Sam Strangis

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Un Américain à Paris
Installé à Paris, Jerry Mulligan, peintre américain, peine à vivre de son art. En voyant ses toiles exposées dans la rue, une milliardaire tombe amoureuse de lui et décide d'être son mécène. C'est alors qu'il rencontre Lisa, une jeune Française dont il s'éprend, sans savoir que celle-ci est déjà fiancée à Henri Baurel, l'un de ses amis...
He's Not Your Son

He's Not Your Son

Oct 03, 1984
Two couples face the possibility that their infant sons, both born on the same day, were inadvertently switched at the hospital, and a chain of revelations and decisions threatens both families.
The Immortal

The Immortal

Sep 30, 1969
A professional race-car driver discovers that there are certain properties in his blood that will make him, basically, immortal. A dying multi-millionaire also finds out about the racer's blood, and is determined to get it to keep himself alive. This pilot film preceded the later TV series.
Aloha Means Goodbye

Aloha Means Goodbye

Oct 11, 1974
A young woman who is battling a rare blood disease must also fight against a greedy doctor who needs a heart-transplant donor, and has her in mind.
The New Healers

The New Healers

Mar 27, 1972
The small town hospital staff is trying to gain the confidence of the local farmers and merchants.
The Rainbow Warrior

The Rainbow Warrior

Mar 28, 1997
Peter Wilcox, as skipper of the 'Rainbow Warrior', a Greenpeace ship, docks in Auckland, July 1985, preparing for a protest against French nuclear testing in the south pacific. When a bomb rips open the vessel, killing a crew member, he must convince the police superintendent that this is an act of terrorism. Determined not to allow outside forces to threaten their harbor, the police embark on a pursuit of the persons responsible. The events that follow nearly bring down an allied nation's government.
TV Movie
Stark: Mirror Image

Stark: Mirror Image

May 14, 1986
Sequel to the original movie about a hard-boiled Kansas City cop finds him tracking a colleague's killer to Las Vegas.
TV Movie


Oct 02, 1980
A series of freak accidents on the Los Angeles freeway traps a cast-load of familiar TV faces in an astounding traffic tie-up, with the entire system caught in a gridlock that John Beck, as a traffic expert, endeavors to unsnarl.
The Pigs vs. The Freaks
In a small town, the hippie faction often clashes with the mainstream. To settle their differences, the hippie "freaks" take on the town police "pigs" in a football game. On opposing sides of the fence are Frank, the police sergeant, and his son Neal. Also at odds are Neal and one time friend Doug, a returned Vietnam Vet who has joined the police force, who is also protective of his younger sister who prefers the hippie element. To make things even more intense, Mickey South, who has fled to Canada to avoid the war, returns to play for the Freaks football team. Tensions mount and all are challenged as the climax of the film approaches.
Batman '66 Meets the Green Hornet
The episodes "A Piece of the Action" and "Batman's Satisfaction" have been edited together, along with other scenes and period TV promos of the 1966 television show "Batman" and 1967's "The Green Hornet" for this interesting feature film.
Chut, chut, chère Charlotte
The episodes "A Piece of the Action" and "Batman's Satisfaction" have been edited together, along with other scenes and period TV promos of the 1966 television show "Batman" and 1967's "The Green Hornet" for this interesting feature film.
Assault on the Wayne

Assault on the Wayne

Jan 12, 1971
The U.S. submarine Anthony Wayne is underway for a top-secret mission. Onboard is a highly classified device that will give the Americans a decided nuclear advantage. The entire mission and the secret technology are threatened when the sub commander discovers his crew has been infiltrated by enemy agents. The commander is charged with trying to protect the device while ferreting out the enemy agents. Compounding matters is the state of the commander's physical and mental condition, which is being questioned by his crew.
Man from God's Country
Dan Beattie gives up his lawman job to move further west and rejoin his old war buddy Curt Warren in the town of Sundown. At first mistaken for a railroad agent by Beau Santee, a Sundown businessman who wants to keep the railroad away from his town, Dan is nearly killed by Santee's henchman, Mark Faber. Dan discovers that his old pal Curt works for Santee. Even after learning Dan's true identity, Santee considers him trouble and plots to get rid of him. With the help of Curt's son Stony, Dan tries to get Curt to take a stand on the right side of the law.

Feb 15, 2015

À Las Vegas, un groupe d'experts scientifiques de la police recueille des indices sur les scènes de crime pour résoudre des enquêtes complexes. Un temps conduite par Gil Grissom, un entomologiste qui garde toujours son sang-froid, l'équipe enchaîne les affaires délicates : meurtres sanglants, viols, disparitions, leur taux d'efficacité est impressionnant. D.B. Russell, qui prend la suite des opérations après le départ de Gil Grissom et l'intérim de Raymond Langston, tente de maintenir la réputation d'excellence du service.

Feb 15, 2015

À Las Vegas, un groupe d'experts scientifiques de la police recueille des indices sur les scènes de crime pour résoudre des enquêtes complexes. Un temps conduite par Gil Grissom, un entomologiste qui garde toujours son sang-froid, l'équipe enchaîne les affaires délicates : meurtres sanglants, viols, disparitions, leur taux d'efficacité est impressionnant. D.B. Russell, qui prend la suite des opérations après le départ de Gil Grissom et l'intérim de Raymond Langston, tente de maintenir la réputation d'excellence du service.

Apr 08, 2012

La police scientifique de Miami, le CSI, a fort à faire. Spécialisée dans les enquêtes criminelles ou les disparitions, ses membres sont tous d'éminents scientifiques qui s'appuient sur leurs connaissances en biologie, balistique, l'analyse des empreintes digitales ou encore des explosifs. Leur chef, Horatio Caine, une forte personnalité, est également spécialisé dans les affaires de déminage et d'incendies. Qu'il s'agisse du meurtre d'une famille entière, de la disparition d'étudiants ou de poseurs de bombes, l'équipe soudée travaille toujours d'arrache-pied.

Mar 14, 1968

Riche et puissant, Bruce Wayne enfile son costume et devient Batman, justicier de Gotham City. Aidé par le fidèle Robin, il aide la police à traquer les criminels et à défendre les innocents.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Mar 04, 1978

Search and Rescue is the title of a family-oriented adventure television series which was a co-production of the CTV television network in Canada and NBC in the United States during the 1977-1978 TV season. The program was aired in prime time in Canada and on Saturday mornings by NBC. It was later syndicated overseas. The American broadcasts of the series carried the modified title Search and Rescue: The Alpha Team. The series starred Michael J. Reynolds as Dr. Bob Donell, the leader of a unique rescue team that includes his two children Katy and Jim. What makes the team unique is that it conducts its rescues using a veritable zoo of specially trained animals. Each episode would see the Alpha Team utilizing specific animals to handle specific incidents, ranging from birds to dogs. A total of 26 episodes were produced, although the American broadcast of the series was cancelled after thirteen episodes.