Sean Bichimer

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Spider-Man: Responsibility
Seven months after he was bitten by the spider, Peter Parker begins to learn what it’s like to be a hero. With the help of his friend, Eric Reilly, they attempt to apprehend The Shocker, who wreaks havoc in NYC, all while trying to figure out who’s behind all the chaos.
Spider-Man: Dead No More
Peter Parker is pulled into a million directions as he must find out who's behind framing him for murder, all while Scarlet Spider's big secret begins to slowly drift them apart.
Kaine Parker: The Scarlet Spider
Kaine Parker attempts to come to terms with the fact that he’s a clone of Peter Parker, and how the thought of not being human takes a toll on his psyche. Will Kaine be able to find his purpose before he’s brought in by The Man Without Fear - Daredevil?
Spider-Man: Responsibility
Seven months after he was bitten by the spider, Peter Parker begins to learn what it’s like to be a hero. With the help of his friend, Eric Reilly, they attempt to apprehend The Shocker, who wreaks havoc in NYC, all while trying to figure out who’s behind all the chaos.
Spider-Man: Responsibility
Seven months after he was bitten by the spider, Peter Parker begins to learn what it’s like to be a hero. With the help of his friend, Eric Reilly, they attempt to apprehend The Shocker, who wreaks havoc in NYC, all while trying to figure out who’s behind all the chaos.
Spider-Man: Responsibility
Seven months after he was bitten by the spider, Peter Parker begins to learn what it’s like to be a hero. With the help of his friend, Eric Reilly, they attempt to apprehend The Shocker, who wreaks havoc in NYC, all while trying to figure out who’s behind all the chaos.
Superior Spider-Man: Log Date One
Spider-Man is dead....all hail the new Spider-Man. After completing his life long quest to defeat Spider-Man Otto Octavius learns that victory isn't everything he thought it would be, Follow Otto on his journey of self reflection and insight as he ponders his new world and the feelings that come with it. This is only the start of Otto's new path, so strap in a prepare for...." Log Date 1"
Spider-Man: Dead No More
Peter Parker is pulled into a million directions as he must find out who's behind framing him for murder, all while Scarlet Spider's big secret begins to slowly drift them apart.
Spider-Man: Dead No More
Peter Parker is pulled into a million directions as he must find out who's behind framing him for murder, all while Scarlet Spider's big secret begins to slowly drift them apart.
Spider-Man: Dead No More
Peter Parker is pulled into a million directions as he must find out who's behind framing him for murder, all while Scarlet Spider's big secret begins to slowly drift them apart.
Spider-Man: Dead No More
Peter Parker is pulled into a million directions as he must find out who's behind framing him for murder, all while Scarlet Spider's big secret begins to slowly drift them apart.
Spider-Man: Dead No More
Peter Parker is pulled into a million directions as he must find out who's behind framing him for murder, all while Scarlet Spider's big secret begins to slowly drift them apart.
Spider-Man: Dead No More
Peter Parker is pulled into a million directions as he must find out who's behind framing him for murder, all while Scarlet Spider's big secret begins to slowly drift them apart.
Spider-Man: Dead No More
Peter Parker is pulled into a million directions as he must find out who's behind framing him for murder, all while Scarlet Spider's big secret begins to slowly drift them apart.
Spider-Man: Dead No More
Peter Parker is pulled into a million directions as he must find out who's behind framing him for murder, all while Scarlet Spider's big secret begins to slowly drift them apart.
Spider-Man: Dead No More
Peter Parker is pulled into a million directions as he must find out who's behind framing him for murder, all while Scarlet Spider's big secret begins to slowly drift them apart.
Kaine Parker: The Scarlet Spider
Kaine Parker attempts to come to terms with the fact that he’s a clone of Peter Parker, and how the thought of not being human takes a toll on his psyche. Will Kaine be able to find his purpose before he’s brought in by The Man Without Fear - Daredevil?
Kaine Parker: The Scarlet Spider
Kaine Parker attempts to come to terms with the fact that he’s a clone of Peter Parker, and how the thought of not being human takes a toll on his psyche. Will Kaine be able to find his purpose before he’s brought in by The Man Without Fear - Daredevil?
Kaine Parker: The Scarlet Spider
Kaine Parker attempts to come to terms with the fact that he’s a clone of Peter Parker, and how the thought of not being human takes a toll on his psyche. Will Kaine be able to find his purpose before he’s brought in by The Man Without Fear - Daredevil?
Kaine Parker: The Scarlet Spider
Kaine Parker attempts to come to terms with the fact that he’s a clone of Peter Parker, and how the thought of not being human takes a toll on his psyche. Will Kaine be able to find his purpose before he’s brought in by The Man Without Fear - Daredevil?
Kaine Parker: The Scarlet Spider
Kaine Parker attempts to come to terms with the fact that he’s a clone of Peter Parker, and how the thought of not being human takes a toll on his psyche. Will Kaine be able to find his purpose before he’s brought in by The Man Without Fear - Daredevil?
Kaine Parker: The Scarlet Spider
Kaine Parker attempts to come to terms with the fact that he’s a clone of Peter Parker, and how the thought of not being human takes a toll on his psyche. Will Kaine be able to find his purpose before he’s brought in by The Man Without Fear - Daredevil?