Leonardo Ferrari

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Maserati: The Brothers
Retour sur l'origine de la marque de voitures italiennes de luxe, Maserati, fondée en 1914 à Bologne par trois frères : Alfieri, Ettore et Ernesto.
A Sudden Case of Christmas
An American couple bring their 10 year old daughter, Claire, to her grandfather Lawrence's hotel in The Dolomites, Italy. They usually come for Christmas but this year it’s August. The fact is they are breaking up, and once Claire realizes there’s not going to be a family Christmas this year, she insists on everyone making it out for Christmas in August. Claire, in collusion with her grandfather, plan activities that are designed to re-unite her parents.
U.S. Palmese

U.S. Palmese

Mar 20, 2025
In Palmi, a small town in Calabria, Don Vincenzo, a genial retired farmer, has a crazy idea to revive the local soccer team by organizing a bizarre fundraiser hiring the Italian major league Serie A, soccer player Etienne Morville, a bad-tempered guy but among the strongest in the world. Albeit unwillingly, Morville leaves Milan to move to Palmi and try to save his image. In the small town he will come up against a reality of sincerity, which will lead everyone on an unforgettable experience.
Death of the Ten Commandments
Several European underground directors turn the ancient rules of mankind inside out in this shocking and gore-soaked interpretation of God's laws for man from the Bible. The world is ending, and the 10 commandments are dying.
Those About to Die

Those About to Die

Jul 18, 2024
Rome, 79 ap. J.-C. La population, lasse, agitée et de plus en violente, reste au pas grâce à deux choses : nourriture et divertissement. Alors que les goûts en matière de jeux évoluent vers plus de violence et de sang, la ville a besoin d'un stade pour les combats de gladiateurs : le Colisée. Derrière la façade, des milliers de personnes travaillent, vivent, et mourront pour les jeux.
Volevo fare la rockstar
Olivia is a 27-year-old girl in an existential crisis who finds herself quickly becoming an adult and responsible to raise her twin girls alone and keep a slacker brother out of trouble. An accident opens her eyes to the fact that she has only one life and that, perhaps, it is worth trying to change it to realize some of the dreams that she has put aside.
Penny sur M.A.R.S.

Penny sur M.A.R.S.

Mar 09, 2020
Penny est la fille de Bakia, la pop star la plus célèbre du moment. Avec sa meilleure amie Camilla, elle décide de s'insricre à la M.A.R.S., la plus grande école de musique et d'arts. Elle y rencontrera de nouveaux amis, fera face à de nombreux défis et continuera de chercher le père qu'elle n'a jamais connu.