Heinz Petters

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Erbsen auf halb 6

Erbsen auf halb 6

Mar 04, 2004
It all starts with a bang. The car breaks through the crash barrier and falls off the bridge. The lights go out. After that, he is not able to see anymore. His optic nerve is severed, from now on the young stage-director Jakob is blind. His life will change and nothing will ever be the same. Jakob cannot handle the idea of never being able to see again and screams at the only woman who is able and willing to help him, Lily. A rehabilitation teacher, she helps the blind deal with the darkness. Lily has been living with it since birth, she too is blind.
Mein Freund, der Lipizzaner
Horse lover Paul Scheibner has dedicated himself to an unprofitable art: The young man wants to become a rider at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna. When his uncomprehending girlfriend Regina leaves him for a nouveau riche hotelier's son, he finds solace with the animal-loving stud secretary Julia. But then his beloved stallion “Maestoso” suddenly falls ill and is to be sold.
Der Bockerer II - Österreich ist frei
Vienna, 1947. Bockerer and his wife Binerl have survived the war, though his butcher's shop was destroyed by bombs. Karl Bockerer opens up a new establishment in the center of the city. Post-war Vienna is divided into four zones in which the Allies run things and ensure that law and order prevails. This is the story of two lovers: Gustl, just returned form a POW camp, and the Russian interpreter Elena. Bockerer becomes the patron of their love. Elena's father was executed by Stalin, and the only way she can escape a similar fate is to marry an Austrian. Bockerer "buys" a husband for Elena and, full of tricks as ever, he succeeds in pulling the wool over the Russian occupier's eyes.
Ein fast perfekter Seitensprung
It all starts when she runs away from the altar in a church in Hamburg. Easygoing Henny Schönberg has qualms about marrying in the very last second and runs off to leave her stunned would-be husband Martin von Platt. Still dressed in her wedding gown, she takes the next best flight, not caring about its destination.
Eine fast perfekte Hochzeit
After Henny's father loses his job at her ex-fiancee's shipyard because of Henny's affair with Sigi, he begins to panic about how to make a living and tries to find new quarters. His sister, Henny's aunt Marlene, suffers as a result of his chaotic efforts. The path to his new life requires that Henny get married, as the aunt is a strict puritan. But whoever knows Henny can be sure that things will take a few unexpected turns...


Jan 01, 1976
The twelve year old Ivo has been living in Vienna with his family for three years. His father and brothers work at construction sites. Their Austrian neighbors despise the Yugoslav guest workers. Because the mother has to look after the sick grandmother at home in Croatia, Ivo runs the male household in Vienna alone. Solitude and insults from the locals make the child unhappy. And so Ivo decides on a rainy winter's day to return to his home village on his own.
Der Bockerer IV - Prager Frühling
In the year 1968, the “Bockerer” has decided, after many attempts, to marry his long-time widowed housekeeper, Anna. Gustl, whom he as taken in like a son after the war, will open a butchery in the Czech small town Kostelec and invites the Bockerers to spend their wedding journey with him and his Elena. The “Prague Spring”, of which everywhere is talked so much about, promises a nice honeymoon, and their friend Hatzinger is taken along on the journey as well. Soon after their arrival, the Bockerer has to realize that “Communism with a human face” is still an idle wish.
Zwei unter einem Dach

Zwei unter einem Dach

Feb 02, 2001
Small war among pensioners: The charming chaotic Walter Hofer and the pedant Eberhard Gatzweiler have had a love-hate relationship for decades. Not even their grandson Martin can change that. During the lovable tug-of-war for the favor of Martin's attractive teacher Hanna, the waves get even higher, but Hanna has completely different worries.


