Carine Crutzen

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Nov 26, 1998
Pupil Abel is the victim of Laura's nasty prank, yet gets accidentally blamed and overreacts. His ma withdraws him from school and gets him a job as lift-boy. But its' a special lift: when he pushes the forbidden green button, it takes him, Laura, Jozias Tump and Maria Klaterhoen to Manhattan. There he's mistaken by a rich bitch who looks like his mother for her long missing son Johnny. When a police helicopter comes to tow the lift cabin, the Dutchmen get back in. It takes them to a Latin American country, Perugona. The new revolutionary leader realizes presidents live about one year, so he gives the job to Mr. Tump, who saved his life. The news coverage attracts Abel's and Johnny's family, in time for an even weirder finale.


Sep 18, 2003
Lorsque le mari de Ruth meurt à New York, en 2000, elle impose un deuil juif strict, ce qui intrigue ses enfants. Un étranger vient à la maison - le cousin de Ruth - avec une photo de Ruth, 8 ans, à Berlin, avec une femme qui, selon le cousin, a aidé Ruth à s'échapper. Hannah, la fille de Ruth fiancée à un gentil, se rend à Berlin pour retrouver la femme, Lena Fisher, aujourd'hui âgée de 90 ans. Se faisant passer pour une journaliste enquêtant sur les mariages mixtes, Hannah interviewe Lena qui raconte l'histoire d'une semaine en 1943 où les maris juifs de femmes aryennes étaient détenu dans un immeuble de la Rosenstrasse. Les femmes se rassemblent quotidiennement pour parler de leurs maris. Le film va et vient pour raconter l'histoire de Ruth et Lena. Comment cela affectera-t-il Hannah ?


Oct 28, 2010
One hour before the State Opening of Parliament, something very unusual happens. The Prime Minister appears and demands an adjustment to the Queen's speech. The speech concerns aid to Africa. Even with all the pressure around the State Opening, Beatrix goes back in time, and remembers her banishment to Canada, the visit to the victims of the Flood disaster and the turbulence suffered by her parents at Palace Soestdijk during the Hofman case.
The Pool

The Pool

May 01, 2014
Lennaert et son vieil ami Rob emmènent leurs familles faire du camping dans les bois. Ils plantent leurs tentes dans un endroit isolé, aux bords d’un étang. À la nuit tombée, Jan, le fils de Lennaert, est réveillé par la voix d’une jeune femme l’invitant à venir nager avec elle. Est-ce bien Emilie, la jeune et jolie fille de Rob, qui appelle Jan, ou bien quelque chose d’autre ?
De Avondboot

De Avondboot

Feb 05, 2007
A group of holidaymakers descends on the West Frision Island Vlieland, where each of them is confronted with relational problems. Loneliness, surfacing secrets or a crisis; everyone gets their share.


Mar 23, 2013
In southwest Turkey, a Dutch woman helps save the lives of illegal immigrants but is forced to confront the unattended needs of those who love her.
Mike dans tous ses états
Après plusieurs mois passés à l'hôpital, où il a été soigné d'une leucémie, Mike, un garçon de dix ans courageux et futé, est guéri et peut enfin rentrer chez lui. Sa grande joie se transforme en grosse déception lorsque sa mère, qui a plongé dans l'alcoolisme, ne vient pas le chercher le jour de sa sortie. Prévenus par une infirmière, les services sociaux décident de placer le garçon dans une famille d'accueil. Il déploye des trésors d'imagination pour retourner vivre auprès de sa mère.
De Zaak Menten

De Zaak Menten

Nov 04, 2016
The mini-series is based on the true story of journalist Hans Knoop, who attempts to find the truth behind the then not yet prosecuted war criminal Pieter Menten. In the seventies, the case caused uproar in the media and in the political landscape in The Netherlands.


Sep 05, 2001
Frisian-spoken costume drama about the turbulent marriage between a writer and a socialist politician.
De ziener

De ziener

Oct 16, 1998
Pieter Le Roy is in his thirties and still lives with his old mother. He doesn't work and kills time spying on his fellow man - actually, he's spying on them; he comes to a head when he is caught by a making out couple in the park as a voyeur. His life as a peeping Tom gets in more trouble when teacher Rappange comes to live with them.


Apr 11, 2024
Lorsque le pays voisin Veragua attaque soudainement Curaçao et Aruba, le gouvernement néerlandais est complètement pris par surprise. Le conflit s'intensifie rapidement. Trois jeunes recrues de la marine doivent comprendre quelle est la bonne chose à faire.
A Table for Two

A Table for Two

Sep 26, 2024
53-year-old Barbara is on holiday in Ibiza when she is unexpectedly confronted with a world that is not designed for singles, making her feel personally and financially disadvantaged by her environment. What should have been a relaxing holiday quickly turns into a week of Barbara struggling to be happily alone.
Wij Alexander

Wij Alexander

Nov 28, 1998
Who is Patient Number 4, and what does he have to do with the Van Oranje-Nassau's, the Dutch royal family?
The Body Collector

The Body Collector

Dec 07, 2016
En 1976, à Amsterdam, le journaliste Hans Knoop se lance dans une enquête acharnée afin de dévoiler le passé sombre du multimillionnaire et collectionneur d’art Pieter Menten. Ce dernier serait responsable de plusieurs massacres de masse en Pologne pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale...


Dec 17, 2017
Lured by a world where money buys everything, a star footballer falls into the world of corruption and match fixing.
Project Orpheus

Project Orpheus

May 29, 2016
A group of five top medicine students is admitted to a prestigious program. They'll be working for a renowned professor who turns out to have a secret agenda. The students soon discover a extremely dangerous experiment called Project Orpheus


Apr 18, 2009
Dutch psychological thriller. The story is set in the fictional North Holland (Netherlands) resort of Boedzand. It is April 28. The Aslan family is busy preparing a large party at the Lido, the beach pavilion that they operate. Father Osman is celebrating his 50th birthday. During the evening party, daughter Yasmin disappears. Yasmin's disappearance and the question of where she is and what happened to her has been the common thread throughout the series. The village of Boedzand is completely upside down: all sorts of people are suspected of being involved, relationships are at stake and sooner or later the deepest secrets of the characters are revealed. What happened to Yasmin? Description above is a translated excerpt from Wikipedia (nl), the free encyclopedia, licensed by CC BY-SA. Contributors list on Wikipedia (nl) Vuurzee.