 26, 2006
A for Andromeda is a remake of the 1961 BBC science fiction classic A for Andromeda. In the Yorkshire Dales, a group of scientists receive radio signals from the Andromeda Galaxy. Once decoded, these give them a computer program that can design a human clone. One physicist decides it is a Trojan horse and decides to destroy the computer.
Science Fiction
Diana : À la recherche de la vérité
A for Andromeda is a remake of the 1961 BBC science fiction classic A for Andromeda. In the Yorkshire Dales, a group of scientists receive radio signals from the Andromeda Galaxy. Once decoded, these give them a computer program that can design a human clone. One physicist decides it is a Trojan horse and decides to destroy the computer.
TV Movie


Jan 18, 1990
When June receives a cassette from her wartime GI lover it stirs up memories and feelings that she's been trying to suppress for 40 years. 'You made me feel I was in the movies, how was I supposed to get back to normal life after that?'


Dec 19, 1994
Stephen Milner is a solicitor, but he fits uneasily into the world of Lewis Strange and Partners, who are an upmarket firm of solicitors. The film follows Milner's fraught relationship with a lucrative client, Ron Jesson. When one of his offices goes up in flames, the press are convinced that Ron arranged the fire for insurance purposes. Milner also has to cope with an estranged wife, batty mother and debt ridden younger brother.
TV Movie
The Planman

The Planman

Mar 31, 2003
A lawyer finds himself increasingly frustrated by the professional criminals he is called upon to defend, and hooks upon the idea of devising perfect crimes.
The Firm

