"Behind the scenes or footage of the making of the MAN 11 JAKARTA school tour video. It includes stories about the recording process as well as impressions and messages regarding the making of the school tour video."
Hamzah, who is on a 5-day vacation, wants to share the story of his first journey abroad to Malaysia and Thailand. He aims to capture this crucial moment by creating a film about his experiences—the joys and struggles he encountered during his Malaysia-Thailand tour.
"Behind the scenes or footage of the making of the MAN 11 JAKARTA school tour video. It includes stories about the recording process as well as impressions and messages regarding the making of the school tour video."
Hamzah, who is on a 5-day vacation, wants to share the story of his first journey abroad to Malaysia and Thailand. He aims to capture this crucial moment by creating a film about his experiences—the joys and struggles he encountered during his Malaysia-Thailand tour.
Hamzah, who is on a 5-day vacation, wants to share the story of his first journey abroad to Malaysia and Thailand. He aims to capture this crucial moment by creating a film about his experiences—the joys and struggles he encountered during his Malaysia-Thailand tour.
Hamzah, who is on a 5-day vacation, wants to share the story of his first journey abroad to Malaysia and Thailand. He aims to capture this crucial moment by creating a film about his experiences—the joys and struggles he encountered during his Malaysia-Thailand tour.
Hamzah, who is on a 5-day vacation, wants to share the story of his first journey abroad to Malaysia and Thailand. He aims to capture this crucial moment by creating a film about his experiences—the joys and struggles he encountered during his Malaysia-Thailand tour.
Hamzah, who is on a 5-day vacation, wants to share the story of his first journey abroad to Malaysia and Thailand. He aims to capture this crucial moment by creating a film about his experiences—the joys and struggles he encountered during his Malaysia-Thailand tour.