Gaël Morel

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Les Roseaux sauvages

Les Roseaux sauvages

Jun 01, 1994
1962. La guerre d'Algérie touche à sa fin. Dans le Sud-Ouest de la France, le frère de Serge, soldat, fils de paysans italiens, épouse la première venue pour obtenir une semaine de permission. Le jeune marié songe à déserter et compte sur madame Alvarez, la mère de Maïté, professeur et militante communiste, pour l'aider. Mais il repart en Algérie et se fait tuer dans le djebel. Des lycéens du village sont témoins de ces événements tragiques. Henri, un jeune pied-noir, vient passer son bac en métropole. L'oreille collée à un transistor, il suit minute par minute le dénouement du conflit. Un soir, à l'internat, François, le petit ami de Maïté, découvre son homosexualité dans les bras de Serge...
Le chêne et le roseau
En 1962, dans le Sud-Ouest de la France, trois pensionnaires d'un internat connaissent leur premiers émois amoureux et s'affrontent sur le terrain idéologique. Leur rencontre avec Maîté, fille d'un enseignant communiste, se révèlera déterminante. Une version longue du téléfilm est sortie au cinéma sous le titre Les roseaux sauvages.


Aug 29, 2001
Trois personnages en perte de repères à Tanger. Serge, le chauffeur routier qui fait un trafic de drogue avec son camion, Sarah son amie qui ne parvient pas à choisir où elle veut vivre et Saïd un sans famille qui rêve de passer en Espagne.
Le Plus Bel Âge

Le Plus Bel Âge

Sep 13, 1995
Une jeune étudiante en khagne enquête sur le suicide d'une autre élève, survenu en pleine période de bizutage.


Aug 26, 1998
Trois détenus d'horizons sociaux différents se retrouvent dans la même cellule. Arnaud Grandjean, jeune étudiant issu d'un milieu aisé, va côtoyer durant six mois Francky, un braqueur condamné à dix ans de prison, et Kader, un délinquant multirécidiviste d'origine maghrébine, condamné à deux ans pour vol en flagrant délit. Pour ces trois hommes que seule la zonzon rapproche, la cohabitation va provoquer des confrontations indispensables pour comprendre ce qu'est la liberté.
L'enfant du paradis

L'enfant du paradis

Dec 06, 2023
Après une traversée du désert dans sa carrière de comédien, Yazid voit enfin se profiler le bout du tunnel. Sobre depuis six mois, il veut montrer à sa nouvelle fiancée et à Hassan, son fils de 16 ans, qu'il est maintenant un autre homme qui a repris goût à la vie. Mais en quelques jours, les vieux démons resurgissent et avec eux les souvenirs de son enfance en Algérie.
New Wave

New Wave

Sep 19, 2008
Une petite ville de province, au milieu des années 80. La vie d'Éric, collégien rêveur et solitaire, est chamboulée par l'arrivée d'un nouveau dans la classe : Romain, adolescent dissipé au style new wave très affirmé, qui va lui ouvrir les portes de son univers. Une amitié s'engage, jusqu'au jour où l'un reste pour que l'autre parte...
Catherine Deneuve, belle et bien là
Catherine Deneuve couldn’t care less about being a celebrity, but fame made her an icon long ago and she occupies a special place in our imagination. The star is not one to let others get too close, but when she gives you her confidence, she keeps her word. If Deneuve’s career covers a half-century of cinema, it also bears witness to the force of a generation that experienced the deepest transformation of mores. This portrait reflects her entirely. The story of a mystery and an adventure.
De la cage aux roseaux
A journey into contemporary French cinema through a series of exclusive interviews with the leading figures of GLBT French cinematography: André Téchiné, Catherine Corsini, Gaël Morel, Olivier Ducastel, Jacques Martineau and other old acquaintances of our film festival. This documentary offers an interesting insight into the official and non-official cinema from the point of view of gender identity. A look behind the scenes: discussing issues like censorship and self-censorship, women' cinema and misogyny, transvestism and homo-eroticism, cinema d'auteur and popular cinema (was the Nouvelle Vague homophobic?). From past to present, from Jacques Demy to François Ozon.
Premières neiges

Premières neiges

Oct 12, 1999
On Christmas Eve, Léa and Juliette, a couple, want to rob a supermarket that Juliette knows is empty of surveillance on this festive evening. But, as much for each of them as for Eric, the vigil who is there after all, nothing will happen as planned. Besides, shortly before leaving him alone, the store manager gave Eric a gun, just in case.
Premières neiges

Premières neiges

Oct 12, 1999
On Christmas Eve, Léa and Juliette, a couple, want to rob a supermarket that Juliette knows is empty of surveillance on this festive evening. But, as much for each of them as for Eric, the vigil who is there after all, nothing will happen as planned. Besides, shortly before leaving him alone, the store manager gave Eric a gun, just in case.
La vie à rebours

La vie à rebours

May 01, 1995
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
À toute vitesse

À toute vitesse

Sep 25, 1996
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
À toute vitesse

À toute vitesse

Sep 25, 1996
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
Le Clan

Le Clan

Jun 16, 2004
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
Le Clan

Le Clan

Jun 16, 2004
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
Après lui

Après lui

May 23, 2007
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
New Wave

New Wave

Sep 19, 2008
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
Notre Paradis

Notre Paradis

Sep 28, 2011
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
Notre Paradis

Notre Paradis

Sep 28, 2011
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
Vivre, mourir, renaître
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
Vivre, mourir, renaître
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
Constance aux enfers

Constance aux enfers

Feb 01, 2023
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
TV Movie
Les Chansons d'amour

Les Chansons d'amour

May 23, 2007
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
Les Chemins de l'oued

Les Chemins de l'oued

Mar 28, 2003
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
Les Chemins de l'oued

Les Chemins de l'oued

Mar 28, 2003
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
Constance aux enfers

Constance aux enfers

Feb 01, 2023
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
TV Movie
Prendre le large

Prendre le large

Nov 08, 2017
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
La vie à rebours

La vie à rebours

May 01, 1995
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
Après lui

Après lui

May 23, 2007
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
New Wave

New Wave

Sep 19, 2008
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...
Prendre le large

Prendre le large

Nov 08, 2017
A sunny winter morning... Two brothers on a countryside path, go intown, as usual... That day, the younger brother has a meeting with his criminal friends. Stéphane, his older brother, isn’t aware of it. Fate will reunite them one last time... but too late. Stéphane, bearer of a terrible secret, is in for a life of suffering...