The Firm

Feb 26, 1989
A lawyer finds himself increasingly frustrated by the professional criminals he is called upon to defend, and hooks upon the idea of devising perfect crimes.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Dec 21, 1994
Detective Superintendent Tony Clark is an ambitious member of the Complaints Investigation Bureau, an internal organisation that investigates claims of corruption inside the police in England and Wales. Along the way Clark overcomes strong influence from his superiors and problems in his private life, most notably the break-up of his marriage following an affair with WPC Jenny Dean.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Oct 03, 2007
À la suite de l'assassinat de sa petite-fille, Thomas Murphy (James Nesbitt) est un flic complètement dépressif. Ses supérieurs lui donnent la possibilité de sauver sa carrière, malgré une évaluation psychiatrique négative, en lui proposant d'infiltrer un gang. Mais cette mission n'est pas sans danger...
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Oct 06, 2009
John Mercer est un ancien soldat des forces spéciales anglaises qui après avoir tué son oncle et sa tante, accusés de mauvais traitements sur sa nièce, est en prison. Mais il est recruté par le gouvernement comme assassin pour éliminer des personnes que la loi est incapable d'appréhender.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Dec 18, 2008
Apparitions is a BBC drama about Father Jacob Myers, a priest of the Roman Catholic Church, played by Martin Shaw, who examines evidence of miracles to be used in canonisation but also performs exorcisms. As he learns, Jacob's duties run deeper than just sending demons back to Hell; he later must prevent them all from escaping. Unlike most portrayals of exorcism and spirit possession in fiction, Apparitions is more religiously accurate and fact-based, incorporating the nature of demonic possession as described by the Church. It also recounts historical events associated with Christianity and other Abrahamic religions, which may have been caused by Heaven or Hell, indicating that the War described in the Bible may not have fully concluded. The series is written by Joe Ahearne.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Aug 12, 2009
The title character, Teddy Rist (portrayed by James Purefoy), is a billionaire playboy haunted by the death of his only child. His life changes when he rescues a young boy during a hurricane in Nigeria. As a result, Rist begins using his fortune to personally change the lives of others.[4] The Philanthropist is based loosely on the life of Bobby Sager.[5] The Philanthropist is an American action drama series that premiered on NBC on Wednesday, June 24, 2009. The program was a limited summer series, principally filmed in South Africa. It opened to strong ratings, but saw a drop in viewers in subsequent weeks. The Philanthropist is a Carnival Films production in association with The Levinson/Fontana Company and Original Media. Tom Fontana, Barry Levinson, Peter Horton, Charlie Corwin, Gareth Neame, and Teri Weinberg served as executive producers.
Action & Adventure
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Feb 17, 2012
À sa sortie de prison, Mickey Stone réunit une équipe d'arnaqueurs de choc : la séduisante Stacie, Albert, qui excelle dans le maniement des cartes, Ash, le spécialiste de l'arnaque, et Danny, le génie du groupe. Ensemble, ils échafaudent les plans les plus diaboliques pour dépouiller leurs victimes. Et pour justifier leurs actes, ils ont pour règle d'or de ne jamais s'attaquer aux gens honnêtes !
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Aug 31, 2010
The daily lives of the men and women at Sun Hill Police Station as they fight crime on the streets of London. From bomb threats to armed robbery and drug raids to the routine demands of policing this ground-breaking series focuses as much on crime as it does on the personal lives of its characters.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Mar 20, 2011
Bill Henrickson, mormon, est un homme heureux : il vit avec 3 femmes, 3 maisons, 3 familles et 7 enfants ! Et tout ce petit monde vit sous le même toit. Mais la vie d'un polygame n'est pas rose tous les jours...
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Nov 20, 2005
Bodies is an award-winning British television medical drama produced by Hat Trick Productions for the BBC. Created by Jed Mercurio, the series began in 2004 and is based on his book Bodies. In December 2009, The Times ranked Bodies in 9th place in its list of "Shows of the Decade". The Guardian has ranked the series among "The Greatest Television Dramas of All-Time".
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Apr 06, 2003
How much do you know about the person working next to you? From the outside, life at Mackintosh Textiles appears to run smoothly, but in a community with so many secrets to hide, things are far from straightforward. In six powerful, self-contained dramas, everyday life is fractured by tumultuous marriages, snatched passions, disappearing husbands and gang harassment.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Dec 01, 1992
Boon is a British television drama and modern-day western series starring Michael Elphick, David Daker, and later Neil Morrissey. It was created by Jim Hill and Bill Stair and filmed by Central Television for ITV. It revolved around the life of a modern-day Lone Ranger and ex-firefighter, Ken Boon.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Oct 22, 2006
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes de l'inspecteur principal Jane Tennison qui doit se battre au quotidien pour s'imposer et se faire respecter dans un milieu essentiellement masculin.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Feb 13, 2003
In a busy corporate law firm, Cooper-Fozard in the City of London, Stephen Bradley and his team work fast and furiously to put together mergers, takeovers and buyouts for a range of clients. But it's never as clear and clinical as that. When colleagues work hard they often play hard too; and working closely sometimes brings people together after hours. Soon you develop a taste for a good deal, and you can sense a suspicious one at forty paces. And above all, though you don't have to like the people you work with, you learn that you do need to trust them.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Jul 11, 2012
Welcome to Bedlam Heights. Converted from an imposing former lunatic asylum, this apartment building offers the ultimate in stylish 21st century urban living. But little do its new residents suspect that behind the luxury fittings lay unimaginable horrors.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Jan 28, 2001
The move towards independence in Ireland, from the 1916 Easter Rising until the 1922 civil war is seen through the eyes of a naive idealistic young man
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Jul 13, 2012
Charlie Zailer et Simon Waterhouse s'affairent à résoudre des enquêtes criminelles basées sur les romans de Sophie Hannah.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Oct 09, 2013
Londres, dans le quartier de Whitechapel, un meurtrier écume les rues à la recherche de femmes vulnérables que la police retrouve atrocement mutilées. Les crimes se multiplient. Bien que cela y ressemble fortement, nous ne sommes pas au XIXe siècle sur les traces de Jack l’Éventreur mais bien de nos jours, où un cinglé a décidé de recréer à l’identique les meurtres du mythique monstre de Londres.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Apr 18, 1993
De Montmartre à la campagne française, Maigret rencontre le côté obscur de la psyché humaine. Pourtant, il parvient à maintenir à la fois la compassion et le sens de l'humour alors qu'il explore les motifs complexes de chaque crime.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Dec 21, 2016
Based on the true story of Lanarkshire detective William Muncie’s quest to bring to justice notorious Scottish killer Peter Manuel.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Sep 08, 1994
Michael Gambon stars in this high-tension thriller of political corruption and international intrigue. Peter Moreton, a high-ranking government official, scrambles to keep his secret lifestyle hidden from the world when his daughter purposely leaks his affair to a reporter she is dating. Nick Simon is the reporter caught between his love for Moreton’s daughter Polly and his desperation to keep his job and land the biggest story of his career.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Apr 14, 2014
Mini série en deux parties qui suit Jane Fielding, une femme qui pense avoir reconnu le meurtrier de sa mère 23 ans après l'événement. Alors que celle-ci est mariée à Rob et a une fille, ce meurtre la hante toujours. Elle est en effet la seule témoin du meurtre et sait que l'assassin court toujours. C'est quand elle se rend à l'hôpital pour une visite de routine qu'elle se retrouve nez à nez avec celui qu'elle pense être l'auteur du meurtre de sa mère, un chirurgien père de famille, bien sous tout rapport.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Nov 05, 1998
Undercover Heart is a 1998 BBC 1 drama series about an undercover vice squad detective, Tom Howarth (Steven Mackintosh), who goes missing while investigating the murder of a prostitute. His wife Lois (Daniela Nardini), and his best friend Matt (Lennie James), who are also detectives, set out to search for him, but end up falling in love with one another.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Sep 23, 2018
Après avoir fait échouer un attentat, un ancien militaire se voit assigner la protection d'une femme politique partisane d'un conflit qu'il ne connaît que trop bien.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