Jan 01, 1982
A misunderstood youth is incorrectly placed in a mental hospital.
Der letzte Werkelmann

Der letzte Werkelmann

Jan 24, 1973
Vienna, a few days before the shots in Sarajevo which would trigger what was first called the Great, later simply the First World War: Job seekers from the crown lands flock to the capital of the empire in search of a better life, even if it's the factory hell . A new social class is growing faster and faster, the city overflows with the poor, lower-class workers and the unemployed. Labor fighters can be heard louder, better, clearer, every day. The nobility strongly suspects its end.
Der richtige Mann

Der richtige Mann

Jan 01, 1982
Karl Hirnschall is in his thirties and is a member of a Viennese avant-garde theatre group in the early seventies. When he is finally fed up with acting for low fees, he goes back to his former life. He becomes the "right man" for a grocery firm whose products he sells with great success. The neo-salesman manages to acquire a furnished appartment for himself and his young girlfriend, Traude. When his income does not keep pace with his expenditures, Karl resorts to shady business deals.
Der Bockerer III - Die Brücke von Andau
Vienna, 1956. Viennese butcher Karl Bockerer goes to Hungary to buy meat. Along with his foster son and grandchild, he is caught up in the turmoil of the Hungarian revolt against the Soviet occupiers. With some luck and a great deal of cunning, Bockerer and his family manage to escape, but the Austrian border is closed - except for the bridge to Andau...
Rex, Chien flic

Rex, Chien flic

Oct 19, 2004
Rex ou Rex, chien flic ou Rex, Unité Spéciale (Kommissar Rex puis Il Commissario Rex) est une série télévisée germano-autrichienne puis italienne en 215 épisodes de 45 minutes, créée par Peter Hajek et Peter Moser et diffusée à partir du 10 novembre 1994 sur les réseaux allemand Sat.1, autrichien ORF et du 29 janvier 2008 sur la chaîne italienne Rai 2. La série débute après l'attentat perpétré contre un agent du KGB, une fusillade éclate entre la police et le criminel. Un des policiers, Michael, est tué mais son chien Rex est sauf. Rex déprime sans son maître et refuse de s'alimenter au chenil, il s'échappe pour aller sur la tombe de Michael. Un certain Richard Moser, nouveau à la Police Criminelle, qui enquête sur l'affaire le rencontre et il décide de le garder... .. Au fil des épisodes, Rex met en scène une unité de police criminelle à Vienne puis Rome et notamment le duo infaillible d'un inspecteur et de son berger allemand, Rex. Il y a eu différents inspecteurs (et maîtres de Rex en l'occurrence) sur 18 saisons (1994-2015) : Richard Moser (saisons 1 à 4, 1994-1998), Alexander Brandtner (saisons 4 à 7, 1998-2001), Mark Hoffmann (saisons 8 à 10, 2002-2004), Lorenzo Fabbri (saison 11 à 14, 2008-2011), Davide Rivera (saison 14 à 15, 2012-2013) et Marco Terzani (saison 16 à 18 2013-2015)
Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk
Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk is an Austrian television series. Schwejk is a bumbling fool (he claims to have been discharged from the army on the grounds of being a certified idiot) but manages to outwit his superiors and his arch nemesis, the secret policeman "Bretschneider" with hilarious results. Set during the first world war, it follow Schwejks adventures as a recruit in the Austro-Hungarian army.


Nov 02, 2008
Trautmann is an Austrian television series.
Peter Strohm

Peter Strohm

Apr 02, 1996
Peter Strohm est détective privé aux méthodes radicales. Son travail commence là où finit celui de la police ; il récupère les cas délicats qui réclament une certaine envergure ou les situations explosives pouvant déboucher sur des crises internationales.
Sur les lieux du crime
La série des Tatort, créé en 1970, est la plus ancienne et la plus appréciée des séries télévisées policières diffusées actuellement dans les pays germanophones. Au cours de l'année 2010, elle a été regardée chaque semaine par près de 8,5 millions de personnes en moyenne, d'après l'ARD.
Sur les lieux du crime
La série des Tatort, créé en 1970, est la plus ancienne et la plus appréciée des séries télévisées policières diffusées actuellement dans les pays germanophones. Au cours de l'année 2010, elle a été regardée chaque semaine par près de 8,5 millions de personnes en moyenne, d'après l'ARD.