Karin Hardt

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Menschen vom Varieté

Menschen vom Varieté

Apr 14, 1939
In a cosmopolitan city vaudeville theatre, meeting place of the most successful artistes, the art shooter gets in suspicion to have committed a murderous poster on his jealous partner. - Not particularly successful mixture of vaudeville theatre numbers, artiste's destiny and crime film tension, on an average produced and played. A production rotated in Budapest with the popular dancer La Jana.
Ville sans pitié

Ville sans pitié

Oct 10, 1961
Quatre soldats américains stationnés près allemande une mort face du village dans le viol d'une jeune fille locale et sont défendus par un avocat en dehors Major Steve Garrett.


Nov 16, 1955
German-made adaption of the famed Grimm Brothers fairy tale.
Die Umwege des schönen Karl
Karl Kramer is a waiter in a beach hotel on the Baltic Sea. But he has completely different plans in mind for the future. Before he marries Grete Wernicke, the daughter of the hotel manager, he wants to have enough money himself.
Via Mala

Via Mala

Apr 07, 1945
In a mountain village a deranged alcoholic who routinely beats his wife and kids goes missing. Though everyone in the village is glad to see him gone, an investigation begins.
Die Liebe und die erste Eisenbahn
'Love and the First Railway' is what this movie's title would mean in English. This is one of those films that depicts fictional characters participating in an historic incident. The actual first railway was built in England, of course. But according to this movie, the first railway (in Germany, at least) was built from Berlin to Potsdam, in 1838. I haven't the faintest idea if that's correct, but the people who made this movie do seem to take a great deal of interest in historical accuracy, so I'll take their word for it. Anyway, a title at the beginning establishes that this movie is set in 1838.
Der Dorfmonarch

Der Dorfmonarch

Feb 10, 1950
Alois Wimpflinger is the mayor of a village located in the Bavarian Alps. This grumpy but kind-hearted man is happily married to Wally and the happy father of Stefan, himself happily engaged to a charming village girl. All this sounds too idyllic to last and it doesn't! Put the blame on Christine, an unexpected visitor, who happens to be both a beautiful young woman and a talented dancer. All the men go off their heads and all the women lose their temper as soon as they see her. A cute pink little brassiere lost will be the final straw...
Sommer, Sonne, Erika

Sommer, Sonne, Erika

Dec 22, 1939
Actually, Erika and Werner wanted to take a pleasant boat trip on the Isar. But who would have thought what could happen during such a simple outing?! Werner Merk, who works as an engineer for a large car company in Munich, finds out, that the head of the firm, Director Feldmann, is spending his summer vacation at his house in the mountains. Werner up and decides to make his way their to introduce himself to Feldmann in a relaxed atmosphere.
Danke, es geht mir gut
Boys are usually busy playing "Indians", but when their uncle decides to rent part of their home to a Doctor Höflin, they took an oath to cast him out with a series of pranks.
Suchkind 312

Suchkind 312

Nov 10, 1955
Ursula Gothe is the mother of a son, husband Richard is to be promoted soon. Her orderly life in the pretty villa gets out of joint when Ursula discovers a girl's newspaper ad. Is "Suchkind 312" her illegitimate daughter Martina, whom she had lost while fleeing from the East?
Port Arthur

Port Arthur

Dec 07, 1936
Espionage, war and romance in the Far East in 1904: Russian naval officer Boris Ranewsky marries Youki, the sister of a fanatical Japanese officer, but war is imminent.
Schöner Gigolo, armer Gigolo
After World War I, a war hero returns to Berlin to find that there's no place for him--he has no skills other than what he learned in the army, and can only find menial, low-paying jobs. He decides to become a gigolo to lonely rich women.
Der Schluckauf

Der Schluckauf

Dec 24, 1981
Flo, a young woman from the province, moves to Berlin to become a photo model.


Mar 03, 1935
A young reckless womaniser is trapped one night at his club into a bet with a Mexican that he will win his wife before morning. There will be a duel in any case: if he loses his bet the Mexican will fire first.
Acht Mädels im Boot

Acht Mädels im Boot

Sep 21, 1932
Eight Girls concerns an all-female rowing team with its own club-house. One of the team announces she pregnant and finds herself torn between men (father and fiancé) who want the child aborted and the women who want her to keep it and bring it up at the club. The men win but it's the women you remember, especially the magnificent Hanna, team leader and determined adversary of the world of fathers.
Sur les lieux du crime
La série des Tatort, créé en 1970, est la plus ancienne et la plus appréciée des séries télévisées policières diffusées actuellement dans les pays germanophones. Au cours de l'année 2010, elle a été regardée chaque semaine par près de 8,5 millions de personnes en moyenne, d'après l'ARD.
Sur les lieux du crime
La série des Tatort, créé en 1970, est la plus ancienne et la plus appréciée des séries télévisées policières diffusées actuellement dans les pays germanophones. Au cours de l'année 2010, elle a été regardée chaque semaine par près de 8,5 millions de personnes en moyenne, d'après l'ARD.
La clinique de la Forêt-Noire
Cette série met en scène le quotidien de l'équipe médicale et des patients d'une clinique située dans la Forêt-Noire. La famille du Professeur Klaus Brinkmann règne en maître dans cette institution où se côtoient et s’emmêlent les histoires d’amour de l’équipe médicale et les angoisses des patients. Tout est aseptisé et respire le propre dans cette série allemande. Le personnel est agréable, la nature est verdoyante.
Liebling Kreuzberg

Liebling Kreuzberg

Mar 17, 1998
Liebling Kreuzberg was a television series on ARD, which was sent in five seasons with a total of 58 episodes the first time from 1986 to 1998. The scripts of seasons one through three and five were from Jurek, of his friend Manfred Krug wrote the role of idiosyncratic Berlin attorney Robert favorite on the body, the fourth season was written by Ulrich Plenzdorf. Director Heinz Schirk, Werner Masten led and Vera Loebner. Producing Series transmitters were the SFB, the NDR and WDR. The music of the first season was. Hans-Martin Majewski, in the later seasons of Klaus Doldinger.
Inspecteur Derrick

Inspecteur Derrick

Oct 16, 1998
Cette série policière met en scène les enquêtes de l'inspecteur Stefan Derrick et de son adjoint Harry Klein dans la ville de Munich. Divers types d'enquêtes y sont entrepris, notamment des cas de mort par assassinat ou encore de complot. Chaque épisode est construit sur un scénario qui s'intéresse à la psychologie des personnes appartenant à l'entourage de la victime. Très souvent, la réponse à l'intrigue posée par le scénario est obtenue à la fin de l'épisode. C'est donc à chaque fois un travail minutieux d'accumulation de déductions et d'étude approfondie de la psychologie des personnages qui est réalisé.
Inspecteur Derrick

Inspecteur Derrick

Oct 16, 1998
Cette série policière met en scène les enquêtes de l'inspecteur Stefan Derrick et de son adjoint Harry Klein dans la ville de Munich. Divers types d'enquêtes y sont entrepris, notamment des cas de mort par assassinat ou encore de complot. Chaque épisode est construit sur un scénario qui s'intéresse à la psychologie des personnes appartenant à l'entourage de la victime. Très souvent, la réponse à l'intrigue posée par le scénario est obtenue à la fin de l'épisode. C'est donc à chaque fois un travail minutieux d'accumulation de déductions et d'étude approfondie de la psychologie des personnages qui est réalisé.