May 26, 2022
Hôtesse de l'air, Cassandra se réveille un matin avec la gueule de bois dans une chambre d'hôtel à Bangkok, un corps mort à côté du sien. De peur d'être accusée de meurtre, elle n'appelle pas la police et tente de continuer sa vie comme si de rien n'était. Mais à peine de retour à New York, le FBI vient à sa rencontre pour l'interroger. Incapable de se souvenir de ce qui s'est vraiment passé, elle commence à se demander si elle n'a pas tué cet homme...
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Jan 02, 2025
Quand la Kinloch Bravo n’a plus de moyens de communiquer avec le continent en Ecosse, à cause d’un mystérieux brouillard, l’équipage se bat pour trouver un moyen de rentrer chez lui tout en gérant les tensions croissantes. Alors que la menace se révèle être quelque chose qui dépasse son imagination, l'équipage divisé doit former une alliance pour assurer sa survie.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Jan 02, 2025
Quand la Kinloch Bravo n’a plus de moyens de communiquer avec le continent en Ecosse, à cause d’un mystérieux brouillard, l’équipage se bat pour trouver un moyen de rentrer chez lui tout en gérant les tensions croissantes. Alors que la menace se révèle être quelque chose qui dépasse son imagination, l'équipage divisé doit former une alliance pour assurer sa survie.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

May 02, 2021
Steve Arnott est chargé d'enquêter sur la mort d'un policier, tué par erreur par l'un de ses collègues lors d'une opération terroriste...Il est alors transféré dans la brigade AC12 dirigée par Ted Hastings. Cette unité s'occupe des affaires de corruption qui affectent l'image de la police auprès des concitoyens. L'inspecteur en chef Tony Gates, récemment gratifié d'une récompense annuelle, entre alors dans le collimateur des agents de l'unité spéciale...
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Nov 13, 2013
Hercule Poirot, policier belge retraité, à la moustache parfaite dont il est si fier. Il s'est exilé en Angleterre suite aux ravages de la Première Guerre mondiale. Désormais, il vit à Londres et exerce en tant que détective privé. Sa réputation d'enquêteur hors pair est internationale et de nombreuses personnes font appel à lui pour percer des mystères que la police ne pourra pas résoudre ou n'a pas su résoudre.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Dec 29, 2013
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes de la détective amateur Miss Marple, vivant dans le petit village de St. Mary Mead.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Mar 16, 1990
Campion is a television show made by the BBC, adapting the Albert Campion mystery novels written by Margery Allingham. Two series were made, in 1989 and 1990, starring Peter Davison as Campion, Brian Glover as his manservant Magersfontein Lugg and Andrew Burt as his policeman friend Stanislaus Oates. A total of eight novels were adapted, four in each series, each of which was originally broadcast as two separate hour-long episodes. Peter Davison sang the title music for the first series himself; in the second series, it was replaced with an instrumental version.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Apr 30, 2001
A serial bigamist, Julie Harding (Michelle Collins) is a compulsive flirt with a wicked sense of humour. She loves a good wedding - especially her own - but Julie is a perfectionist, and the reality of married life doesn't always mirror the magic of the big day.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Jun 22, 1997
Sold a small plot of land for a tiny outlay, Cockney widow Chloe Marsh and her two daughters flee the slums of post-war London for a better life in the country. But rural life in 1922 is hard. Chloe and her fellow pioneers have no mains water, no gas, no electricity, and no jobs. Forced to live in tents until they can afford a shack, they carve a community out of the hostile countryside.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Dec 21, 2016
Based on the true story of Lanarkshire detective William Muncie’s quest to bring to justice notorious Scottish killer Peter Manuel.